Eugenio: 217 books

Book cover of Gli incantevoli scarti. Cento romanzi di cento parole
by Eugenio Baroncelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 16, 2014

Ogni libro di Baroncelli è una sorpresa, uno scrigno in cui la biblioteca e la memoria dell’autore si mescolano dando luogo a opere straordinarie. Ora è la volta dei romanzi, raccolti in numero di cento; sono opere essenziali e tutto ciò che è superfluo è stato tolto. E tagliando e limando, ne rimane l’essenza, il senso autentico, racchiuso in cento parole.
Book cover of Mosche d'inverno

Mosche d'inverno

271 morti in due o tre pose

by Eugenio Baroncelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 9, 2013

Scrittori, poeti, santi, conquistatori, re e regine, papi e filosofi, e tanti meno noti la cui vita scopriamo proprio in limine mortis. Persone colte nel momento della fine, come se il modo di morire illuminasse di senso la loro stessa vita.
Book cover of Falene


237 vite quasi perfette

by Eugenio Baroncelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 9, 2013

Le minibiografie di Baroncelli si leggono come esempi o come svolgimenti a tema di massime appartenenti a una filosofia di vita. Sono ritratti molto metafisici e molto poco storici. Dopo Libro di candele e Mosche d’inverno altre fulminanti biografie-in-una-pagina-sola: 237 vite di personaggi noti e meno noti, accomunate tutte, questa volta, da una qualche sconfitta.
Book cover of Sovereign Risk and Public-Private Partnership During the Euro Crisis
by Maura Campra, Gianluca Oricchio, Eugenio Mario Braja
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2014

This book is an examination of the sovereign risk and debt limit issues facing the Eurozone (crisis/post crisis) and the need for alternative mechanisms to fund the capital investment requirements of the region.
Book cover of Construction Management
by Eugenio Pellicer, Helder P. Moura, Víctor Yepes
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2013

The management of construction projects is a wide ranging and challenging discipline in an increasingly international industry, facing continual challenges and demands for improvements in safety, in quality and cost control, and in the avoidance of contractual disputes. Construction Management...
Book cover of Management Control Systems in Complex Settings

Management Control Systems in Complex Settings

Emerging Research and Opportunities

by Eugenio Comuzzi, Filippo Zanin, Antonio Costantini
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2017

Organizations are constantly creating original initiatives, product lines, or implementing new workflows to remain competitive in the contemporary business world. Employing optimum methods for efficient performance and timely completion of tasks is vital to the success of a business. Management Control...
Book cover of Les Deux Coeurs de l'Egypte T01

Les Deux Coeurs de l'Egypte T01

La barque des milliers d'années

by Makyo, Alessandro Calore, Eugenio Sicomoro
Language: French
Release Date: April 25, 2018

Amoureux de l'Egypte antique et de ses mystères, amateurs de thrillers ésotériques, embarquez avec Makyo pour un fabuleux et périlleux voyage mis en images avec finesse par deux dessinateurs au talent sûr. Néferkheperourê vient de naître. Fils d'Amenhotep III et de la reine Tiy, le futur Akhénaton...
Book cover of The Children of Bothell

The Children of Bothell

My Picture Book of Memories

by Jesus Eugenio Davila Gonzalez
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2016

This is a book intended to make children write, read, and draw. It is a book for future artists, and each illustration has a blank page so that the child may use it. Because it is the book of a future great artist, children should keep it for their whole lives. The Children of Bothell tells us a story...
Book cover of Ensayos
by Eugenio María de Hostos y Bonilla
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Book cover of The Paper Canoe

The Paper Canoe

A Guide to Theatre Anthropology

by Eugenio Barba
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2003

First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of La peregrinación de Bayoán
by Eugenio María de Hostos y Bonilla
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2016

La peregrinación de Bayoán empieza con un viaje por el Caribe. Bayoán, el protagonista, marcha de Puerto Rico en camino a Europa y describe los archipiélagos cercanos a Cuba y su llegada a La Habana. En Cuba Bayoán se enamora de Marién en una suerte de alegoría a la unión de las Antillas españolas....
Book cover of Los amantes de Teruel
by Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2016

Los amantes de Teruel narra una historia ocurrida en dicha ciudad. En Teruel suenan campanas de boda mientra llega a la villa Diego de Marcilla que regresa rico y famoso tras tomar parte en múltiples batallas en España. Diego está enamorado desde niño de Isabel de Segura. Pero ella es de una familia...
Book cover of La vita di un insegnante dalla A… alla Zeta
by Eugenio Fezza
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 23, 2017

La scuola vista con entusiasmo entrando dalla porta principale insieme a un prof che la vive con grande passione. TUTTI abbiamo trascorso i nostri anni migliori a SCUOLA che ci ha preparato alla vita, bene o male proprio TUTTI. Abbiamo incontrato INSEGNANTI preparati, demotivati, entusiasti, che "ce...
Book cover of Theatre and Cartographies of Power

Theatre and Cartographies of Power

Repositioning the Latina/o Americas

by Violeta Luna, Jorge Dubatti, Ileana Diéguez
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2018

From the colonial period to independence and into the twenty-first century, Latin American culture has been mapped as a subordinate “other” to Europe and the United States. This collection reconsiders geographical space and power and the ways in which theatrical and performance histories have...
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