David Andreas: 31 books

Book cover of A Theology of Mark's Gospel

A Theology of Mark's Gospel

Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God

by David E. Garland, Andreas J. Kostenberger
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2015

A Theology of Mark’s Gospel is the fourth volume in the BTNT series. This landmark textbook, written by leading New Testament scholar David E. Garland, thoroughly explores the theology of Mark’s Gospel.  It both covers major Markan themes and also sets forth the distinctive contribution of Mark...
Book cover of The Philosophy of the Beats
by F. Scott Scribner, Roseanne Giannini Quinn, Christopher Adamo
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2012

The phrase "beat generation" -- introduced by Jack Kerouac in 1948 -- characterized the underground, nonconformist youths who gathered in New York City at that time. Together, these writers, artists, and activists created an inimitably American cultural phenomenon that would have a global...
Book cover of The Economic Regulation of Airports

The Economic Regulation of Airports

Recent Developments in Australasia, North America and Europe

by Andreas Knorr, David W. Gillen, Peter Forsyth
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

This tour d'horizon book reviews airport regulation and competition in different regions of the world and contrasts different policy perspectives. Organized in four parts, the first three examine, in turn, Australasia, North America, and Europe, while the last section looks at the institutional reforms...
Book cover of 'Our Glorious Past': Lukashenka's Belarus and the Great Patriotic War
by David R. Marples, Andreas Umland
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2014

This timely book examines how the regime of President Aliaksandr Lukashenka has used the ‘Great Patriotic War’ (1941-45) as a key element in state and identity formation in Belarus. The campaign was discernible from 2003 and intensified after a rift with Russia that led to a re-examination of...
Book cover of Microsoft System Center Designing Orchestrator Runbooks
by David Ziembicki, Aaron Cushner, Andreas Rynes
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2013

Part of a series of specialized guides on System Center - this book delivers a focused drilldown into designing runbooks for Orchestrator workflow management solutions. Series editor Mitch Tulloch and a team of System Center experts provide concise technical guidance as they step you through key design concepts, criteria, and tasks.
Book cover of Comparative Company Law

Comparative Company Law

Text and Cases on the Laws Governing Corporations in Germany, the UK and the USA

by Andreas Cahn, David C. Donald
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2010

It can be difficult for students of comparative company law both to understand the internationally relative nature of a legal system and grasp it in practical detail. This book is designed to address that problem. Each chapter begins with a discursive analysis of the laws in Germany, the UK and the...
Book cover of Corona Magazine 01/2018: Januar 2018

Corona Magazine 01/2018: Januar 2018

Nur der Himmel ist die Grenze

by Uwe Anton, Pia Fauerbach, Armin Rößler
Language: German
Release Date: January 11, 2018

Das Corona Magazine ist ein traditionsreiches und nicht-kommerzielles Online-Projekt, das seit 1997 die Freunde von Sciencefiction, Phantastik und guter Unterhaltung mit Informationen und Hintergründen, Analysen und Kommentaren versorgt und bis zu seiner Jubiläumsausgabe 300 im Mai 2014 von mehr...
Book cover of Heaven
by Gerald Bray, Ajith Fernando, Stephen Noll
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2014

Our culture has a lot to say about heaven. But too much of it is based more on imaginative speculation or “supernatural” experiences than on the Bible itself. In the latest addition to the Theology in Community series, Christopher Morgan and Robert Peterson have assembled an interdisciplinary...
Book cover of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus
by Robert L. Thomas, Andreas J. Kostenberger, Tremper Longman III
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2017

Continuing a Gold Medallion Award-winning legacy, this completely revised edition of The Expositor’s Bible Commentary series puts world-class biblical scholarship in your hands. Based on the original twelve-volume set that has become a staple in college and seminary libraries and pastors’ studies...
Book cover of Comparative Company Law

Comparative Company Law

Text and Cases on the Laws Governing Corporations in Germany, the UK and the USA

by Andreas Cahn, David C. Donald
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2018

When comparing the laws of different jurisdictions, one often sees only the forest or the trees. This is particularly problematic in comparative company law, where students hope both to understand the overall framework of the law and grasp its practical application. This text's structure, now in its...
Book cover of Mobile Security Products for Android

Mobile Security Products for Android

(No) Security for the Android Platform

by Andreas Clementi, David Lahee, Philippe Rödlach
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2014

We have once again tested security products for smartphones running Google's Android operating system. Our report covers details of the products made by leading manufacturers. Smartphones represent the future of modern communications. In 2013, more than 1 billion smartphones were sold, a further milestone...
Book cover of Giftmorde 3

Giftmorde 3

weitere tödliche Anleitungen

by Andreas M. Sturm, Anne Mehlhorn, David Gray
Language: German
Release Date: September 27, 2016

Im 3. Band der tödlichen Anleitungen werden wieder die Tücken des Alltags mithilfe von Pflanzengift gelöst. Ein Ehemann, der sich zu intensiv der Mittelalterszene verschrieben hat, ein missgünstiger Kritiker, der das Geschäft zerstört, ein Psychopath, der die Liebe zur Nachbarsfamilie für sich...
Book cover of Giftmorde 2

Giftmorde 2

neue tödliche Anleitungen

by Andreas M. Sturm, Anne Mehlhorn, Franziska Steinhauer
Language: German
Release Date: July 11, 2016

Ob Intrigen im Kollegenkreis, skrupellose Betrüger, Familiendramen, eine ungeliebte Freundin oder ein unfähiger Joker beim Fernsehquiz - gegen all diese kleinen Gemeinheiten des alltäglichen Lebens ist ein Kraut gewachsen. Fünfzehn renommierte Krimiautoren haben ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf gelassen...
Book cover of Das Netzwerk der Identitären

Das Netzwerk der Identitären

Ideologie und Aktionen der Neuen Rechten

by Andreas Speit, Stephanie Heide, Carina Book
Language: German
Release Date: October 4, 2018

Sie besetzen öffentliche Gebäude, steigen auf das Brandenburger Tor, stellen Hinrichtungen nach, stören Vorlesungen, führen Flashmobs auf und marschieren durch Innenstädte. Ihr schwarz-gelbes Logo, der griechische Buchstabe Lambda, ist auf zahlreichen Internetseiten präsent. In den letzten Jahren...
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