Francesco S : 18 books

Book cover of Vecchi versus giovani. La questione generazionale nella crisi economica mondiale
by Pietro Calamandrei, Antonio Gramsci, Piero Gobetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 14, 2014

In alcuni paesi sviluppati, come l’Italia, potrebbe accadere un fatto insolito da secoli: che i nati nel Secondo millennio, una volta adulti, stiano peggio dei loro genitori. Succederebbe che invece di un miglioramento, si avrebbe un conflitto, quasi di classe, tra le generazioni, tra i ricchi e...
Book cover of Public Sector Economics and the Need for Reforms
by Peter Birch Sørensen, Pedro Gomes, George Economides
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2016

Theoretically and empirically informed studies on the role and efficiency of the public sector, public wage and employment policy, privatization, tax policy, and fiscal sustainability. The public sector has grown substantially in the last fifty years. In the euro area, for example, total government...
Book cover of Abitare la Terra n.46-47/2018 – Dwelling on Earth
by Angela Alessandra Badami, Manuela Barbolla, Giovanni Bello
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2019

Book cover of Not just a mirror. Looking for the political theatre today
by Julian Boal, Boris Buden, Galit Eilat
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2015

Der englischsprachige Band Not Just a Mirror setzt sich mit grundlegenden Fragen des politischen Theaters in der Gegenwart auseinander und stellt künstlerisch-politische Strategien und Praktiken von Theatermachern aus aller Welt vor - u. a. Chto Delat, Milo Rau, Kretakör, Faustin Linyekula, Public...
Book cover of Crimini al sole
by Angelo Marenzana, Paolo Delpino, T.S. Mellony
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 6, 2017

Una raccolta di quattro racconti ambientati durante il periodo estivo, tempo di mare e di sole ma anche di atti criminosi. In questa mini antologia si alternano quattro indagini per omicidio, ognuna adattata secondo lo stile del suo autore. Una femme fatale, un vecchio caso irrisolto, un'ispettrice...
Book cover of Seelen mit Methode

Seelen mit Methode

Schauspieltheorien vom Barock bis zum postdramatischen Theater

by Franciscus Lang, Pierre Rémond de Sainte-Albine, Francesco Riccoboni
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2015

Ist Schauspielen eigentlich eine Kunst? Schauspieler(innen) sind die Fixpunkte der Aufmerksamkeit im Theater. Seit dreihundert Jahren nehmen Theoretiker die Herausforderung an, schauspielerisches Handeln zu definieren. In Schauspieltheorien wird danach gefragt, ob der Schauspieler sich selbst oder...
Book cover of Jingle Bloody Bells 2
by Matteo Bertone, Angelo Marenzana, Luigi Bonaro e Daniele Picciuti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 25, 2016

Seconda raccolta di Natale marchiata Nero Press e curata da Babbo Natale. Ancora una volta Santa Claus ci mostra il suo lato folle e un po' splatter nell'amalgamare la sua antologia natalizia. In questo volume otto racconti dall'animo nero stravolgeranno la vostra idea che a Natale si sia tutti più...
Book cover of Case maledette
by Biancamaria Massaro, Giuseppe Agnoletti, Daniele Picciuti
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 29, 2018

Case che uccidono, case infestate da presenze sovrannaturali, case in cui dimorano esseri demoniaci, case fantasma. Undici racconti di undici autori dell'orrore, i quali vi mostreranno in quali e in quanti modi una casa possa essere fatale per chi vi abita, o anche solo per chi si trovi a passarvi...
Book cover of Almanacco Sellerio 2014-2015
by Luisa Adorno, Maria Attanasio, Andrea Camilleri
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 4, 2014

Pagine diverse per tematiche e occasioni ispiratrici (dalla storia, ai ricordi, ai viaggi, all’autoanalisi di scrittori, a favole giocose e divagazioni surrealistiche). Momenti di completa libertà di scrittura, degli autori Sellerio. Per sentirli più prossimi ed anche per comprendere meglio l’identità di un progetto editoriale.
Book cover of Deep Love 2
by Daniele Picciuti, Angelo Marenzana, Gianluca Ingaramo
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 12, 2016

Seconda raccolta di San Valentino, nuovi oscuri modi di intendere l'amore. Tra odio, vendetta, sangue e morte, otto autori ci danno la loro versione delle profondità abissali insite nell'animo umano, quando a dettare le regole è l'amore.
Book cover of Unity 2017 2D Game Development Projects

Unity 2017 2D Game Development Projects

Create three interactive and engaging 2D games with Unity 2017

by Lauren S. Ferro, Francesco Sapio
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2018

Build classic arcade, shooter and platform games with Unity 2D toolset Key Features Leverage the amazing new functionalities of the latest Unity 2017 2D toolkit. Learn to create 2D characters, animations, fast and efficient game play experiences while keeping your games very lightweight Create...
Book cover of Responsible Research and Innovation Actions in Science Education, Gender and Ethics
by Fernando Ferri, Ned Dwyer, Saša Raicevich
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2018

This book gathers case studies presented at the International Conference on Responsible Research and Innovation in Science, Innovation and Society (RRI-SIS2017). It highlights European initiatives and projects in various domains and contexts, each of which explores how to create guidelines and good...
Book cover of Atlas of Practical Cardiac Applications of MRI
by Maite Subirana, Luís J. Jiménez-Borreguero, Francesco Carreras
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Glossary 4 Chapter 1: Basics of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and 6 Normal Views 1. 1 Definition and Physical Basics 6 a. Definition and historical background 6 b. Physical basics 6 1. 2 Technical Modalities 10 a. Spin echo 12 b. Gradient echo 12 c. Fast gradient echo 13 d. Specialized techniques 13...
Book cover of Laxatives


A Practical Guide

by Francesco Capasso, Timothy S. Gaginella
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Constipation is a common disorder that is often defined differently by patients and physicians. Clinically, constipation occurs when bowel move­ ments are difficult or painful. The "normality" of bowel movements, in terms of frequency, varies among individuals; frequency that is thought...
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