Eugenio: 217 books

Book cover of El renacimiento italiano
by Eugenio Garin
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 19, 2012

Se trata de una recopilación sistemática, la primera de su género, de textos y documentos, algunos de ellos poco conocidos, que subrayan la impronta “humanista”: el relieve que se da a la actividad del hombre, a sus posibilidades, a su acción terrenal, en la vida civil, la cultura, las artes,...
Book cover of Circuit Design on Plastic Foils
by Daniele Raiteri, Eugenio Cantatore, Arthur van Roermund
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2014

This book illustrates a variety of circuit designs on plastic foils and provides all the information needed to undertake successful designs in large-area electronics. The authors demonstrate architectural, circuit, layout, and device solutions and explain the reasons and the creative process behind...
Book cover of Escritos de juventud 1923-1942
by Gabriele Vesely-Frankl, Gabriele Vesely-Frankl, Eugenio Fizzotti
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Viktor Frankl es conocido como el fundador de la Tercera Escuela Vienesa de Psicoterapia , a la que designó con el binomio de logoterapia y análisis existencial . Sin embargo, es menos conocida su actividad pionera, entre las décadas de 1920 y 1930, en el asesoramiento juvenil y la prevención...
Book cover of La governance nel project management. Come dirigere dall'alto progetti e project manager
by Assirep-Associazione Italiana Responsabili ed Esperti di Gestione Progetto, Alessandro Cagliesi, Francesca Petrelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 9, 2015

Il volume descrive la figura dello “sponsor” di progetto o “project account/executive”, inteso quale responsabile ultimo del successo di un progetto, e analizza l’ampio spettro delle sue competenze. NOTA DELL'EDITORE: la versione PDF di questo ebook è visualizzabile su Pc, Mac e tablet; tutte le altre versioni sono ottimizzate per la lettura su tablet.
Book cover of Reaction Mechanisms in Carbon Dioxide Conversion
by Michele Aresta, Angela Dibenedetto, Eugenio Quaranta
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2015

This book provides an analysis of the reaction mechanisms relevant to a number of processes in which CO2 is converted into valuable products. Several different processes are considered that convert CO2 either in specialty chemicals or in bulk products or fuels. For each reaction, the mechanism is...
Book cover of Aspettando Godot al Café de la Paix
by Eugenio Dario Lai
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 23, 2016

Una miriade di critici, letterati, studiosi, scienziati, psicanalisti, ha cercato nei decenni di decriptare Aspettando Godot di Beckett inseguendo quello che sembra un enigma allegorico spregiudicatamente celato da un abile e furbo burattinaio, rifiutandosi di rivelare chi fossero veramente i personaggi...
Book cover of Páginas íntimas
by Eugenio María de Hostos
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2016

Incluye 'Inda', un diario que recoge los momentos en que conoció a su esposa, la cubana Belinda Otilia Ayala; el 'Libro de mis hijos, que comprende poemas, cuentos y comedias, y sus 'Cartas familiares'.
Book cover of 101 Lasciamenti

101 Lasciamenti

Piccolo galateo della crudeltà

by Eugenio Alberti Schatz
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 12, 2013

In questo libro si respira l'odore un po' demodé della Rimini di Fellini, una dolce vita che ha lo smartphone e aspetta l'Expo. 101 lasciamenti, racconti brevissimi e fulminanti, delle fucilate al cuore di una generazione che dopo il boom e le decine di "reflussi" si trova alle prese con...
Book cover of #SEDUCISOCIAL – La GUIDA COMPLETA per Conoscere Uomini e Donne single con Facebook, Whatsapp, Badoo, Tinder, WeChat, Lovoo, Meetic, Twoo, Jaumo, Waplog, Zoosk, Skout e altri 500 siti ed app recensiti e commentati!
by Dott. Eugenio Flajani Galli
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 9, 2017

CON QUESTO LIBRO IMPARERAI A: - Utilizzare i siti e le app di incontro efficacemente; - Conquistare altri single mediante i messaggi e le chat; - Creare un profilo accattivante; - Risparmiare su eventuali costi dei siti e delle app; - Ottenere un appuntamento con i fiocchi con una persona conosciuta...
Book cover of Telecommunication Networks
by Eugenio Iannone
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2017

Many argue that telecommunications network infrastructure is the most impressive and important technology ever developed. Analyzing the telecom market’s constantly evolving trends, research directions, infrastructure, and vital needs, Telecommunication Networks responds with revolutionized engineering...
Book cover of Human Rights, Suffering, and Aesthetics in Political Prison Literature
by Yenna Wu, Simona Livescu, Ramsey Scott
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2011

This interdisciplinary volume of essays studies human rights in political prison literature, while probing the intersections of suffering, politics, and aesthetics in an interliterary and intercultural context. As the first book to explore the concept of global aesthetics in political prison narratives,...
Book cover of Systems Engineering and Its Application to Industrial Product Development
by Eugenio Brusa, Ambra Calà, Davide Ferretto
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2017

Mastering the complexity of innovative systems is a challenging aspect of design and product development. Only a systematic approach can help to embed an increasing degree of smartness in devices and machines, allowing them to adapt to variable conditions or harsh environments. At the same time, customer...
Book cover of The Latina/o Theatre Commons 2013 National Convening: A Narrative Report
by Brian Eugenio Herrera
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2015

This book offers a detailed narrative account of what happened at the 2013 Latina/o Theatre Commons National Convening which was the first national gathering of U.S. Latina/o theatermakers in more than twenty five years. The convening was hosted by HowlRound: A Center for the Theater Commons at Emerson College in Boston, October 31 to November 2, 2013.
Book cover of Afro-Cuban Religious Experience

Afro-Cuban Religious Experience

Cultural Reflections in Narrative

by Eugenio Matibag
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2018

The books in the Florida and the Caribbean Open Books Series demonstrate the University Press of Florida’s long history of publishing Latin American and Caribbean studies titles that connect in and through Florida, highlighting the connections between the Sunshine State and its neighboring islands....
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