Eva Daniel: 21 books

Book cover of Slipping the Noose

Slipping the Noose

Two Escape Stories

by Helmut Lemke, Eva Daniel
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2018

The book tells two complimentary stories about events at the end of World War II in Germany. Eva describes how her large Mennonite family flees from their farm in East Prussia, pursued by the Russian army, to settle in the west of Germany. In interesting detail, she describes the hardships and the...
Book cover of Landscapes of Collectivity in the Life Sciences
by James R. Griesemer, Joan Roughgarden, Ofer Feinerman
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2018

Broad perspective on collectivity in the life sciences, from microorganisms to human consensus, and the theoretical and empirical opportunities and challenges. Many researchers and scholars in the life sciences have become increasingly critical of the traditional methodological focus on the...
Book cover of Kerzen, Killer, Krippenspiel

Kerzen, Killer, Krippenspiel

24 Weihnachtskrimis vom Nordseestrand zum Alpenrand

by Regine Kölpin, Christiane Franke, Christiane Fux
Language: German
Release Date: September 27, 2017

"Kerzen, Killer, Krippenspiel" – die Fortsetzung des beliebten mörderischen Adventskalenders mit 24 weihnachtlichen Kurz-Krimis nach den Spiegel-Bestsellern "Türchen, Tod und Tannenbaum" und "Plätzchen, Punsch und Psychokiller"! Eine Weihnachts-Anthologie der tödlichen...
Book cover of Zeitschrift für Romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik
by Sina Wild, Johana Wolf, Julia Peitz
Language: German
Release Date: April 12, 2018

Sina Wild (Mainz) « Les animaux de nos forêts » – Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zu bilingualem Biologieunterricht am Beispiel der Tierwelt im Lebensraum Wald Johanna Wolf (Salzburg) Konstruktionen und chunks im Fremdspracherwerb: Zur Bedeutung von Frequenz und Gebrauchspräferenz am Beispiel von Unterschieden...
Book cover of Comunicación, educación y tecnologías digitales

Comunicación, educación y tecnologías digitales

Tendencias actuales en investigación

by Óscar Enrique Hernández Razo, Gladys Ortiz Henderson, Daniel Hernández Gutiérrez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 25, 2019

En este libro se agrupa el trabajo de reconocidos/as investigadores/as de México y España, quienes durante el año 2015 participaron en el seminario Mediaciones, Narrativas y Artefactos (MeNTe) organizado por el Departamento de Estudios Culturales de la UAM-Lerma. En los capítulos se presentan...
Book cover of Fanny Lear

Fanny Lear

Love and Scandal in Tsarist Russia

by Daniel McDonald, Eva McDonald
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2012

Fanny Lear: Love and Scandal in Tsarist Russia>/i> tells the story of Harriet Clarissima Ely Blackford, also known as Fanny Lear. She was an American courtesan in the late nineteenth century, a strong, independent woman who refused to accept the restrictions placed on women by society at the...
Book cover of Lens of War

Lens of War

Exploring Iconic Photographs of the Civil War

by James Robertson Jr., Thavolia Glymph, Daniel Sutherland
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Lens of War grew out of an invitation to leading historians of the Civil War to select and reflect upon a single photograph. Each could choose any image and interpret it in personal and scholarly terms. The result is a remarkable set of essays by twenty-seven scholars whose numerous volumes on the...
Book cover of Spectrum


SmartyPants Spectrum Series, #1

by Jennifer Roush, S.C. Jensen, Gale Meadows
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2017

**You are an explorer in a galaxy of worlds... ** ...with countless stories to delve into or even just try out. Inside, you are the rescuer of the kitten who rescues you right back. You are the citizen making a life-or-death decision. You are the teenager experiencing her first...
Book cover of Stollen, Schnee und Sensenmann

Stollen, Schnee und Sensenmann

24 Weihnachtskrimis von Flensburg bis zum Wörthersee

by Jean Bagnol, Richard Birkefeld, Daniel Holbe
Language: German
Release Date: September 26, 2014

Morgen, Kinder, wird's was geben … In der besinnlichen Adventszeit wird quer durch die deutschsprachigen Lande vergiftet, gemeuchelt und verscharrt. 24 namhafte Regio-Krimi-Autoren packen die Rute aus, bis der Christbaum die Nadeln verliert. Und dabei segnen nicht nur Gänse und Karpfen das Zeitliche.
Book cover of Sacred Markets, Sacred Canopies

Sacred Markets, Sacred Canopies

Essays on Religious Markets and Religious Pluralism

by William Sims Bainbridge, Steve Bruce, Roger Finke
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2003

Can individual decisions concerning whether or where to attend church, to contribute time or money to religious organizations, or to forgo certain activities be explained as a special case of economic theory? In Sacred Markets, Sacred Canopies, Ted G. Jelen brings together the leading scholars in...
Book cover of La imagen cruenta

La imagen cruenta

Centenario de la Decena Trágica

by Alberto del Castillo Troncoso, Rebeca Monroy Nasr, Samuel L Villela
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 15, 2018

La fotografía y otras manifestaciones artísticas como fuente documental para la historia
Book cover of Water and Environment in the Selenga-Baikal Basin

Water and Environment in the Selenga-Baikal Basin

International Research Cooperation for an Ecoregion of Global Relevance

by Martin Kappas, Marcus Malsy, Martina Flörke
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

The water resources of the Selenga River/Lake Baikal system are of fundamental importance for the ecosystems and socio-economic development of the region. In this large-scale river and lake basin, there are strong contrasts between regions of relatively pristine nature and massive anthropogenic impacts...
Book cover of Comunicación política: nuevas dinámicas y ciudadanía permanente
by Rubén Sánchez Medero, Rubén Sánchez Medero, Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 16, 2016

La obra aborda el análisis de la comunicación política desde una perspectiva novedosa al combinar una aproximación académica y profesional. Ello permite realizar un adecuado tratamiento de algunos de sus principales conceptos, como los efectos de la comunicación en el comportamiento de los ciudadanos,...
Book cover of Nichts als Lügen!

Nichts als Lügen!


by Kerstin Surra, Christa Huber, Ulrike Zimmermann
Language: German
Release Date: March 30, 2014

Wissenschaftliche Studien belegen: Wir lügen jeden Tag, bewusst oder unbewusst, in Gedanken oder laut. Wir verschonen die Lieben mit der Wahrheit und lügen stattdessen, damit es erträglicher bleibt. Oder wir lügen, weil wir ein schlechtes Gewissen haben und eine Ausrede brauchen. Es gibt viele...
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