E Schwarz: 9 books

Book cover of Common Credo: The Path Back to American Success
by John E. Schwarz
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2013

The author of America’s Hidden Success launches a daring and appealing political and economic plan to restore American unity and prosperity. Today, bitter partisanship has sunk our politics into unending stalemate, millions of Americans are struggling to get ahead financially, and cynicism...
Book cover of Visit to the Circus of Fools
by Charles E. Schwarz
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2014

Edmund Peoples, definitely an optimistic person, has just received an important assignment: to visit various lands, each famous for a particular social advance. With orders to report back to his superiors on each lands successful methods and how his country can achieve social betterment as a result,...
Book cover of Murder at the Table of Fools

Murder at the Table of Fools

The Lonely Detective Solves the Roach Murder

by Charles E. Schwarz
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2014

At a midget football banquet, five fathers attend to honor their sons and end up poisoned. Four survive, while one ends up dead. The Lonely Detective is one of the survivors, and suddenly, hes got a new, dastardly case on his hands. Who would try to poison a man at an event intended to honor his own...
Book cover of The Lonely Detective Solves the “No Sexual Tension Murder Mystery”
by Charles E. Schwarz
Language: English
Release Date: December 24, 2008

Eight unique who done it murder mysteries running the gambit from mourners drinking to the departed, women searching for men, African charity celebrates, religious retreatants searching for God, writers seeking sexual tension, women doing what they should, and Internet bizarre dates all challenging the reader to visit people he may find amusing, disturbing and puzzling.
Book cover of The Diminished Man

The Diminished Man

A Cpa Uncovers Charity Fraud and Murder While Diminishing Himself

by Charles E. Schwarz
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2008

Who is behind the disappearance of an auditor's daughter during Christmas week. Why are reprehensible shady characters operating charities in desolate places. Murder lies at the end of a CPA's investigation of people helping poor African Americans resulting in his losing all that is important to him.
Book cover of Projekt Lernwerkstatt

Projekt Lernwerkstatt

Aufbau einer Lernwerkstatt für Kinder an der Hochschule Esslingen

by Theresia Friesinger, C. Fader, A. Zellmer
Language: German
Release Date: May 9, 2008

Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Sozialpädagogik / Sozialarbeit, Note: 1,0, Hochschule Esslingen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Frühkindliche Bildung ist zurzeit das breit diskutierteste Thema - ob in Orientierungs- oder Bildungsplänen für Kindertageseinrichtungen der Bundesländer...
Book cover of Uncoding The Genie
by The author of them all .E.T. Schwarz
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2016

This piece is for those who seek answers to every obstacle, those who lack wealth,love,success,spiritual knowledge, meet ''The Author of Them All''
Book cover of Endlich(er) Urlaub

Endlich(er) Urlaub

&20 weitere Kurzgeschichten

by T. A. M. Lang, Britta Bendixen, Connie Roters
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2018

Eine Zugfahrt nach Paris gegen Liebeskummer, ein Gerät, das einen in andere Welten befördert, echte Aliens auf einer Science-Fiction-Convetion, ein Urlaub ohne Wiederkehr oder der Versuch, aus einem verödeten Städtchen eine Touristenattraktion zu machen. Ob witzig, tragisch, gruselig oder einfach...
Book cover of Neurofinance


Wie Vertrauen, Angst und Gier Entscheidungen treffen

by Christian E. Elger, Friedhelm Schwarz
Language: German
Release Date: March 23, 2009

Neue Erkenntnisse zeigen: Bei der Kaufentscheidung für eine Aktie oder einen Fonds wirkt sich bei den meisten Anlegern die Aversion gegen Verluste stärker aus als das Gewinnversprechen. Und: Im Hirnscanner ist deutlich erkennbar, dass Verlustängste einen anderen Teil des Gehirns aktiv werden lassen,...
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