Flynn: 1172 books

Book cover of Procedures in Phlebotomy - E-Book
by John C. Flynn Jr., PhD, MS
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2013

Introducing the practices and procedures of phlebotomy, Procedures in Phlebotomy, 4th Edition provides easy-to-read guidelines for both basic and special phlebotomy techniques. It describes proper procedures for venipuncture, special collection procedures, and pediatric and geriatric considerations,...
Book cover of 利器
by 吉莉安‧弗琳 Gillian Flynn
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 9, 2011

《利器》是史上第一本同時獲得兩座英國匕首獎的作品   英國犯罪協會年度新人獎評審團對《利器》評語:這部小說既生動又充滿了詩意。具有傑出的營造角色的能力,用極具想像力的方式去處理「自殘」的理由和問題。 **  ★入圍「艾倫坡小說獎」最後決選名單   ★獲得獲得年度英國犯罪寫作協會的「年度新人獎」以及「佛萊明鋼匕首獎」   ★美國文壇暢銷作家史蒂芬.金兩度為其著作背書,讚賞有加   ★作家哈藍.科本、薇兒.麥克德米、歐各司坦.柏洛斯、凱特.艾金森大力推薦   ★電影版權已經售出,由作者本人擔任劇本改編**   光用『恐怖』兩字,根本不足以形容這部小說處女作……   在剩下差不多三十頁左右我就不敢再繼續往下看了,   但手指頭卻又不聽使喚地繼續翻著書頁。   ──史蒂芬.金   每個人的人生都有脫軌的時候。我的第一次是妹妹去世那天;第二次則是舉起刀的晚上……   13歲那年,卡蜜兒最疼愛的妹妹久病過世,就在同一年的夏天,她找到了解放生命痛苦的出口──她上癮似的,無法自拔地用尖利的器具在自己身上刻字,唯一完好無缺的部位是上背部一小塊皮膚跟她貌美的臉龐。   18年後,在三流報社擔任記者的卡蜜兒,極不情願地奉命回到故鄉追蹤兩起女童凶殺案件。遭到謀害的女童被發現時牙齒都被拔光,腿毛被刮掉,塗上口紅。兇手殘忍的手段,讓整個小鎮陷入極端的恐慌,居民們個個人心惶惶。   就在卡蜜兒一步步深入探究凶殺案件的真相時,卻也不小心挖掘出埋藏在自己家中的駭人秘密。而這個秘密所揭露的真相將她逼到了生命的邊緣,迫使她身上唯一僅存的完好皮膚也即將難以倖免於自殘的刀口下…… 本書特色   作者吉莉安.弗琳的出身背景和本書女主角卡蜜兒非常近似,弗琳本身在大學時期唸的是新聞系,畢業後也當過一陣子記者,同時她從小也是在密蘇里州長大的。和書中女主角過於相似的背景讓人不禁聯想弗琳是否也有不太快樂的童年?據她本人表示,她的童年並沒有什麼問題或是陰影,但她坦承自己從小就不是個「乖」女孩。小時候她最喜歡的遊戲是抓螞蟻去餵蜘蛛、扮演邪惡的看護跟表兄弟姐妹們玩恐怖的你追我跑,或是在有線頻道上觀看有一點色情成分的影片。她認為這些女性的早熟、權力關係的展現並不存在於女性的口述歷史裡頭,同時女性也不像男性有一套「性」和「暴力」的語言,但其實世界上最令人感到不安或是病態的一些關係,是出現在長年交往的女性朋友或是母女之間,但是女性始終沒有去面對或是承認潛藏在自己身上的黑暗面。因此她想要描寫女性的暴力,這部黑暗的小說也就於焉誕生。作者說:「黑暗面是很重要的,應該要像培育令人發毛的黑蘭花一樣去灌溉黑暗面。《利器》是我獻給讀者的一束詭異小花。」 作者簡介 吉莉安.弗琳 Gillian...
Book cover of House Rules: Rule 1 - Obey All the Rules! (Sweet's Surrender)
by Kerry Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2013

*Erotica short story approx. 25,000 words. All characters are over 18 and are willing participants. Graphic Sex. With a name like Sweet Love, it's no wonder she lacks discipline! Finding herself about to be jobless and homeless, Sweet applies for the longshot position of Disciplinary Assistant to...
Book cover of Yes, Drill Sergeant!

Yes, Drill Sergeant!

Mature Content

by Timber Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2012

When the drill sergeant catches Private Colvin ogling his squadmates' sweaty chests, he sends rest of the platoon out for a run.  When Colvin learns that his punishment is to be taught how to handle another man's weapon, he submits to the sergeant even as his own desire rages out of control....
Book cover of Bianca Exklusiv Band 250
by Marie Ferrarella, Christine Flynn, Carol Stephensen
Language: German
Release Date: October 10, 2014

GROßE LIEBE IN EINER KLEINEN STADT von FLYNN, CHRISTINE "Kelsey liebt Sam ..." Dreizehn Jahre sind vergangen, seit Kelsey ihrem Tagebuch ihre heiße Jugendliebe anvertraute. Als der mittlerweile so erfolgreiche Cop nun in die kleine Stadt zurückkehrt, scheint sich ihre Liebe endlich zu...
Book cover of Catherine and Friends

Catherine and Friends

Inside the Investigation Into Ireland's Most Notorious Murder

by Pat Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2014

The trial and conviction of Catherine Nevin for her role in the murder of her husband Tom monopolized the attention of the country for weeks. It was the main topic of conversation in pubs, homes and workplaces as newspapers daily carried new and salacious details of the "Black Widow's" scheming,...
Book cover of The Land of The Left
by John Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2012

The Land of the Left details the authors travels in a number of socialist or leftward leaning countries throughout the globe examining the effect of their system of government on both the economy and the lives of average citizens. It is as much about the people and places visited and the various travails...
Book cover of We Are Sunday League
by Ewan Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2017

The Wizards FC was a team of former schoolfriends who - with the help of a few star ringers - slogged their way through mud, skinheads and Staffordshire bull terriers to win the Edmonton Sunday League. Team captain Ewan Flynn brings alive a world of young men giving it their all on sloping pitches a...
Book cover of North American Contraflow Masonry Heater Glossary of Terms
by Marcus Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2013

In regions where there is a long tradition of masonry heaters the local languages have an extensive vocabulary of terms associated with all aspects of building and operating. Masonry stoves are, in these regions, an integral part of every day life and culture, the base of many jokes and fairy tales.On...
Book cover of Une vengeance si douce - Un pacte avec lui
by Maureen Child, Christine Flynn
Language: French
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Une vengeance si douce, Maureen Child L’océan turquoise, une plage de sable fin et une végétation luxuriante abritant de splendides cascades. C’est sur l’île de Tesoro que Rico King a bâti son palace – son rêve. Et il ne laissera personne le détruire. Alors, quand il apprend que Teresa...
Book cover of Par amour pour toi - Brûlante rencontre (Harlequin Passions)
by Christine Rimmer, Christine Flynn
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Par amour pour toi, Christine Rimmer Accepter l'aide de Gabe Trevino ? Mary a bien du mal à s'y résoudre, elle qui s'est toujours méfiée des hommes comme lui : trop sûrs d'eux, trop beaux, trop riches. Et surtout, il est le fils de l'odieux entrepreneur qui essaye de la déposséder de...
Book cover of Tales from a Stricken Submarine
by Christopher Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2012

An explosion, and a submarine is sent to the bottom of the sea. Twenty-three members of the crew have secured themselves in the control room. In the knowledge that they are beyond rescue, they begin to swap stories in the darkness, telling one another their last confessions, their blackest secrets. But one of them, instead of telling his darkest secret, is hiding it…
Book cover of Beyond Answers

Beyond Answers

Exploring Mathematical Practices with Young Children

by Mike Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2016

The Standards for Mathematical Practice are written in clear, concise language. Even so, to interpret them and visualize what they mean for your teaching practice isn’t always easy. In this practical, easy-to-read book, Mike Flynn provides teachers with a clear and deep sense of these standards and...
Book cover of The Silver Hand
by Peter Anthony Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2011

"The Silver Hand" is a story about a scientist who is prematurely buried, but crawls out of the grave depraved and quite insane that night and goes on a rampage against all those responsible. In doing so he assumes a variety of shapeshifting appearances, humans as well as animals ... even...
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