Eugenio: 217 books

Book cover of Criminal Lesbo
by Eugenio Cardi
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2013

Liberamente ispirato da un fatto di cronaca realmente accaduto: le relazioni pericolose tra tre adolescenti irrequiete e sessualmente disinibite… Romanzo adatto a un pubblico adulto
Book cover of Alfabeto del mundo
by Eugenio Montejo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 21, 2014

Eugenio Montejo reivindica para la poesía latinoamericana la abolición de las fronteras: pertenecemos más a nuestra época que a nuestro país, pues hay familias poéticas, identidades verbales que no siempre coinciden con las demarcaciones geográficas. Esta segunda edición incorpora trabajos de sus libros posteriores: Adiós al siglo XX, Partitura de la cigarra y Papiros amorosos.
Book cover of La filosofía y su sombra
by Eugenio Trías
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 22, 2019

En la contraportada de la primera edición de este libro, publicado en 1969, se anunciaba que estábamos ante un texto que "daba una respuesta a la vez rigurosa y polémica al problema de la naturaleza del discurso filosófico". Se trataba de la primera obra de Eugenio Trías, que a sus...
Book cover of THE POWER OF LOVE - Illustrated Poems about Love and Erotism in English and Italian

THE POWER OF LOVE - Illustrated Poems about Love and Erotism in English and Italian

Illustrated Poems about Love and Erotism in English and Italian

Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2018

Poems about love and erotism traduced from the italian language into the english one (with also the original italian text inside), followed by photographical artworks – i.e. artisitcal photos and wallpapers featuring each poem – or text artworks. Many poems are in rhymes and feature also a psychological...
Book cover of ALL THE COLORS OF LOVE - Illustrated Poems about Love and Erotism in English and Italian

ALL THE COLORS OF LOVE - Illustrated Poems about Love and Erotism in English and Italian

Illustrated poems about love and erotism in english and italian

Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2018

Poems about love and erotism traduced from the italian language into the english one (with also the original italian text inside), followed by photographical artworks – i.e. artisitcal photos and wallpapers featuring each poem – or text artworks. Many poems are in rhymes and feature also a psychological...
Book cover of IO, TE E L'AMORE CHE CI AVVOLGE − Le più Belle Poesie senza Tempo d’Amore ed Eros
by Dott. Eugenio Flajani Galli
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 20, 2017

Per chi ha ancora il coraggio di amare e innamorarsi, per guardare alla realtà con occhi diversi, quelli del vostro cuore, e per far riflettere sul sentimento più misterioso e potente di tutti: l’Amore che ci fa girar la testa dalle emozioni, che ci fa battere il cuore riempiendolo di gioia, che...
Book cover of The Vanishing Frame

The Vanishing Frame

Latin American Culture and Theory in the Postdictatorial Era

by Eugenio Claudio Di Stefano
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2018

In the postdictatorial era, Latin American cultural production and criticism has been defined by a series of assumptions about politics and art—expecially the claim that political freedom can be achieved by promoting a more direct experience between the textual subject (often a victim) and the reader...
Book cover of Multicellularity


Origins and Evolution

by Andrew H. Knoll, Daniel J.G. Lahr, A. Keith Dunker
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2016

Scholars consider the origins and consequences of the evolution of multicellularity, addressing a range of organisms, experimental protocols, theoretical concepts, and philosophical issues. The evolution of multicellularity raises questions regarding genomic and developmental commonalities...
Book cover of Rivista di Psicosintesi Terapeutica n. 27
by Lapo Felicioni, Anna Maria Cavaciocchi, Elisabetta Percario
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 14, 2014

RIVISTA DI PSICOSINTESI TERAPEUTICA Anno XIV – N. 27 Marzo 2013 EDIZIONI S.I.P.T. Società Italiana di Psicosintesi Terapeutica Firenze INDICE EDITORIALE Riscrivere la propria storia (di Alberto Alberti) PSICOTERAPIA Storie, immagini, metafore in psicoterapia (di Filippo Conti) La fotografia...
Book cover of Diari dal sottosuolo
by Luca Tarenzi, Federica Soprani, Laura Maclem
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 22, 2014

L'agghiacciante nenia di una sirena assetata di sangue. Una giovane strega desiderosa di vendetta che invoca demoni oscuri. Un uomo disposto a tutto pur di ricordare il suo passato. Città immaginarie, portali che separano il quotidiano dall'incubo. Echi provenienti dall'abisso dell'animo umano e...
Book cover of Maledetti
by Eugenio Tassoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 30, 2015

Scoprire casualmente, consultando un antico volume, che una strega vissuta un paio di secoli fa potrebbe essere ancora viva e mettersi alla sua ricerca, un po’ per noia, un po’ per ripicca verso la propria moglie dalla quale non si ha il coraggio di divorziare, può non essere una grande idea. Soprattutto se poi, alla fine, è lei a trovare te.
Book cover of The Moon Rises from the Ganges

The Moon Rises from the Ganges

My journey through Asian acting techniques

by Eugenio Barba
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2016

A collection of texts by Eugenio Barba reconstructing the history of his relationships with the Asian classical theatres. Interweaving stories of journeys, meetings, anecdotes, reflections and technical descriptions, the author exposes the phases and changes in a passion that covers the fifty years...
Book cover of Pot Pourri

Pot Pourri

Whistlings of an Idler

by Eugenio Cambaceres
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2003

Eugenio Cambaceres was the first to introduce the naturalist manner of Emile Zola to Argentinean literature in the late nineteenth century. The work of Cambaceres, a precursor to the contemporary Argentinean novel, is crucial for an understanding of the period of consolidation of Argentina, the formation...
Book cover of Conversazioni con Carlo Maria Martini
by Vito Mancuso, Eugenio Scalfari
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 25, 2012

L’intensa emozione che ha attraversato l’Italia il 31 agosto 2012 alla notizia della sua morte conduce a chiedersi chi sia stato veramente Carlo Maria Martini. Fu di certo un cardinale a lungo papabile, l’arcivescovo di una delle più grandi diocesi del mondo, il presidente del Consiglio delle...
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