Etienne: 291 books

Book cover of La mort existe-t-elle ? Prix du jury Prix Femme Actuelle 2015
by Etienne Rica
Language: French
Release Date: August 27, 2015

Trois meurtres, trois femmes brunes et une mise en scène machiavélique. Prix du jury Prix Femme Actuelle 2015. Un serial killer sévit dans le 13ème arrondissement de Paris. Le commissaire Delicourt va utiliser tous les moyens, y compris les plus inhabituels pour mettre la main sur le coupable....
Book cover of Harbinger
by Sara Wilson Etienne
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2012

Plagued by waking visions and nightmares, sixteen-year-old Faye thinks she’s going crazy. Fast. She can hardly blame her parents when they ship her off to the prison-like Holbrook Academy for treatment. On her first night at Holbrook, she feels strangely connected to the school, like she’s come...
Book cover of Thoughts and Words
by Ramon Etienne Husein
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2014

The title of this work, Thoughts and Words, is a modest description of the brilliant poems captured between its pages. From Whimsical Baby! and Serious Talk to Disquisitions on Love, this anthology has a transcendence that is thought provoking and potentially life changing. An outstanding collection!...
Book cover of La Colonie

La Colonie

Un thriller historique

by Johann Etienne
Language: French
Release Date: January 30, 2017

À l’ombre de la cordillère des Andes, la bête immonde a survécu… Samuel Atlan possédait la capacité de se souvenir de tout. Un cas rare d’hypermnésie, selon les médecins. Une mémoire sans faille, à l’exception d’une seule : Samuel ne se rappelait rien de ce qui précédait...
Book cover of Chipless RFID Reader Design for Ultra-Wideband Technology

Chipless RFID Reader Design for Ultra-Wideband Technology

Design, Realization and Characterization

by Marco Garbati, Etienne Perret, Romain Siragusa
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2018

Chipless RFID Reader Design for Ultra-Wideband Technology: Design, Realization and Characterization deals with the efficient design of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based embedded systems for chipless readers, providing a reading technique based on polarization diversity that is shown with...
Book cover of Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice

Learning, Meaning, and Identity

by Etienne Wenger
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 1999

This book presents a theory of learning that starts with the assumption that engagement in social practice is the fundamental process by which we get to know what we know and by which we become who we are. The primary unit of analysis of this process is neither the individual nor social institutions,...
Book cover of Pratique de la Calligraphie Gothique Digitale
by Etienne Nguyen Tan Hon
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2014

Book cover of Identity And Difference

Identity And Difference

John Locke And The Invention Of Consciousness

by Etienne Balibar
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2013

John Locke’s foundational place in the history of British empiricism and liberal political thought is well established. So, in what sense can Locke be considered a modern European philosopher? Identity and Difference argues for reassessing this canonical figure. Closely examining the "treatise...
Book cover of Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship

God's Unchanging Order

by Augustin D. Etienne
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2009

The discussion rages as continuously many seek to re-establish Saturday as the day of worship. The contention is that the day has been changed by post Apostolic "detractors" who, in keeping with Gods warning in Daniel 7:25 that days and laws would be changed, have changed the Sabbath from...
Book cover of Stochastic Differential Equations, Backward SDEs, Partial Differential Equations
by Etienne Pardoux, Aurel Rӑşcanu
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2014

This research monograph presents results to researchers in stochastic calculus, forward and backward stochastic differential equations, connections between diffusion processes and second order partial differential equations (PDEs), and financial mathematics. It pays special attention to the relations...
Book cover of U-Boote 1945

U-Boote 1945

L'ultime sursaut

by Etienne Sevran
Language: French
Release Date: May 4, 2015

En dépit des succès retentissants remportés sur les itinéraires commerciaux alliés, un constat prévaut dès l’automne 1939 dans les rangs allemands : la Kriegsmarine, et a fortiori l’Unterseebootwaffe, ont été entraînée dans la guerre avant d’avoir atteint le potentiel de nuisance...
Book cover of Relation nouvelle et impartiale du naufrage de la famp de Daccard
by Paulin Etienne d'Anglas de Praviel
Language: French
Release Date: November 11, 2016

Ce livre est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique. Extrait : Naufragé de la Méduse, après une année de malheur et de privations, je rentrai dans le sein de ma famille, pour y rétablir ma santé délabrée, et attendre les ordres du gouvernement. Le souvenir...
Book cover of Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, le traumatisme de toute une nation (Grands Événements)
by Quentin Convard, 50 minutes, Etienne Lock
Language: French
Release Date: December 3, 2014

Découvrez enfin tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur le 11 septembre en moins d’une heure ! Le 11 septembre 2001, le monde entier est sous le choc : deux avions viennent de s’écraser sur les tours du World Trade Center, à New York, entraînant la mort de près de 3 000 personnes. Quelques...
Book cover of De la barbarie de ce temps

De la barbarie de ce temps

Paris ou le Livre des cent-et-un

by Etienne-Jean Delécluze, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: June 19, 2015

Extrait : "Observer, analyser, mépriser, puis enfin laisser tomber en ruines, et même détruire au besoin ce qui est beau, sous prétexte d'en employer les débris pour en faire quelque chose d'utile ; telles sont les dispositions les plus constantes de certains esprits de notre temps et les...
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