Elena: 1551 books

Book cover of Valery Bulat Artist-Iconographer
by Elena Pankey
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2019

   This book is about goals, plans, and the destiny of the talented, well-known Ukrainian artist Valery Bulat, who lived and worked at the difficult time in which his country was going through.  This book is about the development and the formation of an artist under the influence of Russian culture...
Book cover of Kwellende liefde
by Elena Ferrante
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 16, 2016

Het ontroerende en verbijsterende debuut van Elena Ferrante. Delia, een vrouw van begin dertig, keert na de dood van haar moeder terug naar Napels, de stad waar ze is opgegroeid. Ze wil te weten komen wat er is gebeurd in de nacht dat haar moeder verdronk. Delia's speurtocht verandert het beeld dat...
Book cover of The Adventures of the girl Aura in the country Internet
by Elena Buran
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2013

Character – is the most popular personality in today's Internet, because it summarizes the knowledge of millions of people. Character Aura created by    Elena Buran, Lionel Mauclaire  and Kate Lovlya  for kids of all ages (from 9 years to ... we're all a little kids ...),...
Book cover of Een nacht op het strand
by Elena Ferrante
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 26, 2017

Een nacht op het strand is een duister kinderboek voor volwassenen van Elena Ferrante, wonderschoon geïllustreerd door Mara Cerri. Een nacht op het strand vertelt het verhaal van Celina. Celina is een pop en ze is achtergelaten op het strand door Mati, het meisje dat Celina al vanaf haar geboorte...
Book cover of Leonora
by Elena Poniatowska
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 6, 2012

Esta novela cuenta la historia de una mujer indomable, un espíritu rebelde. Destinada a crecer como la rica heredera de un magnate de la industria textil, desde pequeña supo que era diferente, que su capacidad de ver lo que otros no veían, de conectar con los animales, la convertía en especial....
Book cover of La piel del cielo (Premio Alfaguara de novela)
by Elena Poniatowska
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 14, 2017

Una novela de la ganadora del Premio Cervantes 2013, Elena Poniatowska, que fue merecedora del IV Premio Alfaguara de Novela. «Mamá, ¿allá atrás se acaba el mundo?» Esta frase abre camino a una historia fascinante: la de un hombre de enorme talento destinado a desentrañar los misterios...
Book cover of The Night's Dark Shade: A Novel of the Cathars
by Elena Maria Vidal
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2011

Set amid the turmoil of the Albigensian Crusade in thirteenth century France, THE NIGHT'S DARK SHADE tells of heresy versus orthodoxy, and of forbidden love versus fidelity. Heiress of her father's estates in Auvergne, the orphaned Lady Raphaelle leaves her home to marry a nobleman in a remote castle...
Book cover of Desde el corazón

Desde el corazón

Meditación Matinal 2013 - Adultos

by Elena G. de White
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 11, 2013

"Pronto irrumpirán ante nuestra vista las muchas mansiones que nuestro Salvador ha ido a preparar...Ahora podemos tener en nuestro corazón gozo y una paz indecible y gloriosa; y pronto, a la venida de Cristo, será nuestro el premio que se encuentra al final de la carrera...
Book cover of Amigas


A novel written and presented in both Spanish and English.

by Penelope Todd, Elena Bossi
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2012

2009: in Argentina, a woman prepares to travel to Italy for a funeral. In New Zealand, two friends discuss art, loss, and how to accept life as it plays out. 1969: a girl from New Zealand and another from Argentina are stranded in the airport in Rome. A friendship is forged and they exchange letters...
Book cover of Il club dei tacchi a spillo
by Elena Puliti
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 28, 2014

Elena Puliti racconta in questo diario le sue storie con uomini di successo, calciatori, imprenditori e politici. Elena è una donna emancipata che nel diario racconta le sue avventure di single incallita, alla prese con maschi pavidi e confusi. Dopo essere uscita con il cuore intatto da tutte le...
Book cover of MEGA COMPILATION de 12 Nouvelles érotiques très chaudes pour Adultes ! (-18)
by Elena Dubois
Language: French
Release Date: January 12, 2018

Compilation de 12 histoires EROTIQUES par Elena Dubois réunies dans un même eBook ! Retrouvez dans cette anthologie d’exception à un prix exceptionnel : Baisée par le Jardinier Femme au Foyer en Chaleur Prise par Deux Rockstars Goûte-Moi L’inconnu du Métro Menottée par un Flic Prise...
Book cover of The Contented Calf Cookbook

The Contented Calf Cookbook

Nourishing Recipes for Breastfeeding Mums: To Help Promote Milk Production

by Elena Cimelli
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2013

Inspired by a friend's quest to improve her milk supply and her discovery of lactogenic foods, Elena Cimelli created this unique cook book with food writer Jassy Davis to give new parents a one-stop collection of delicious, lactogenic meals, snacks, drinks and treats. Drawing on Elena's own experience...
Book cover of Lezioni sul domani
by Giulia Abbate, Elena Di Fazio, Silvio Sosio
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 6, 2017

Narrativa - racconti (167 pagine) - Se c'è qualcosa che la fantascienza ci insegna è che non dobbiamo imparare solo dal passato, ma anche dal futuro La fantascienza è un genere solo per uomini? Tanti grandi autrici hanno dimostrato il contrario, ma se serviva un'ulteriore conferma la troviamo...
Book cover of Adopción y vínculo familiar

Adopción y vínculo familiar

Crianza, escolaridad y adolescencia en la adopción internacional

by Vinyet Mirabent, Elena Ricart
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 6, 2012

A pesar de la crisis económica, el número de adopciones internacionales ha crecido exponencialmente a lo largo de los últimos años. Se trata de un fenómeno que nace del verdadero deseo de ser padres, de una sana motivación, pero a su vez es un reto lleno de incertidumbres que requiere una preparación...
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