Fabio: 707 books

Book cover of In the Sea There are Crocodiles

In the Sea There are Crocodiles

Based on the True Story of Enaiatollah Akbari

by Fabio Geda
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2011

When ten-year-old Enaiatollah Akbari’s small village in Afghanistan falls prey to Taliban rule in early 2000, his mother shepherds the boy across the border into Pakistan but has to leave him there all alone to fend for himself. Thus begins Enaiat’s remarkable and often punishing five-year ordeal,...
Book cover of Tutti primi sul traguardo del mio cuore
by Fabio Genovesi
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 2, 2019

Per migliaia di chilometri, in auto, a piedi, su traghetti, bus e funivie, una carovana piena di colori tenta di stare dietro al ritmo furibondo imposto dai ciclisti che in tre settimane girano tutta l’Italia, dalla costiera amalfitana agli aspri profili del Vajont. Ne fa parte anche uno scrittore,...
Book cover of Brasil: raízes do atraso
by Marcelo Nonnenberg, Fabio Giambiagi
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 24, 2010

Prestigiado no cenário acadêmico brasileiro e internacional, e colaborador frequente do jornal Valor Econômcio, o autor Fabio Giambiagi é um dos mais conhecidos e respeitados críticos do modelo econômico adotado pelo governo brasileiro. Nessa obra ele se junta a Marcelo Nonnenberg para mostrar...
Book cover of Behind the Gate

Behind the Gate

Inventing Students in Beijing

by Fabio Lanza
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2010

On May 4, 1919, thousands of students protested the Versailles treaty in Beijing. Seventy years later, another generation demonstrated in Tiananmen Square. Climbing the Monument of the People's Heroes, these protestors stood against a relief of their predecessors, merging with their own mythology...
Book cover of Cuentos populares mexicanos
by Fabio Morábito
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 17, 2015

A partir de una minuciosa investigación etnográfica y lingüística de los relatos de tradición oral más representativos del país, Fabio Morábito reúne en esta antología 125 cuentos provenientes de regiones que van desde Sonora hasta Chiapas, desde los tarahumaras hasta los chontales y, más...
Book cover of Feasting Our Eyes

Feasting Our Eyes

Food Films and Cultural Identity in the United States

by Laura Lindenfeld, Fabio Parasecoli
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2016

Big Night (1996), Ratatouille (2007), and Julie and Julia (2009) are more than films about food—they serve a political purpose. In the kitchen, around the table, and in the dining room, these films use cooking and eating to explore such themes as ideological pluralism, ethnic and racial acceptance,...
Book cover of L'indipendenza delle colonie africane portoghesi e il giudizio della stampa italiana
by Fabio Mechella
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 30, 2017

Il testo ripercorre la storia dei movimenti indipendentisti dell’Africa portoghese, mettendo in risalto il momento in cui, durante il 25 aprile 1974, il Movimento delle Forze Armate lusitane pose fine per sempre ad oltre mezzo secolo di dittatura, spazzando via quei legami economico-politici che...
Book cover of Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research
by Fabio Canova
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2011

The last twenty years have witnessed tremendous advances in the mathematical, statistical, and computational tools available to applied macroeconomists. This rapidly evolving field has redefined how researchers test models and validate theories. Yet until now there has been no textbook that unites...
Book cover of Imposta progressiva versus flat tax
by Fabio Ghiselli
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 8, 2018

La scelta di un sistema tributario è funzionale alla visione che la classe politica dominante ha del mondo, della rilevanza e funzione dello Stato, del valore della collettività, della preminenza o meno del singolo individuo rispetto al suo essere parte di una comunità, alla predominanza, o meno,...
Book cover of Quantum Trading

Quantum Trading

Using Principles of Modern Physics to Forecast the Financial Markets

by Fabio Oreste
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2011

A cutting-edge guide to quantum trading Original and thought-provoking, Quantum Trading presents a compelling new way to look at technical analysis and will help you use the proven principles of modern physics to forecast financial markets. In it, author Fabio Oreste shows how both the...
Book cover of Theory for the Working Sociologist
by Fabio Rojas
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2017

Theory for the Working Sociologist makes social theory easy to understand by revealing sociology's hidden playbook. Fabio Rojas argues that sociologists use four different theoretical "moves" when they try to explain the social world: how groups defend their status, how people strategically...
Book cover of Consumer Neuroscience
by Ana Iorga, Ming Hsu, Irit Shapira-Lichter
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2017

A comprehensive introduction to using the tools and techniques of neuroscience to understand how consumers make decisions about purchasing goods and services. Contrary to the assumptions of economists, consumers are not always rational actors who make decisions in their own best interests....
Book cover of Tiago Solan - Tome 01

Tiago Solan - Tome 01

Rançon d'État

by Nathalie Sergeef, Fabio Pezzi
Language: French
Release Date: October 12, 2016

Le sable sera leur linceul... Des vallées afghanes au Sahel, les prises d'otages enrichissent chefs de guerre et émirs djihadistes. Tiago Solan, tireur d’élite vétéran, est engagé comme mercenaire par la séduisante et impétueuse Ophelia Conti. Cette jeune et fortunée veuve italienne...
Book cover of Le Monde de l'Épée de cristal - Tome 01
by Sylvia Douyé, Fabio Lai
Language: French
Release Date: September 12, 2018

Le spin-off tant attendu d’un classique de l’heroic fantasy ! Cela fait 200 ans que la Grande Nuit de Cristal a eu lieu. Celle où la douce et belle Zorya a basculé du côté du mal pour semer la terreur sur ceux qu’elle avait juré de protéger... Aujourd’hui, après deux siècles...
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