Flynn: 1172 books

Book cover of Studies in Pacific History

Studies in Pacific History

Economics, Politics, and Migration

by Dennis O. Flynn, Arturo Giráldez, James Sobredo
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2018

This title was first published in 2002.In recent years scholars have begun to conceptualize the history of the Pacific Ocean as a subset of world history. This question is taken up in the introductory chapter of this volume, which sets out four periods of modern Pacific history: a silver period, 1570s-1750;...
Book cover of Recollections
by Ed Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2015

The book is made up of memories of growing up in a neighborhood called Canaryville and my encounters with friends and neighbors. I also write about my experience of flying to South America with a coworker and my memories of visiting a banana plantation. I also write about my memories of a trip to...
Book cover of A Public Body

A Public Body

Eddathorpe Mystery #2

by Raymond Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2013

One cocked hat, one red robe trimmed with black rabbit and one silver-gilt chain with a gold and enamel knobbly bit at the end... Eddathorpe's mayoral regalia has disappeared in the possession of Councillor William 'Klondike Bill' Lynch, a colourful drunk who has devised the perfect revenge...
Book cover of Constructuring The Countryside

Constructuring The Countryside

An Approach To Rural Development

by Terry Marsden, Jonathon Murdoch, Philip Lowe
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2005

As the first book in the Restructuring Rural Areas series, "Constructing the countryside" presents a new methodological approach to the analysis of rural change. The authors seek to link wider developments in the global political economy to the behaviour of local actors and, in so doing,...
Book cover of Lake Zurich
by Courtney Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2011

Lake Zurich, a northwest suburb of Chicago, includes a beloved body of water that shares its name and has served as its heart. But the lake did not always bear the same moniker. First known as Cedar Lake because of its many surrounding cedar trees, Lake Zurich was renamed by early settler Seth Paine,...
Book cover of The Philosophy of Clint Eastwood
by David H. Calhoun, Brian B. Clayton, James R. Couch
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2014

Famous for his masculine swagger and gritty roles, American cultural icon Clint Eastwood has virtually defined the archetype of the tough lawman. Beginning with his first on-screen appearance in the television series Rawhide (1959--1965) and solidified by his portrayal of the "Man with No Name"...
Book cover of Screening Torture

Screening Torture

Media Representations of State Terror and Political Domination

by Michael Flynn, Fabiola Fernandez Salek,
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2012

Before 9/11, films addressing torture outside of the horror/slasher genre depicted the practice in a variety of forms. In most cases, torture was cast as the act of a desperate and depraved individual, and the viewer was more likely to identify with the victim rather than the torturer. Since the terrorist...
Book cover of Death Cursed
by Mac Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

Death comes for everyone. For Nena, Death comes for her, but doesn't collect. She's instead picked up by a mysterious group led by a man named Scratch, and they won't let her go now that she's Death Touched. As Nena tries to understand what that means she learns that a threat has arisen that...
Book cover of Doing Research in Social Work and Social Care

Doing Research in Social Work and Social Care

The Journey from Student to Practitioner Researcher

by Dr. Catherine Flynn, Fiona McDermott
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2016

From understanding the concepts of research and gathering data, to writing it all up and sharing knowledge, this book will guide your students to become researchers by giving them: a confident start with clarity on core concepts and getting it right ethically step-by-step guidance at each point...
Book cover of Case Studies for Ethics in Academic Research in the Social Sciences
by Leisa Reinecke Flynn, Ronald E. Goldsmith
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2012

This book provides a basis for class discussion about the responsible conduct of social science research. These 16 brief research ethics cases describe situations in which ethical dilemmas arise and present the student with the opportunity to think through the different implications for researchers....
Book cover of The Family Business #2
by Mac Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: July 13, 2016

A Contemporary Alpha Billionaire-Millionaire Rich Sexy Romance Georgina “George” Trammel is up to her chubby neck in family trouble, and it isn’t even her own family. Her aspiring fiance Alex Brenton now controls the back room of the Stacy Department Store where she works, but some in...
Book cover of The Presents
by Jessica Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2014

The Presents a compilation of poems, images and writings about the gift of life, a joie de vivere, -- much appreciated -- and its many inspirations that pique my mind to write. It is a depiction of events and people all of which bring joy, some reflective nostalgia, with some emotional highs and lows....
Book cover of Potpourri: Super Useful Tips You Can't Afford to Miss
by Andrea Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2016

The basics of potpourris are simple and few. Dried or fresh sweet-smelling plant materials, other aromatic ingredients like whole spices, bits of citrus peels or shavings of pleasant smell wood chips; essential oils and fixative which combines with the essential oils to preserve their fragrance. Aromatic...
Book cover of 搞鬼


The Grownup

by 吉莉安‧弗琳 Gillian Flynn
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 4, 2015

《控制》作者吉莉安.弗琳最新懸疑力作 二○一五年「愛倫坡獎」得獎小說 當神奇壞女人遇上鬼   一名年輕女子正在抱怨。無正當職業、學歷普通,但自恃聰明、喜愛閱讀的她,很會察言觀色、說三道四,於是在市中心的占卜工作坊「純真手相館」找了份差事,為客人解讀手相、水晶球和彩光氣場。人有巧手一雙,便能搞事。  四月某個清晨,一位名叫蘇珊.柏克的女子走了進來,這位「女靈媒」很快察覺到蘇珊是個不快樂但很「有錢」的女人,懷疑自己住的房子不乾淨。當她來到蘇珊所說出了問題的房子時,眼前這座維多莉亞風格的老屋,尖塔磚造、光線不佳,據說牆壁還會滲出血水……更糟糕的是,她的繼子邁爾斯住進來以後,本來性格內向,現在變得容易失控且有攻擊性。  也許這回不必費勁要在當事人面前說神道鬼,女靈媒心想。她並不知道,自己已身陷險境。房子,一直在這裡等著她。  本書是作者吉莉安.弗琳繼《控制》後最新力作。起初應《冰與火之歌》系列奇幻大師喬治.R.R.馬丁邀約連載,原題名《What...
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