Fiorino: 14 books

Book cover of A Good Life on a Finite Earth

A Good Life on a Finite Earth

The Political Economy of Green Growth

by Daniel J. Fiorino
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2017

The potential conflict among economic and ecological goals has formed the central fault line of environmental politics in the United States and most other countries since the 1970s. The accepted view is that efforts to protect the environment will detract from economic growth, jobs, and global competitiveness....
Book cover of Can Democracy Handle Climate Change?
by Daniel J. Fiorino
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2018

Global climate change poses an unprecedented challenge for governments across the world. Small wonder that many experts question whether democracies have the ability to cope with the causes and long-term consequences of a changing climate. Some even argue that authoritarian regimes are better equipped...
Book cover of Environmental Governance Reconsidered

Environmental Governance Reconsidered

Challenges, Choices, and Opportunities

by Regina Axelrod, Stacy D. VanDeveer, Michael E. Kraft
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2017

Key topics in the ongoing evolution of environmental governance, with new and updated material. This survey of current issues and controversies in environmental policy and management is unique in its thematic mix, broad coverage of key debates, and in-depth analysis. The contributing authors,...
Book cover of Disegnare idee immagini n° 54 / 2017

Disegnare idee immagini n° 54 / 2017

Rivista semestrale del Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell'Architettura Sapienza Università di Roma

by Carlo Bianchini, Mario Docci, Donatella Rita Fiorino
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 27, 2017

Editoriale di Mario Docci, Carlo Bianchini La qualità della ricerca scientifica nel settore del Disegno si può e si deve misurare Editorial by Mario Docci, Carlo Bianchini We can and must assess the quality of scientific research in the field of Drawing Roberto Mariotti L'immaginazione dentro la...
Book cover of Conceptual Innovation in Environmental Policy
by Richard N. L. Andrews, Michael E. Kraft, Karin Bäckstrand
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2017

Concepts and their role in the evolution of modern environmental policy, with case studies of eleven influential concepts ranging from “environment” to “sustainable consumption.” Concepts are thought categories through which we apprehend the world; they enable, but also constrain, reasoning...
Book cover of Insanewiches


101 Ways to Think Outside the Lunchbox

by Adrian Fiorino
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

With its scrumptuous sammies shown on Today and in Woman's Day, the Insanewiches website was chosen by Newsweek as one of "America's Favorite Photo Blogs." Now, blogger Adrian Fiorino goes beyond photos and for the first time serves up 101 wildly original recipes for whipping up your own...
Book cover of What Do We Expect from Our Government?
by Alison Brooks, , Chanin
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2012

Much has changed in US politics since the historic 2008 election. While the press covers the actions and agendas of the new administration, other impacts of this political shift have not received as much attention. These changes have forced the nation to rethink the necessary role of government, the...
Book cover of Revelations of a Simple Soul
by M. Madeleine Turgeon Fiorino
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2007

A few years ago, as I was praying and meditating, I had a vision. It was a traumatic and terrifying experience for me. In the vision, I was told that God wanted me to write this book. When the contents were revealed to me, it was extremely upsetting and shocking, because most of what I was...
Book cover of Eroi nel nulla
by Paolo Fiorino
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 29, 2012

Il romanzo storico Eroi nel nulla ricostruisce in modo vivido e coinvolgente la battaglia di Bir El Gobi (Libia, dicembre 1941), ma ci riporta anche al clima culturale degli anni quaranta, con grande rispetto del contesto storico in cui vivono i protagonisti e, al contempo, funge da specchio alla...
Book cover of Paesaggio Piano Progetto

Paesaggio Piano Progetto

Atti del Convegno Idee e progetti per il paesaggio rurale. Scenari per il turismo in Marmilla (Cagliari)

by Emanuela Abis, Carlo Atzeni, Carlo Aymerich
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

La Convenzione europea del Paesaggio e il Codice dei Beni culturali e del Paesaggio hanno aperto nuovi scenari ponendo al centro del governo del territorio il progetto per il paesaggio: la pianificazione paesaggistica rappresenta, infatti, lo sfondo culturale e il riferimento normativo delle politiche...
Book cover of The Chemistry of Thermal Food Processing Procedures
by Maria Micali, Marco Fiorino, Salvatore Parisi
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2016

This Brief reviews thermal processes in the food industry – pasteurization, sterilization, UHT processes, and others. It evaluates the effects on a chemical level and possible failures from a safety viewpoint, and discusses in how far the effects can be predicted. In addition, historical preservation...
Book cover of Eroi dimenticati
by Paolo Fiorino
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 6, 2017

Franco Lucchini è un giovane pilota della Regia Aeronautica, eroe e asso dell'aviazione legionaria durante la guerra civile spagnola. La sua vita è il volo e il suo l'unico pensiero è lo stormo. Allo scoppio della Seconda guerra mondiale il suo dovere di combattente diventa più importante di ogni...
Book cover of Conoscenza integrata e qualità progettuale nel restauro. Il caso della Caserma Cascino in Cagliari

Conoscenza integrata e qualità progettuale nel restauro. Il caso della Caserma Cascino in Cagliari

Published in Disegnare idee immagini 54/2017. Rivista semestrale del Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura “Sapienza” Università di Roma | Biannual Magazine of the Department of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture

by Tatiana Kirilova Kirova, Luca James Senatore, Donatella Rita Fiorino
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 29, 2017

Il contributo illustra le premesse, lo svolgimento e l’esito del percorso integrato di conoscenza messo a punto in occasione del progetto di restauro della Caserma Cascino di Cagliari, complesso militare costruito nella prima metà dell’Ottocento come colonia penale e attualmente sede dell’Arma...
Book cover of ISO/IEC 20000: Gerenciamento de Serviços de Tecnologia da Informação
by Jose Maria Fiorino Soula
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 21, 2013

Este livro trata da implementação de processos ITIL® (ITIL® é marca registrada da AXELOS Limited.) para alcançar os requisitos da norma ISO/IEC 20000 de Gerenciamento de Serviços de Tecnologia da Informação (GSTI). Aborda os temas de Qualidade e Melhoria Contínua de Serviços de TI. Traz...
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