Donald Trump: 31 books

Book cover of El Secreto del Exito

El Secreto del Exito

En el Trabajo y en la Vida

by Donald J. Trump, Bill Zanker
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 2, 2012

Donald J. Trump es un ícono: la definición misma del sueño americano. Candidato republicano presidencial, estrella de programa de television, empresario de bienes raíces de algunas de las propiedades más prestigiosas del mundo y ha logrado convertirse en uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo....
Book cover of Donald J. Trump: Great again!

Donald J. Trump: Great again!

Wie ich Amerika retten werde

by Donald J. Trump
Language: German
Release Date: May 20, 2016

Zieht "The Donald" ins Weiße Haus? Für seine Fans verheißt er die Rückkehr goldener Zeiten. Für seine Gegner ist er wahlweise ein Lügner, ein Großmaul, ein Demagoge, ein Rassist oder vieles mehr. Ganz egal, wie man zu ihm steht – der Immobilien-Tycoon ist dem mächtigsten Amt der Welt bereits...
Book cover of Trump: The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received

Trump: The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received

100 Top Experts Share Their Strategies

by Donald J. Trump
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2017

Donald Trump has gathered in one book the best advice on real estate from the brightest and most experienced people…  “Don’t try to take the last penny off the table; make sure that the people who buy from you also make money. If not, they won’t buy from you again.” –Michael Shvo,...
Book cover of Trump: Think like a Billionaire

Trump: Think like a Billionaire

Das sollten Sie über das Leben, Erfolg und Immobilien wissen

by Donald J. Trump
Language: German
Release Date: May 17, 2018

Es reicht nicht, etwas nur zu wollen. Man muss auch wissen, wie man es bekommt. In diesem Trump-Klassiker lehrt "The Donald" seine Leser das Milliardärs-Mindset. Themen wie Immobilien, Geld, Luxus und Leben werden anekdotenreich behandelt. Außerdem begleiten wir Trump durch eine Arbeitswoche...
Book cover of Trump: The Best Golf Advice I Ever Received
by Donald J. Trump
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2005

The host and coproducer of the megahit reality show The Apprentice presents a unique collection of golf advice. From Palmer and Player, Mickelson and Vijay to Pat Boone, Stone Phillips, and even Yogi Berra, these players, teachers, businesspeople, and celebrities will help you play better and score...
Book cover of Trump Never Give Up

Trump Never Give Up

How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success

by Donald J. Trump
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2010

In Never Give Up, Donald Trump tells the dramatic stories of his biggest challenges, lowest moments, and worst mistakes—and how he uses tenacity and creativity to turn defeat into victory. Each chapter includes an inspiring story from Trump’s career and concludes with expert commentary and coaching...
Book cover of 總統川普——讓美國再度偉大的重整之路,將帶領世界走向何處?
by 唐納‧川普 Donald J. Trump
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 23, 2017

內容簡介 川普最完整的治國藍圖 移民問題|外交政策|教育|能源|醫療|經濟|基礎建設|媒體|稅制 川普想帶領美國與世界走向何方? 這次,由川普本人說清楚。 我們需要的是能夠解決難題、開始用可行方法處理問題的領導者。有人說我應該設計幾百頁的規章跟繁文縟節,但這不是我的目標——我們必須把常識擬成政策,有必要的話好好敲一敲某些人的腦袋,推行這些政策。 ——美國總統唐納.川普...
Book cover of Queremos que seas rico
by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Donald J. Trump
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 21, 2012

En Queremos que seas rico, dos exitosos empresarios, Donald Trump y Rober T. Kiyosaki, brindan consejos para todo aquel que acaba de comenzar su propia empresa y quiere triunfar. De Robert T. Kiyosaki, autor de los bestsellers: Padre Rico, Padre Pobre, el libro #1 de finanzas personales de...
Book cover of Donald J. Trump - Think like a Champion
by Donald J. Trump
Language: German
Release Date: March 8, 2017

Der 45. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ist eine schillernde Persönlichkeit … mit einer ebenso schillernden Vorgeschichte. Die hier versammelten Essays aus seiner Feder zeichnen ein viel differenzierteres Bild als das, was wir heute kennen. Oder hätten Sie gedacht, dass er 2009 noch...
Book cover of Trump: The Way to the Top

Trump: The Way to the Top

The Best Business Advice I Ever Received

by Donald J. Trump
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2004

The host of the hit reality show The Apprentice presents an invaluable collection of grounded, hard-hitting advice on business success, from people who have made it to the boss’s chair at some of America’s most thriving companies. How can you find the way to the top? Ask people who...
Book cover of Trump: Los mejores consejos de bienes raíces que he recibido

Trump: Los mejores consejos de bienes raíces que he recibido

100 Expertos comparten sus estrategias

by Donald J. Trump
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 22, 2010

Donald Trump, promotor inmobiliario y estrella del programa de televisión, El Aprendiz, le pidió a 100 de los expertos más exitosos en el área de los bienes raíces que le dieran el mejor consejo sobre los bienes raíces que ellos habían recibido alguna vez. Las respuestas son perspicaces, prácticas...
Book cover of Trump: The Art of the Deal
by Donald J. Trump, Tony Schwartz
Language: German
Release Date: April 11, 2017

Donald Trump in Action – im Business, im Alltag, mit seinen Freunden, seinen Geschäftspartnern, seiner Familie. Hier finden Sie seine elf goldenen Regeln, destilliert aus seinen großartigsten Deals. Das ultimative Lesevergnügen für jeden, der Geld verdienen und erfolgreich sein möchte. Und...
Book cover of El toque de Midas

El toque de Midas

Por qué algunos empresarios se hacen ricos, pero la mayoría no

by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Donald J. Trump
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 17, 2015

Si deseas empezar tu propio negocio, o si tienes uno y quieres hacerlo crecer, antes de que pierdas más tiempo ¡y más dinero!, ocúpate de ti mismo, de tu familia y del mundo; descubre y domina con estas páginas los cinco puntos del Toque de Midas Hay miles de libros de negocios. Sólo...
Book cover of Why We Want You To Be Rich

Why We Want You To Be Rich

Two Men • One Message

by Donald J. Trump, Robert T. Kiyosaki
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2015

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki wrote Why We Want You To Be Rich because they saw how the turbulent economic climate would impact the middle class. They predict the middle class in America will continue to shrink-pushing most middle-class Americans into the ranks of the poor. This book inspires middle-class...
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