Friedrich: 2293 books

Book cover of Die Physiker
by Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Language: German
Release Date: May 22, 2012

Kernphysiker Möbius, Entdecker einer furchtbaren und gefährlichen Formel, flüchtet, seine Familie preisgebend, ins Irrenhaus. Er spielt Irrsinn, er fingiert die Heimsuchung durch den Geist Salomos, um das, was er entdeckte, als Produkt des Irrsinns zu diffamieren. Doch zwei Geheimagenten, ebenfalls...
Book cover of Die Geburt der Tragödie

Die Geburt der Tragödie

oder Griechentum und Pessimismus

by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: German
Release Date: July 2, 2016

Friedrich Nietzsche: Die Geburt der Tragödie oder Griechentum und Pessimismus Entstanden 1869/71. Erstdruck unter dem Titel »Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik«, Leipzig (E.W. Fritzsch) 1872. Neuausgabe unter dem Titel »Die Geburt der Tragödie oder Griechentum und Pessimismus« mit...
Book cover of City of Nets

City of Nets

A Portrait of Hollywood in the 1940's

by Otto Friedrich
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2014

In 1939, fifty million Americans went to the movies every week, Louis B. Mayer was the highest-paid man in the country, and Hollywood produced 530 feature films a year. One decade and five thousand movies later, the studios were faltering. The 1940s became the decade of Hollywood's decline: anticommunist...
Book cover of Was bleiben wird

Was bleiben wird

Ein Gespräch über Herkunft und Zukunft

by Friedrich Schorlemmer, Gregor Gysi
Language: German
Release Date: March 9, 2015

Was von den Träumen blieb... Vor der Wende standen sie auf verschiedenen Seiten: Gregor Gysi, Sohn des DDR-Kulturministers Klaus Gysi und Anwalt, und Friedrich Schorlemmer, Pfarrerssohn und Oppositioneller. In diesem sehr persönlichen Gespräch mit dem Journalisten Hans-Dieter Schütt erinnern sich...
Book cover of Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2016

Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is (German: Ecce homo: Wie man wird, was man ist) is the last original book written by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche before his final years of insanity that lasted until his death in 1900. It was written in 1888 and was not published until 1908. According to one...
Book cover of Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2016

As mother is writing to you to-day I am sending you a short note to put with hers. First of all, let me describe our journey. On the way to Weissenfels there was nothing I objected to more than the piercing wind, and in this respect my two coats served me in good stead...
Book cover of Gesammelte Krimis

Gesammelte Krimis

26 Titel in einem Buch: Wachtmeister Studer + Matto regiert + Die Fieberkurve + Der Chinese + Krock & Co. + Der Tee der drei alten Damen + Gourrama + Detektivgeschichten

by Friedrich Glauser
Language: German
Release Date: June 24, 2015

Dieses eBook: "Gesammelte Krimis" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Friedrich Glauser (1896-1938) war ein Schweizer Schriftsteller. Er gilt als einer der ersten deutschsprachigen Krimiautoren. Schriftsteller zu...
Book cover of Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2009

Thus Spoke Zarathustra, by Friedrich Nietzsche, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics* *series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the...
Book cover of Selected Short Stories of Nietzsche
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2019

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche became one of the most influential thinkers of the nineteenth century. Nietzsche's utterance 'God is dead', his insistence that the meaning of life is to be found in purely human terms, and his doctrine of the Superman and the will to power were all later...
Book cover of Hitler's Prisoners
by Erich Friedrich; Renate Vanegas
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 1999

Coauthor Erich Friedrich won the Iron Cross fighting the Soviets. But when he refused to give the Nazi salute and criticized Hermann Göring, he was charged with subversion and thrown into a cell. With him were a suspected spy, two accused deserters, a Jehovahs Witness, a draft dodger, and a leftist....
Book cover of Satanic Classics (Illustrated)

Satanic Classics (Illustrated)

The Book of Lies, The Antichrist and Notes from Underground

by Friedrich Nietezsche, Aleister Crowley, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2018

THREE MASTER WORKS FROM THE OFFICIAL CHURCH OF SATAN READING LIST From the list originally published in Magistra Blanche Barton’s The Church of Satan as approved by Magus Anton Szandor LaVey. THREE CLASSIC TEXTS FOR STUDENTS OF SATANISM AND THE OCCULT: THE BOOK OF LIES by Aleister...
Book cover of Frederick Engels' Speech at the Grave of Karl Marx (Illustrated)
by Friedrich Engels, Timeless Books: Editor
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2016

The book FREDERICK ENGELS’ SPEECH AT THE GRAVE OF KARL MARX by Friedrich Engels has an active table of contents for readers to access each chapter of the title directly. In the Speech, Engels secured and ensured Marx that “His name will endure through the ages, and so also will his work.”...
Book cover of Le Crépuscule des idoles
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: French
Release Date: July 26, 2013

Le Crépuscule des idoles Friedrich Nietzsche, philologue, philosophe et poète allemand (1844-1900) Ce livre numérique présente «Le Crépuscule des idoles», de Friedrich Nietzsche, édité en texte intégral. Une table des matières...
Book cover of La Volonté de puissance
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: French
Release Date: July 26, 2013

La Volonté de puissance Friedrich Nietzsche, philologue, philosophe et poète allemand (1844-1900) Ce livre numérique présente «La Volonté de puissance», de Friedrich Nietzsche, édité en texte intégral. Une table des matières...
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