Di Giovanni: 80 books

Book cover of Der Morgen als sie uns holten

Der Morgen als sie uns holten

Berichte aus Syrien

by Janine di Giovanni
Language: German
Release Date: August 25, 2016

Die vielfach ausgezeichnete Kriegsreporterin Janine di Giovanni schreibt mit ›Der Morgen als sie uns holten. Berichte aus Syrien‹ eine ebenso unerschrockene wie persönliche Reportage über einen der folgenreichsten Konflikte unserer Zeit: den Krieg in Syrien. Über fünf Jahre dauert bislang...
Book cover of Il giorno che vennero a prenderci

Il giorno che vennero a prenderci

Dispacci dalla Siria

by Janine di Giovanni
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 22, 2017

Dalle ceneri della Primavera araba, si è acceso in Siria, dal 2011 a oggi, uno dei conflitti civili più lunghi e violenti della storia recente. Janine di Giovanni – pluripremiata reporter americana che ha vissuto, dalla guerra nei Balcani, tutti i fronti più caldi degli ultimi decenni – ha...
Book cover of Madness Visible

Madness Visible

A Memoir of War

by Janine di Giovanni
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

As a senior foreign correspondent for The Times of London, Janine di Giovanni was a firsthand witness to the brutal and protracted break-up of Yugoslavia. With unflinching sensitivity, Madness Visiblefollows the arc of the wars in the Balkans through the experience of those caught up in them: soldiers...
Book cover of A Painful Duty
by Norman Thomas di Giovanni
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2018

The final work of fiction from a legendary writer and translator. In a series of short stories, some no more than a couple of pages long, di Giovanni captures the lives of the Italian American community in Newton, a suburb of Boston, in the middle of the 20th century. These are the workers,...
Book cover of Georgie and Elsa: Jorge Luis Borges and His Wife: The Untold Story
by Norman Thomas di Giovanni
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2014

A biography of Borges, by his translator. Jorge Luis Borges, known as Georgie to his friends, married Elsa Astete Millán in 1967. Borges was sixty-eight years old at the time of the wedding; Elsa, a widow,with a son in his twenties, was eleven years younger. It proved to be a tempestuous and eventful...
Book cover of Una Bilancia di amori in versi
by Bartolomeo Di Giovanni
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 2, 2016

Non é sempre necessario scrivere dei momenti della propria vita in forma romanzata, anche le liriche ( prosa e versi) hanno la stessa intensità della successione delle pagine di un romanzo. Bilancia di Amori in versi é un racconto di un Amore...E di tutto il contesto creatosi attorno a due persone. Una...
Book cover of Niente di più facile, niente di più difficile

Niente di più facile, niente di più difficile

Manuale (pratico) per la comunicazione

by Stefano Lucchini, Gianni Di Giovanni
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2013

Una guida chiara e completa per padroneggiare con sicurezza e in modo integrato gli strumenti della comunicazione, sia quelli tradizionali che i nuovi legati a internet. Un manuale pratico e concreto scritto da due esperti professionisti con una lunga esperienza ai massimi livelli del settore. Un...
Book cover of Italo-Canadians


Nationality and Citizenship

by Alberto Di Giovanni
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2015

In this volume Alberto Di Giovanni presents us with a wide panorama of the recent history of Canada and its social development, while offering a compelling story of the long journey of the Italian community in Canada, and with Canada. Di Giovanni walks again on the long trail of the Italo-Canadians...
Book cover of Paesaggi consapevoli

Paesaggi consapevoli

Conoscenza, partecipazione e progettazione

by Caterina F. Di Giovanni, Lorenza Gasparella, Piera Pellegrino
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 26, 2017

Collana Geo_Urban&Landscape Planning (GULP) a cura di Elio Trusiani Nell'attuale scenario della green economy, fondato sull'uso sostenibile delle risorse, la progettazione consapevole del paesaggio consente di sperimentare nuove vie di sviluppo del territorio. Il volume propone quattro saggi che,...
Book cover of The Lesson of the Master
by Norman Thomas di Giovanni
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2011

A collection of essays on Jorge Luis Borges by his long-time friend and collaborator. Jorge Luis Borges - Argentine poet, essayist, and short-story writer - is widely considered one of the giants of 20th-century world literature. Norman Thomas di Giovanni worked alongside Borges for a number of years...
Book cover of The Morning They Came For Us: Dispatches from Syria
by Janine di Giovanni
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2016

**A New York Post Best Book of 2016 Winner of the 2016 IWMF Courage in Journalism Award Winner of the 2016 Hay Festival Medal for Prose "Destined to become a classic." —Lisa Shea, Elle** A masterpiece of war reportage, The Morning They Came for Us bears witness to one of...
Book cover of Ghosts by Daylight

Ghosts by Daylight

Love, War, and Redemption

by Janine di Giovanni
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2011

An enthralling, deeply moving memoir from one of our foremost American war correspondents. Janine di Giovanni has spent most of her career—more than twenty years—in war zones recording events on behalf of the voiceless. From Sarajevo to East Timor, from Sierra Leone to Afghanistan, Iraq,...
Book cover of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Science of Logic
by Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel, George Di Giovanni
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2010

This translation of The Science of Logic (also known as 'Greater Logic') includes the revised Book I (1832), Book II (1813) and Book III (1816). Recent research has given us a detailed picture of the process that led Hegel to his final conception of the System and of the place of the Logic within...
Book cover of Kant: Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason
by Immanuel Kant, Allen Wood, George di Giovanni
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 1998

Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason is a key element of the system of philosophy which Kant introduced with his Critique of Pure Reason, and a work of major importance in the history of Western religious thought. It represents a great philosopher's attempt to spell out the form and content...
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