Fabio: 707 books

Book cover of Cathares - Tome 01

Cathares - Tome 01

Le Sang des martyrs

by Bruno Falba, Fabio Bono
Language: French
Release Date: January 19, 2011

Le trésor des cathares... Tout commence un jour de mai 1242 dans un village perdu au milieu des champs. Ce jour-là, des chevaliers cathares libèrent dans le sang trois "purs" que des dominicains destinaient à la question. Pour la royauté et sa sainte Église catholique, ce fait...
Book cover of The Breaking of a Wave
by Fabio Genovesi
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2017

Winner of the 2015 Strega Prize for Young Authors A young girl struggles with her beloved brother's accidental death, her mother's depression, and fitting in at school in Fabio Genovesi's touching, funny, and imaginative new novel. Thirteen-year-old Luna lives in a small town on the...
Book cover of Un habitante del Séptimo Cielo

Un habitante del Séptimo Cielo

Un habitant du Septième Ciel

by Fabio Martínez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 18, 2011

Fabio Martínez mezcla en su marmita belleza y sordidez. Los cuatro ciclos del libro: Verano, Otoño, Infierno (donde los personajes pasan una rimbaldiana temporada) y Primavera, forman un fresco de esa ciudad tantas veces mitificada. (Juan Manuel Roca)
Book cover of Alfa Romeo 1300 and Other Miracles
by Fabio Bartolomei
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2012

Diego is a forty-something car salesman with a talent for telling half-truths. Fausto sells watches over the phone. Claudio manages (barely) his family-owned neighborhood supermarket. The characteristic common to each of these three men is their abject mediocrity. Yet, mediocrity being the mother...
Book cover of Legame di sangue
by Fabio Pasquale, Michela Pierpaoli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 7, 2014

ROMANZO BREVE HORROR - Se stai facendo la chemio, gli zombie non ti mordono. E se sei un ladro d'auto, perché dovresti interessarti a una bambina che vaga per la città infestata dai morti viventi? Mentre il malato terminale Julian scopre che il suo sangue tossico può renderlo speciale e...
Book cover of Siamo legione
by Fabio Pasquale, Andrea Ferrando
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 4, 2014

ROMANZO BREVE HORROR - Nuovi personaggi per "The Tube", e nuovi orrori in questa decima puntata. Riuscirà Erika a ritrovare Marika? E cosa succederà a Sisco e Carlo, appena usciti da una full immersion in sala di registrazione? Il nuovo capitolo di "The Tube", la serie...
Book cover of La ola que regresa (Poesía reunida)
by Fabio Morábito
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 28, 2013

Reunión de los tres libros de poesía que el autor ha publicado a la fecha: Lotes baldíos, De lunes todo el año y Alguien de lava. Las palabras que suscribió Luis Ignacio Helguera en su valoración crítica de De lunes todo el año, en 1992, son extensivas a este volumen de poesía reunida: "La...
Book cover of Alguien de lava
by Fabio Morábito
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 6, 2014

Detenerse a observar es la actividad predilecta del poeta Fabio Morábito. En la quietud, en el silencio, en la atención total se gesta el poema. La persona a la que alude el título de este libro, Alguien de lava, es ese testigo detenido (y que, como la lava, está por petrificarse) que mira las...
Book cover of Zomb Saga - Libro Uno
by Alexia Bianchini, Antonio Amodeo, Daniele Picciuti
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 30, 2018

In un mondo devastato da un’apocalisse zombie, quattro diver­si tipi di morti viventi costringono l’umanità a dividersi in al­trettante fazioni. Nomadi, religiosi, reietti e militari si conten­deranno ciò che resta del mondo che conosciamo cercando di sopravvivere a zombie vaganti, posseduti,...
Book cover of Italia Criminale dei Misteri - "Professione detective" - un ex agente Criminalpol racconta...
by Fabio A. Miller Dondi, Beppe Amico
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 21, 2018

Questa è la seconda parte del libro “Italia Criminale dei Misteri – Professione detective” e riguarda i fatti di cronaca più eclatanti degli ultimi cinquant’anni. I'attenzione del lettore viene dirottata sui numerosi casi di nera, molti dei quali irrisolti, che hanno riempito le pagine dei...
Book cover of Nell'anima del guerriero
by Fabio Pagani
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 5, 2013

Kocis, capitano della Legione straniera francese, dopo un conflitto a fuoco in Congo, si risveglia in un’Abbazia di frati cappuccini, sita al confine franco-spagnolo. Afflitto da un’amnesia acuta per un grave trauma alla testa, viene riabilitato da ex guerrieri diventati poi monaci. Tra questi...
Book cover of Italian Style - English Version

Italian Style - English Version

An amazing trip through the Italian Style, with original and funny illustrations

by Max Vellucci, Fabio Leonardi
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2017

An amazing travel into the Italian Style, with original and funny artworks. Sketchmaze is a method created by Max Vellucci and illustrated by Fabio Leonardi for a funny and innovative way of sharing the Italian culture, traditions and customs. Accompanied by Mr.Sketchmaze, you will learn how to cook...
Book cover of Python Data Analytics

Python Data Analytics

Data Analysis and Science using pandas, matplotlib and the Python Programming Language

by Fabio Nelli
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2015

Python Data Analytics will help you tackle the world of data acquisition and analysis using the power of the Python language. At the heart of this book lies the coverage of pandas, an open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools...
Book cover of Al Dente

Al Dente

A History of Food in Italy

by Fabio Parasecoli
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2014

Spaghetti with meatballs, fettuccine alfredo, margherita pizzas, ricotta and parmesan cheeses—we have Italy to thank for some of our favorite comfort foods. Home to a dazzling array of wines, cheese, breads, vegetables, and salamis, Italy has become a mecca for foodies who flock to its pizzerias,...
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