Federico: 752 books

Book cover of Butterflies Will Burn

Butterflies Will Burn

Prosecuting Sodomites in Early Modern Spain and Mexico

by Federico Garza Carvajal
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

As Spain consolidated its Empire in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, discourses about the perfect Spanish man or "Vir" went hand-in-hand with discourses about another kind of man, one who engaged in the "abominable crime and sin against nature"—sodomy. In both Spain and Mexico, sodomy came...
Book cover of Essential GWT

Essential GWT

Building for the Web with Google Web Toolkit 2

by Federico Kereki
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2010

With Google Web Toolkit, Java developers can build sophisticated Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) and complete Web sites using the powerful IDEs and tools they already use. Now, with GWT 2, Google Web Toolkit has become even more useful. Essential GWT shows how to use this latest version of GWT to...
Book cover of El trabajo y el cambio del contexto socioeconómico
by Federico Zia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 8, 2016

Un riguroso examen de los cambios en acto en el mundo del trabajo a la luz de la evolución impuesta de los nuevos procesos productivos y de acontecimientos macroeconómicos. L 'Autor, también refiriéndose a conceptos de varios estudiosos de la materia, cumple un análisis del desarrollo de los...
Book cover of Píldoras socioeconómicas
by Federico Zia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 6, 2016

El texto afronta las principales temáticas de la sociología económica en modo claro y conciso, con el objetivo de hacer principalmente comprensible una disciplina fascinadora y relativamente joven. En "Píldoras socioeconómicas" son tratados muchos argumentos que espacian de las temáticas...
Book cover of Usa tus tres cerebros

Usa tus tres cerebros

Psicología autosustentable. Dile adiós a tus emociones negativas

by Federico Pérez Castillo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 2, 2017

Self-Sustaining Psychology (PAS) is a method for overcoming negative emotions based in neuroscience and Buddhism. The author offers these effective and practical guidelines to reacting to any situation we're confronted with. Federico Pérez Castillo afirma que la psicología autosustentable...
Book cover of Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe: A Student/Teacher's Guide To School Safety and Violence Prevention
by Julie K. Federico
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2014

“Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe is a timely book that addresses a subject we wish was non-existent. The message of this book enables children to be aware of potential danger as well as how to communicate and respond in a time of crisis.” —Darrell Scott, Founder and President of Rachel’s...
Book cover of La Voie du Sabre - Tome 01

La Voie du Sabre - Tome 01

Les Cendres de l'enfance

by Thomas Day, Mathieu Mariolle, Federico Ferniani
Language: French
Release Date: March 6, 2013

Un récit d’apprentissage sur les routes d’un Japon médiéval et mythologique La vie du jeune Mikédi, fils du chef de guerre Nakamura, est bouleversée lorsque débarque dans la forteresse où il vit un samouraï de légende, Miyamoto Musashi. Cet homme, puissant et repoussant à bien...
Book cover of La Voie du Sabre - Tome 02

La Voie du Sabre - Tome 02

Les braises de l'enseignement

by Thomas Day, Mathieu Mariolle, Federico Ferniani
Language: French
Release Date: October 21, 2015

Un récit d’apprentissage sur les routes d’un Japon médiéval et mythologique À l’issue de la sanglante bataille des îles de Kido qui voit la défaite des troupes de son père, le jeune Mikédi poursuit sa formation auprès du maître sabreur Miyamoto Musashi. Et parce qu’un bon...
Book cover of Macao - Tome 01

Macao - Tome 01

La Cité du dragon

by Willy Duraffourg, Philippe Thirault, Federico Nardo
Language: French
Release Date: January 10, 2018

On ne devient pas le maître du jeu par hasard Macao, de nos jours. L’ancienne colonie portugaise de Chine est devenue la capitale mondiale du jeu. Les obscurs casinos d’arrière-salle tenus par la mafia ont laissé la place à d’immenses complexes dernier cri, proposant 24h/24 à leur...
Book cover of Fellini. Viaggio a Tulum e altre storie (9L)
by Federico Fellini, Milo Manara
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 18, 2016

Milo Manara e Federico Fellini: dall’amicizia tra questi due giganti della narrazione presero vita, nel 1989 e nel 1992, due capolavori del fumetto mondiale. Dopo lo straordinario successo di Caravaggio, Panini 9L presenta l’edizione definitiva di Viaggio a Tulum, con una nuova colorazione.
Book cover of Il ponte della Pia. Storia di fantasmi
by Federico Berti
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 25, 2015

Una donna misteriosa appare di notte in veste bianca sopra il ponte di Sovicille, 18 km da Siena in direzione Grosseto, presso le rovine dell'eremo di Rosia, guarda lontano e poi sparisce in silenzio. Questa è la storia del carbonaio che l'incontrò. Il seguito di Pia dei Tolomei, un'antica leggenda...
Book cover of La Tartufa di Venere
by Federico Berti
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 5, 2016

Una favola per adulti in 69 strofe e 11 illustrazioni realizzate a mano dall’autore, ambientata nel VII secolo a.C. in Lidia. Rielabora leggende locali della costa ionica tra cui il personaggio mitico di re Mida e la bella Aracne tramutata in un ragno. Nella lunga poesia in ottava rima l’avaro...
Book cover of La Madonna del Boschetto

La Madonna del Boschetto

Quando la fede fa miracoli

by Federico Berti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 2, 2017

Un'antica leggenda dell'Appennino Parmense. Nel XVII secolo una pastorella sordomuta ritrova inspiegabilmente la parola e l'udito, sostiene d'essere stata guarita da una misteriosa donna incontrata nel bosco. Si scopre il ritratto di lei sopra un sasso, in quel luogo viene costruita una chiesa dove...
Book cover of Betsy


A pulp novel

by Federico Scarioni
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2016

Nicolae Cook is an intern at Victoria Corporation, a multinational marketing company. The enterprise is led by Mr. Zwanga, a dark and mysterious founder and CEO who speaks through Mrs. Lulu, his resourceful secretary and the only one in the building who has ever seen his face. One day, Nicolae is...
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