Flavia: 91 books

Book cover of Technicity vs Scientificity

Technicity vs Scientificity

Complementarities and Rivalries

by Giulia Anichini, Flavia Carraro, Georges Guille-Escuret
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2017

The relationship between technicity and scientificity is often overlooked or avoided despite being a determining factor for establishing interdisciplinarity. By focusing on this relationship and highlighting a number of its ramifications, this book sheds light on the hidden or skewed stakes that condition...
Book cover of The role of burins and their relationship with art through trace analysis at the Upper Palaeolithic site of Polesini Cave

The role of burins and their relationship with art through trace analysis at the Upper Palaeolithic site of Polesini Cave

Published in Origini n. XXXIX/2016. Rivista annuale del Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità – “Sapienza” Università di Roma | Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche – Prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations

by Cristina Lemorini, Antonio Tagliacozzo, Daniela Zampetti
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

Polesini Cave is located nearby Tivoli (RM) on the Eastern side of the Aniene river (RM). The cave held archaeological deposits ranging from Late Upper Palaeolithic to Late Roman Empire. The Late Upper Palaeolithic deposits are well known and studied since their richness in both lithic and faunal...
Book cover of The Fascist Nature of Neoliberalism
by Flavia Di Mario, Andrea Micocci
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2017

Capitalism is based on a false logic in which all facts and ideas are reduced to a consideration of their ‘feasibility’ within the capitalist system. Thus, all mainstream economic and political theories, including those such as Marxism which are supposed to offer an alternative vision, have been...
Book cover of Edilizia scolastica

Edilizia scolastica

Riqualificazione funzionale ed energetica messa in sicurezza, adeguamento antisismico

by Renato Iovino, Flavia Fascia, Gian Piero Lignola
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 11, 2014

Per l’edilizia scolastica, come sostiene il sostituto procuratore di Torino Raffaele Guariniello, la sicurezza è ormai un’emergenza nazionale. E questa emergenza diventa tanto più grave se solo si pensa che in queste scuole devono formarsi i giovani di oggi che saranno gli uomini di domani....
Book cover of L'Università di Roma "La Sapienza" e le Università italiane
by Bartolomeo Azzaro, Sandro Benedetti, Simona Benedetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2016

Questo libro tratta della storia delle sedi delle università italiane, fabbriche pensate come cenacolo culturale e strumento della comunicazione della conoscenza, che trova le sue radici prevalentemente nella cultura europea medievale di matrice cristiana. Il tema è stato quindi pensato come apertura...
Book cover of Tesori per l’aldilà

Tesori per l’aldilà

La Tomba degli Ori di Vulci. Dal sequestro al restauro

by Irene Cristofari, Antonella Di Giovanni, Giuseppe Guida
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 29, 2016

Collana Interventi d’Arte della Fondazione Paola Droghetti La pubblicazione di questo volume, il XVIII della Collana “INTERVENTI d’Arte sull’Arte” della Fondazione Paola Droghetti onlus, conclude un percorso iniziato nel mese di marzo 2015 quando, su indicazione della già Soprintendente...
Book cover of Children of the Wrong Time
by Flavia Idà
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2017

“Would you say you were loved by the right people at the right time in the right way and for the right reasons?” Michael Holmes and Nora Savins stepped into the ornate atrium of the Department of Vital Privileges and looked up at the life-size marble statue of the Founding Father, a smiling...
Book cover of The Iron and the Loom
by Flavia Idà
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2016

The year is 1136, the place Tropèa, a walled sea town in Southern Italy during the Norman domination. Kallyna d’Àrgira, a master of the arts of the loom who can turn the world into silk thread, is pledged in marriage by her father to Raimo Trani, a man she hates. After a sudden tragedy leaves...
Book cover of The Last Speck of the World
by Flavia Idà
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2019

“I am female, thirty-two, alone in the last speck of the world. My name, my race and my nationality are no longer important. I do not know why the plague has spared me. It has taken everything else. All the clocks and all the machines are dead. What keeps me breathing is the hope that I may not...
Book cover of Il Trittico del Beato Angelico della Galleria Corsini
by Lara Boselli, Maria Luisa Cosso, Claudio Falcucci
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Presentare i frutti del restauro di un capolavoro come il Trittico del Beato Angelico è senz’altro uno tra i compiti più emozionanti che un Soprintendente possa trovarsi a celebrare - non solo perché in linea con i propositi ministeriali della valorizzazione e conservazione del patrimonio storico-artistico...
Book cover of The Names of Heaven
by Flavia Idà
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2017

One man. An extraordinary choice. In 1511 a Spanish ship en route from the island of Hispaniola sank off the coast of Yucatan near the town of Tulum. The survivors were captured by the Maya; these were the first white men ever to set foot on the mainland of the American continent, and the first...
Book cover of Acciaiomare


Il canto dell'industria che muore

by Angelo Mellone, Aurelio Picca, Luca Telese
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 13, 2013

Un tributo di amore e rabbia verso la propria terra martoriata. Un monologo impetuoso sull'industria morente del Sud che ha in Taranto e nell'ILVA il suo occhio del ciclone. Angelo Mellone scrive il secondo capitolo di una trilogia sulla sua terra, sempre nella forma di monologo poetico, di comizio...
Book cover of Sexo mandamiento
by Flavia Correa Lana Dos Santos
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 4, 2016

No hay un manual preciso de sexualidad, no hay reglas generales que digan si están bien o mal lo que se hace y cómo se hace. Lo que sí existe es la posibilidad de escribir un manual personal y este es el manual de Flávia, que pone toda su experiencia personal, profesional y cotidiana al alcance...
Book cover of Mala madre

Mala madre

¿Ser madre y ser buena son sinónimos?

by Flavia Tomaello
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 15, 2014

La relación con la madre constituye una experiencia esencial que marca la vida de todo ser humano. El proceso de ser madre, aunque es natural, no es simple. Históricamente, la sociedad le ha hecho buena propaganda a la maternidad, no obstante, también ha escondido bajo la alfombra todo comentario...
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