David Hume: 206 books

Book cover of Investigação Sobre o Entendimento Humano
by David Hume
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 21, 2013

David Hume discute na Investigação sobre o Entendimento Humano um problema filosófico fundamental: embora, em parte, remodelação do famoso Tratado da Natureza Humana, este ensaio aborda de modo autónomo e brilhante, e ainda provocador, a questão dos «limites do conhecimento» e o tema de uma ciência do homem enquanto base de todos os ramos do saber.
Book cover of A Treatise of Human Nature (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)
by David Hume
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2009

Influencing ethics, metaphysics, and philosophy of science, David Hume's Treatise of Human Nature remains unrivalled by perhaps any other works in philosophy. The Treatise is of interest, and not merely historical interest, to professional academic philosophers. It is remarkable that it can, and often...
Book cover of Dignità o miseria della natura umana? L'Amore di Sé
by David Hume, Fabrizio Pinna
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 10, 2015

Dignità o miseria della natura umana? «C'è un principio supposto prevalere tra molti che è del tutto incompatibile con ogni virtù o senso morale [...] Questo principio è che ogni benevolenza è mera ipocrisia, l'amicizia un inganno, lo spirito pubblico...
Book cover of Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
by David Hume
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2013

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is an important philosophical work written by the Scottish philosopher David Hume. Through dialogue three fictional characters named Demea, Philo, and Cleanthes debate the nature of God's existence. While all three agree that a god exists, they differ sharply...
Book cover of Tratado de la naturaleza humana
by David Hume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 5, 2015

El TRATADO DE LA NATURALEZA HUMANA de David Hume es la expresión más total y decidida de su filosofía y puede considerarse, por lo tanto, como su obra capital. Comprende la teoría del conocimiento, la psicología de los sentimientos y la moral y está lleno de alusiones a los otros dominios.
Book cover of Sul suicidio e altri saggi morali
by David Hume
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 10, 2014

«È un’empietà, dice la moderna superstizione europea, porre fine alla nostra vita e ribellarsi in tal modo al creatore; e perché non è un’empietà, dico io, costruire case, coltivar la terra, o navigare sul mare? In tutte queste azioni noi usiamo le nostre facoltà fisiche e morali per mutare...
Book cover of Anthology Of Philosophy
by Aeschylus, Aristotle, Francis Bacon
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2010

This massive anthology of philosophy contains over 75 works by a dozen of the most known philosophers of all time. An active table of contents makes it easy to quickly to the work you want.Authors and books include:Aeschylus:AgamemnonBound and Seven Against ThebesThe House of AtreusMaidens and Other...
Book cover of Life, Death, and Meaning

Life, Death, and Meaning

Key Philosophical Readings on the Big Questions

by David Benatar, Margaret A. Boden, Peter Caldwell
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2010

Do our lives have meaning? Should we create more people? Is death bad? Should we commit suicide? Would it be better to be immortal? Should we be optimistic or pessimistic? Since Life, Death, and Meaning: Key Philosophical Readings on the Big Questions first appeared, David Benatar's distinctive anthology...
Book cover of Discours politiques

Discours politiques

édition intégrale

by David Hume
Language: French
Release Date: November 21, 2012

Recueil complet des discours politiques de Hume - ou douze discours qui constituent sa plus importante contribution à l'économie politique. Format professionnel électronique © Ink Book édition.
Book cover of La liberté de la presse

La liberté de la presse

édition intégrale

by David Hume
Language: French
Release Date: April 1, 2013

« N'est-ce pas une pensée consolante, pour tous ceux qui aiment la liberté, que le privilège de la presse ne saurait guère nous être enlevé, sans qu'on nous enlève en même temps notre État républicain et notre indépendance. » (D. Hume) Un texte bref et précis sur la grande liberté...
Book cover of Tratado de la naturaleza humana
by David Hume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 19, 2015

El Tratado de la naturaleza humana es la cumbre de la filosofía de Hume. "La naturaleza humana, dice, es la única ciencia del hombre".
Book cover of An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding / Eine Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstand
by David Hume, Falk Wunderlich, Falk Wunderlich
Language: German
Release Date: November 9, 2016

Humes "Enquiry" gehört zu den wichtigsten Werken des großen schottischen Philosophen und ist einer der Klassiker der Philosophiegeschichte: Kant wurde nach seiner eigenen Aussage von diesem Werk aus seinem "dogmatischen Schlummer" geweckt und zu seiner kritischen Philosophie...
Book cover of Über Selbstmord und Über Die Unsterblichkeit Der Seele
by David Hume
Language: German
Release Date: September 14, 2018

Hume gilt als wichtiger Vertreter einer sogenannten Gefühlsethik. Sein Konzept von Ethik, das er in seinem Werk Eine Untersuchung über die Prinzipien der Moral und ausführlicher im Traktat über die menschliche Natur entwickelte, sieht die Moral in der Gefühlswelt des Menschen, genauer in einem...
Book cover of Sul suicidio
by David Hume
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 24, 2015

Questo testo fu pubblicato, insieme ad altri saggi morali, solo nel 1777, dopo la morte dell'autore. Con prosa lucida, semplice ed efficace, il filosofo inglese smonta implacabilmente una dopo l'altra le impalcature della morale religiosa, svelando l'infondatezza della pretesa di limitare la libertà...
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