Eric D : 170 books

Book cover of Revue des Deux Mondes mai 2015

Revue des Deux Mondes mai 2015

Peut-on encore sauver l'autorité ?

by Olivier Cariguel, Alexandre Mare, Frédéric Verger
Language: French
Release Date: May 1, 2015

Plaire ou déplaire – Jean-Pierre Chevènement n’aime pas plaire. Quand il n’est pas content, il le fait savoir. Quand il a une idée en tête, il ne l’a pas ailleurs. Depuis quarante ans, il martèle que la République française a besoin d’autorité et que le modèle doit venir de haut....
Book cover of Marketing et communication politique - 2e édition
by Johanna Edelbloude, Patrice Cailleba, Eric Barquissau
Language: French
Release Date: March 28, 2017

Chaque élection attire le regard des citoyens sur la communication politique. Révélée au grand public par Jacques Séguéla et ses campagnes pour François Mitterrand, la communication politique est détestée par les uns, idolâtrée par les autres, mais aujourd’hui incontournable dans le jeu...
Book cover of Another Life / Une autre vie
by Yolaine Parisot, S. J. Mark Destephano, Eric Doumerc
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2016

Many writers started their professional lives in very diverse fields before embracing writing, or on the contrary have turned away from writing. The present volume seeks to explore the complex relationship between that ‘other life’ and writing. The aim is to determine whether a writer’s ‘other...
Book cover of Revue des Deux Mondes avril 2017
by Jean-Pierre Naugrette, Collectif, Eric Roussel
Language: French
Release Date: March 14, 2017

Grand entretien : Jean-Claude Michée. Peuple, people, populismes Jean-Claude Michéa dénonce l’abandon par la gauche des classes populaires. Le philosophe explique pourquoi le peuple a disparu du champ de vision des élites et des nouvelles catégories sociales privilégiées. Il ne croit...
Book cover of The Embodied Subject

The Embodied Subject

Minding the Body in Psychoanalysis

by Roger Frie, John P. Muller Ph.D., Arnold H. Modell M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2007

This volume addresses the topic of embodiment in psychoanalysis from both theoretical and clinical points of view. Freud's development of a psychoanalytic theory and treatment originated from his consideration of neurology, aphasia, and the great range of embodied signs constituting the hysterical...
Book cover of L'Internet des objets et la data

L'Internet des objets et la data

L'intelligence artificielle comme rupture stratégique

by Frédéric Scibetta, Yvon Moysan, Eric Dosquet
Language: French
Release Date: April 18, 2018

Des dizaines de milliers d'objets connectés seront déployés d'ici quelques années. Les entreprises étudient et utilisent de plus en plus ces technologies dans le cadre de leur transformation digitale. Des partenariats se créent, de nouveaux acteurs émergent, et permettent aux entreprises d'avoir...
Book cover of Endocrinologie, diabétologie et maladies métaboliques
by Collège des enseignants d'endocrinologie, diabète et maladie, Laurence Amar
Language: French
Release Date: January 30, 2012

En parfaite cohérence avec le programme de DCEM2-DCEM4 et les épreuves classantes nationales, cet Abrégé Connaissances et Pratique apporte les connaissances fondamentales en endocrinologie, diabétologie et maladies métaboliques. La première partie Connaissances développe, de manière...
Book cover of 1 Out of 10 Doctors Recommends

1 Out of 10 Doctors Recommends

Drinking Urine, Eating Worms, and Other Weird Cures, Cases, and Research from the Annals of Medicine

by H. Eric Bender, M.D., M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2016

Have you ever wondered what that 1 outlier would say when you see commercials and products boasting that 9 out of 10 doctors recommend something? Well here’s your answer.... Three doctors explore and explain the least recommended techniques and cures lurking in the darkest corners of medicine...
Book cover of Le Marketing mobile

Le Marketing mobile

Comprendre, influencer, distribuer, monétiser

by Aurélie Guerrieri, Eric Dosquet, Frédéric Dosquet
Language: French
Release Date: October 26, 2016

Le mobile est devenu un média plus important que le Web : plus de la moitié du trafic Internet se fait depuis des smartphones et tablettes. Le mobile est donc LE média à investir pour les annonceurs. Mais comment le conquérir? Comment être visible? Comment entrer dans l'intimité du client sans...
Book cover of America’s Most Sustainable Cities and Regions

America’s Most Sustainable Cities and Regions

Surviving the 21st Century Megatrends

by John W. Day, Eric Roy, Matthew Moerschbaecher
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2016

This book takes you on a unique journey through American history, taking time to consider the forces that shaped the development of various cities and regions, and arrives at an unexpected conclusion regarding sustainability. From the American Dream to globalization to the digital and information...
Book cover of Don't Call It a Comeback (Foreword by D. A. Carson): The Old Faith for a New Day
by Kevin DeYoung, Ted Kluck, Russell D. Moore
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2011

Recent cultural interest in evangelicalism has led to considerable confusion about what the term actually means. Many young Christians are tempted to discard the label altogether. But evangelicalism is not merely a political movement in decline or a sociological phenomenon on the rise, as it has sometimes...
Book cover of William James, Moral Philosophy, and the Ethical Life
by Guy Axtell, Gregory Eiselein, Jacob L. Goodson
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2017

Virtue theory, natural law, deontology, utilitarianism, existentialism: these are the basic moral theories taught in “Ethics,” “History of Philosophy,” and “Introduction to Philosophy” courses throughout the United States. When the American philosopher William James (1842 – 1910) find...
Book cover of Exalting Jesus in Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk
by Dr. Eric Redmond, Ph.D., Dr. William Curtis
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2016

Exalting Jesus in Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk is part of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. This series affirms that the Bible is a Christ-centered book, containing a unified story of redemptive history of which Jesus is the hero. It’s presented as sermons, divided into chapters...
Book cover of Appalachian Health and Well-Being
by Carol S. Baugh, Melanie F. Myers, Michael S. Hendryx
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2012

Appalachians have been characterized as a population with numerous disparities in health and limited access to medical services and infrastructures, leading to inaccurate generalizations that inhibit their healthcare progress. Appalachians face significant challenges in obtaining effective care, and...
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