Dr Michael Jarvis: 9 books

Book cover of Why I Do Not Believe in a World-wide Flood
by Dr Michael Jarvis
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2014

To many millions of people, who have been raised in our scientific generation, an insistence that our earth is a mere 6000 years old is un-acceptable. In addition, when some Christians insist that this is the only possible understanding from biblical accounts, such a viewpoint often results in people...
Book cover of Ubuntu Christianity
by Dr Michael Jarvis
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2014

The well known and respected South African theologian Desmond Tutu, formerly Anglican archbishop, has said, “In Africa we have something called ‘ubuntu’ in Nguni languages, or ‘botho’ in Sotho, which is difficult to translate into English. It is the essence of being human. It speaks of the...
Book cover of Evidences for Micro and Macro Evolution
by Dr Michael Jarvis
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2014

In scientific literature some scientists speak of micro-evolution as small changes within a species but not necessarily leading to formation of new species. Macro-evolution describes changes above the species level, resulting in formation of new species. However, some biologists lump all changes together and consider macro-evolution to be simply the result of micro-evolution.
Book cover of My Personal Journey of Discovery
by Dr Michael Jarvis
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2013

In 1960 my parents moved from Nairobi in Kenya to Cape Town, and I enrolled at the University of Cape Town, with Zoology and Botany being major subjects
Book cover of The Origin of God?
by Dr Michael Jarvis
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2013

Nearly all professional cosmologists and other scientists consider the available evidence points very strongly towards an origin of our Universe at a precise moment, commonly known as the Big Bang.
Book cover of Big Bang Christianity
by Dr Michael Jarvis
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2014

I am assuming that you have accepted the very substantial scientific evidence that our Universe started out with an enormous explosion about 15 billion Earth years back. Since that time the billions of galaxies, each composed of billions of stars like our sun, are still moving outwards at enormous speeds.
Book cover of Discoveries Relating To Biblical Exodus
by Dr Michael Jarvis
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2013

Prior to the development of scientifically based archaeology, it was widely accepted that events recorded in the Bible were based in real history.
Book cover of 4 Major Reasons to Take Jesus Seriously
by Dr Michael Jarvis
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2013

In this article I will firstly look at some significant scientific evidence relating to the Bible documents. This is necessary since a discussion of Jesus Christ relies in large measure upon these written accounts.
Book cover of COME OUT of Her My People
by Dr Michael Jarvis
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2014

Many people are agnostics or atheists or have turned to other faiths, because of what they see in the most evident structures and actions of the Christian church down through the centuries. It is essential to face this issue and try to determine how Christianity arrived at this sad position.
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