Flavia: 91 books

Book cover of UHPLC in Life Sciences
by Deirdre Cabooter, G Desmet, K J Fountain
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2015

Since its commercial introduction in 2004, UHPLC (Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography) has begun to replace conventional HPLC in academia and industry and interest in this technique continues to grow. Both the increases in speed and resolution make this an attractive method; particularly...
Book cover of La merveilleuse Riviera del Brenta
by Paolo Tieto, Flavia Lazzaro
Language: French
Release Date: September 9, 2014

Ce volume se propose d'illustrer les villas qui cotoient le Naviglio Brenta, telles qu'elles se présentaient au XVIIIᵉ siècle et telles que nous pouvons les admirer aujourd'hui en sillonnant les eaux de l'antique fleuve à bord du "Burchielllo", de Padoue à Venise et vice-versa, d'Avril...
Book cover of Urban and Regional Development Trajectories in Contemporary Capitalism
by Flavia Martinelli, Frank Moulaert, Andreas Novy
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2013

This book re-evaluates a rich scientific heritage of space- and history-sensitive development theories and produces an integrated methodology for the comparative analysis of urban and regional trajectories within a globalized world. The main argument put forward is that current mainstream analyses...
Book cover of Europeanization and New Member States

Europeanization and New Member States

A Comparative Social Network Analysis

by Flavia Jurje
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2013

This book examines the Europeanization of the polity and politics of a new EU Member State. Using social network analysis in a comparative research design, it provides a systematic analysis of the effects of Europeanization on the institutions, policy processes, power constellation and conflict among...
Book cover of I baroni di Aleppo
by Flavia Amabile, Marco Tosatti
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 22, 2012

"Perchè si decide di partire per un luogo? A volte basta un nome evocativo come Aleppo, a volte la voglia di ritrovare le atmosfere di un libro, magari di D. H. Lawrence o Agatha Christie. Altre ancora, per il fascino di un albergo come l'Hotel Baron, la cui centenaria storia è narrata in questo...
Book cover of Drogas


Adolescentes en peligro, padres desorientados

by Laura Gómez López, Flavia Marchioni
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 15, 2017

El flagelo de la droga se ha vuelto un fenómeno alarmante. El consumo se ha ido complejizando y extendiendo, en especial entre los adolescentes, a merced de todo tipo de situaciones conflictivas, vulnerables a la presión de los pares, el “qué dirán” y las crisis de identidad. La falta de límites,...
Book cover of La dura fragilità del cristallo
by Flavia Basile Giacomini
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 23, 2015

Due mondi distanti possono scontrarsi o semplicemente sfiorarsi, oppure possono imparare a girare come pianeti intorno allo stesso sole. Chiara De Angelis è una trentenne indipendente, separata, madre di un bambino, figlia di tipografi che detesta i “ricchi capitalisti” e l’ostentazione del...
Book cover of Angelo di strada
by Flavia Basile Giacomini
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2014

Angelo ed Elisa sono due fratelli gemelli, tanto legati quanto diversi tra loro. L'una espressione graffiante di anticonformismo e spirito di contraddizione verso le regole, per affermare le ragioni dell'essere sopra qualunque forma perbenista di apparire, l'altro ligio alle attese riposte su di lui,...
Book cover of I segreti della Luna Oscura
by Mancini Flavia
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 27, 2016

Decine di secoli fa, il Druido Hortensio, molto sapiente ma un po’ pazzoide, era riuscito a racchiudere all’interno di quattro pietre le energie e le proprietà dei quattro Elementi: Aria, Acqua, Terra e Fuoco. Aveva eseguito un incantesimo proibito per pura curiosità, restando sbalordito dal...
Book cover of The Names of Heaven
by Flavia Idà
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2017

One man. An extraordinary choice. In 1511 the survivors of a Spanish shipwreck were captured by the Maya near the town of Tulum in Yucatan. Among them was a sailor from Palos named Gonzalo Guerrero. He lived among the Maya as a slave for three years, learning their language and customs; he then escaped...
Book cover of The Island of Last Truth
by Flavia Company
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2012

“I don’t remember who introduced me to Dr. Prendel. However, I do know that it was at the home of Martin Fleming, the psychiatrist, during a get-together of the faculty professors to celebrate his promotion from Assistant Dean to Dean, and I was immediately captivated by his reserved, taciturn...
Book cover of Magical May

Magical May

A Practical Guide to Living an Inspired Life

by Flavia Waas
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2017

The idea for this book came to me after a busy few months in 2016 after which I felt the need for some me-time. I announced to a group of friends that I will dedicate the whole month of May to giving myself that much needed time to myself and work on manifesting my dreams. Each day for 31 days...
Book cover of All the Way to Italy
by Flavia Brunetti
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2018

Until her dad died, Little considered herself a Californian. Now, thanks to half a letter, a symbol she can’t quite remember, and writer’s block, she finds herself back in Italy, the country of her birth. In a headlong rush to return to her beloved San Francisco, Little will journey throughout...
Book cover of Gerentas de hogar

Gerentas de hogar

Guía para administrar la casa como si fuera una empresa...

by Flavia Tomaello
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 1, 2014

Guía para administrar la casa como si fuera una empresa y vivir como si fuera un spa. Managment para amas de casa híper ocupadas. Guía para mujeres híper ocupadas que quieren optimizar la organización familiar con las herramientas del management. Cómo planear las compras, chequear que...
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