David : 35381 books

Book cover of Die Wahrnehmungsfalle, Teil 2

Die Wahrnehmungsfalle, Teil 2

Oder … alles nur Mumpitz. Ja, ALLES.

by David Icke
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2016

In diesem zweiten Teil seines Monumentalwerks beleuchtet David Icke die verschiedenen „Stützpfeiler“ unserer Gesellschaft, bzw. das, was die Archonten daraus gemacht haben – darunter: Bildung, Wissenschaft, Medizin, Politik, Ökonomie und Medien. Schonungslos enthüllt David die irrwitzigen...
Book cover of Was Ihr Gehirn glücklich macht ... und warum Sie genau das Gegenteil tun sollten
by David DiSalvo
Language: German
Release Date: May 28, 2014

Warum wir uns so oft selbst im Weg stehen Warum treffen wir immer wieder Entscheidungen, die unseren Bedürfnissen eigentlich zuwiderlaufen und unsere langfristigen Ziele gefährden? Warum setzen wir uns bewusst Versuchungen aus, die wir besser meiden sollten? Warum neigen wir dazu, statistisch...
Book cover of Brain Changer - Denken Sie Ihr Leben neu
by David DiSalvo, Stephan Meyer
Language: German
Release Date: September 23, 2015

Neu über das Denken nachdenken – das Geheimnis der Metakognition Der erfolgreiche Wissenschaftsautor David DiSalvo legt mit diesem ungewöhnlichen Buch einen nützlichen Leitfaden für ein verändertes, besseres Denken vor. In gewohnt zugänglicher und nachvollziehbarer Weise erklärt DiSalvo,...
Book cover of Quando siete inghiottiti dalle fiamme
by David Sedaris
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 7, 2010

Quello che ha reso David Sedaris una figura quasi leggendaria è la sua indomabile originalità: originalità di scrittura, di immaginazione, di sensibilità. Quest'ultima raccolta di racconti ci porta a scoprire nuove frontiere e nuovi aspetti di quell'immensa landa desolata e bizzarra che è la contemporaneità,...
Book cover of Spricht das Kind
by David Wagner
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2011

"Ein kleines Buch, von dem ein großer Zauber ausgeht." (FAZ) David Wagner erzählt vom Glück, Vater und Kind zugleich zu sein: Er staunt über das magische Denken seiner Tochter, wundert sich über ihre Sprachspiele und berührt dabei die ganz großen Fragen: Was heißt es, auf der Welt...
Book cover of O clube do filme
by David Gilmour
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 22, 2012

Eram tempos difíceis para David Gilmour: sem trabalho fixo, com o dinheiro curto e o filho de 15 anos colecionando reprovações em todas as matérias do ensino médio. Diante da desorientação e da infelicidade desse filho-problema, o pai faz uma oferta fora dos padrões: o garoto poderia sair...
Book cover of The Mailroom

The Mailroom

Hollywood History from the Bottom Up

by David Rensin
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

It’s like a plot from a Hollywood potboiler: start out in the mailroom, end up a mogul. But for many, it happens to be true. Some of the biggest names in entertainment—including David Geffen, Barry Diller, and Michael Ovitz— started their dazzling careers in the lowly mailroom. Based on more...
Book cover of The HP Way

The HP Way

How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company

by David Packard
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2013

In the fall of 1930, David Packard left his hometown of Pueblo, Colorado, to enroll at Stanford University, where he befriended another freshman, Bill Hewlett. After graduation, Hewlett and Packard decided to throw their lots in together. They tossed a coin to decide whose name should go first on...
Book cover of A Bazaar Life

A Bazaar Life

The Autobiography of David Alliance

by David Alliance
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2015

At the age of thirteen, David Alliance was taken out of school by his father and apprenticed into the Grand Bazaar in Tehran, where he learned the business skills that were to prove invaluable in one of the most successful business careers of modern times. In 1950, with just ?14 in his pocket, he...
Book cover of COTE DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE version photo & biblio

COTE DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE version photo & biblio

Edition 2015 revue et corrigée

by David Nosek
Language: French
Release Date: December 31, 2014

COTE DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE DE COLLECTION     version photo & biblio   Figurant aujourd’hui sur le terrain de la collection, cette sélection atteint les prix indiqués en regard, relevés en vente publique et sur le marché durant ces trois...
Book cover of Luisa Josefina Hernández

Luisa Josefina Hernández

Conversaciones con David Gaitán

by David Gaitán, David Gaitán
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 16, 2018

Un volumen que presenta la vida de la escritora y dramaturga mexicana Luisa Josefina Hernández, escrita por propia mano: su iniciación en el teatro; la relación que tuvo con personajes como Juan Rulfo, Emilio Carballido, Jorge Ibargüengoitia, entre otros; su teoría dramática, y su creación...
Book cover of Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee

Legends Never Die

by David Yates
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2015

This is the latest and most unique book to date on the late great master of Martial Arts. This book is Bruce Lee's Life, philosophies and life quotes retold in bold through very clever poetical prime David Albert Yates rhyme. This book is the first of its kind on this enigmatic...
Book cover of Stephen Spender

Stephen Spender

A Life in Modernism

by David Leeming
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2011

The first critical biography of one of the twentieth century's towering literary figures. Stephen Spender was a minor poet, but a major cultural influence during much of the century. Literary critic, journalist, art critic, social commentator, and friendend of the best-known cultural figures...
Book cover of Die Abenteuer eines Naturfreundes
by David Attenborough
Language: German
Release Date: October 17, 2019

Wie man ein Faultier fängt David Attenborough ist – so wird ihm nachgesagt – der am weitesten gereiste Mensch der Welt. Die Millionen von Reisekilometern führten ihn in die Dschungel von Guyana, von Borneo, an den Amazonas und in viele weitere entlegene Ecken der Erde. In diesem Buch erlebt...
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