Das: 388 books

Book cover of Ekadashi: Collection of texts in 6 languages
by Abhay Charan das
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2017

This book is a collection of all Ekadashi Vrat Katha (Ekadashi Mahatmya) texts in 6 languages: English, Hindi, Russian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Hungarian.These texts were taken from "Ekadashi Reminder" application for Android © 2012-2016 Abhay Charan das.More details about Ekadashi:Ekadashi...
Book cover of Anatocismo nei mutui: Le Formule Segrete (Parte 2)
by Eng. Das Warhe
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 14, 2016

"Questo libro Verità" è il primo al mondo a fornire 3 dimostrazioni matematiche dell'operatività illegale delle Banche nei contratti dimutuo. Tutti i mutui,i leasing,i finanziamenti e anche le cartelle esattoriali in Italia sono illegali! Ecco svelate le formule segrete che lo...
Book cover of Anatocismo nei mutui: Le formule Segrete (Parte 1)
by Eng. Das Warhe
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 14, 2016

"Questo libro Verità" è il primo al mondo a fornire 3 dimostrazioni matematiche dell'operatività illegale delle Banche nei contratti dimutuo. Tutti i mutui,i leasing,i finanziamenti e anche le cartelle esattoriali in Italia sono illegali! Ecco svelate le formule segrete che lo...
Book cover of The Extra-Terrestrial Delivery
by Sudipta Das
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2016

In this third episode of the 'Planet Hoola' Science Fiction Romance series, author Sudipta Das traces the evolutionary path of the ascent of the alien Hoo race, on a far away planet. In this work, the author has wonderfully combined the entire spectrum, from Physics to Metaphysics, and merged...
Book cover of Divine Love Astrology

Divine Love Astrology

Revealing Spiritual Truth for Personal Transformation

by Shiva Das, Mercy Ananda
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2014

Longtime astrologers Shiva Das and Mercy Ananda take readers through every aspect of astrology, from its history, principles, components, and meanings, to its use as a tool to raise awareness and to understand possibilities in cause and effect. With nearly 180 black and white illustrations, including...
Book cover of Buch der Erinnerung
by Péter Nádas
Language: German
Release Date: September 20, 2013

Zehn Jahre hat Péter Nádas an diesem Roman, einem "Meilenstein der europäischen Prosa" (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), gearbeitet, mit dem er sich in die Weltliteratur eingeschrieben hat. "Ein gewaltiges Vorhaben und ein gewaltiges Ergebnis: Mit seinem ‹Buch der Erinnerung› hat der...
Book cover of Zwiesprache


Vier Tage im Jahr 1989

by Péter Nádas, Richard Swartz
Language: German
Release Date: October 9, 2010

Zwei Freunde, der ungarische Schriftsteller Péter Nádas und der schwedische Journalist Richard Swartz, suchen 1989 in einem vier Tage dauernden Gespräch wechselseitig zu ergründen, welchen verschiedenen Prägungen sie unterworfen waren, durch die sie sich als "Ostmensch" und "Westmensch"...
Book cover of Zahlensystem der Induskultur und Deutungsversuch der Indusschrift
by Tapan Kumar Das Gupta
Language: German
Release Date: August 29, 2017

Ursprünglich wurden die Zahlzeichen der Induskultur mit kurzen und langen Strichen gebildet, es gab an den Rangschwellen einen langen Strich für 100 und ein zusammengesetztes Zeichen aus einem vertikalen und einem horizontalen Strich für 1000. Das Zahlensystem war centesimal. Irgendwann stieß man...
Book cover of Der Ursprung des neuzeitlichen Zahlensystems
by Tapan Kumar Das Gupta
Language: German
Release Date: October 3, 2013

Nach heutigem Stand der Forschung ist das dezimale Zahlensystem mit dem Stellenwert und der Null zuerst in Indien belegt. Anhand der indischen Quellen zeigt der Verfasser, dass es sich bei diesem System nicht um eine einmalige Erfindung einer einzelnen Person bzw. einer Schule handelte. Es entstand allmählich...
Book cover of Discursos Selecionados Do Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek
by Ministério Das Relações Exteriores
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 8, 2016

Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira, também conhecido como JK (12 de setembro de 1902 — 22 de agosto de 1976), foi um médico, oficial da Polícia Militar Mineira e político brasileiro, que ocupou a Presidência da República entre 1956 e 1961. JK é geralmente admirado pela população brasileira...
Book cover of Discursos Selecionados Do Presidente Artur Bernardes
by Ministério Das Relações Exteriores
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 8, 2016

Artur da Silva Bernardes (8 de agosto de 1875 — 23 de março de 1955) foi um advogado e político brasileiro, presidente do Brasil entre 15 de novembro de 1922 e 15 de novembro de 1926. Bernardes venceu as eleições presidenciais de 1 de março de 1922 em uma eleição que dividiu o país: Rio...
Book cover of Third Generation Artist
by Ahmari Das
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2014

Angela Gonyea was born in upstate New York, in the small city of Plattsburgh, which is very near the Canadian boarder right on Lake Champlain. With the beauty of the Adirondack Park, with its amazing mountains, always as her backdrop. She often says how can you grow up in this beauty and not be an...
Book cover of Metabarons Genesis - Castaka #1 : The First Ancestor
by Das Pastoras, Alejandro Jodorowsky
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2014

Before the Metabarons there were the Castakas, a clan of lawless pirates - this is their story. PUBLICATION IN 2 VOLUMES - COMPLETED SERIES. The Metabarons recounted the extraordinary saga of the genealogy of the galaxy’s ultimate warrior. But his ancestors also had ancestors. And far from being...
Book cover of Metabarons Genesis: Castaka #2 : The Rival Twins
by Alexandro Jodorowsky, Das Pastoras
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Before the Metabarons there were the Castakas, a clan of lawless pirates - this is their story.. PUBLICATION IN 2 VOLUMES - COMPLETED SERIES. "The Metabarons" recounted the extraordinary saga of the genealogy of the galaxy’s ultimate warrior. But his ancestors also had ancestors. And far from being...
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