Friedrich: 2293 books

Book cover of The Geneology of Morals

The Geneology of Morals

With linked Table of Contents

by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2015

My thoughts concerning the genealogy of our moral prejudices—for they constitute the issue in this polemic—have their first, bald, and provisional expression in that collection of aphorisms entitled Human, all-too-Human, a Book for Free Minds, the writing of which was begun in Sorrento, during...
Book cover of Early Greek Philosophy
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2017

We moderns have an advantage over the Greeks in two ideas, which are given as it were as a compensation to a world behaving thoroughly slavishly and yet at the same time anxiously eschewing the word "slave": we talk of the "dignity of man" and of the "dignity of labour."...
Book cover of The Dionysian Vision of the World
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Before the world knew of the thinker who “philosophizes with a hammer,” there was a young, passionate thinker who was captivated by the two forces found within Greek art: Dionysus and Apollo. In this essay, which was the forerunner to his groundbreaking book The Birth of Tragedy, The Dionysian Vision...
Book cover of The Portable Nietzsche (Portable Library)
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2018

Contents: - Beyond Good and Evil - The Antichrist - Thus Spake Zarathustra
Book cover of Human, All-Too-Human

Human, All-Too-Human

Parts One and Two

by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2012

"Offers dazzling observations of human psychology, social interaction, esthetics and religion."—New York Times Book ReviewWith Human, All-Too-Human, Nietzsche challenges the metaphysical and psychological assumptions behind his previous works. The philosopher reviews his usual subjects—morality,...
Book cover of The Case of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner and Selected Aphorisms
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

Nietzsche wrote the rough draft of “The Case of Wagner” in Turin, during the month of May 1888; he completed it in Sils Maria towards the end of June of the same year, and it was published in the following autumn. “Nietzsche contra Wagner” was written about the middle of December 1888; but, although...
Book cover of The Phenomenology of Mind
by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

In the case of a philosophical work it seems not only superfluous, but, in view of the nature of philosophy, even inappropriate and misleading to begin, as writers usually do in a preface, by explaining the end the author had in mind, the circumstances which gave rise to the work, and the relation in...
Book cover of Manifesto


Three Classic Essays on How to Change the World

by Ernesto Che Guevara, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2015

“If you are curious and open to the life around you, if you are troubled as to why, how and by whom political power is held and used, if you sense there must be good intellectual reasons for your unease, if your curiosity and openness drive you toward wishing to act with others, to ‘do something,’...
Book cover of An Unfinished Revolution

An Unfinished Revolution

Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln

by Abraham Lincoln, Karl Marx, Raya Dunaevskaya
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2011

Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln exchanged letters at the end of the Civil War, with Marx writing on behalf of the International Working Men’s Association. Although they were divided by far more than the Atlantic Ocean, they agreed on the urgency of suppressing slavery and the cause of “free labor.”...
Book cover of Zo sprak Zarathoestra
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 15, 2013

Zo sprak Zarathoestra wordt door velen, onder wie de auteur zelf, beschouwd als Nietzsches hoofdwerk, waarin hij als filosoof (en als literator) volledig tot wasdom komt. Hij laat zijn ideeën verwoorden door de Perzische profeet Zarathoestra, die na jaren van meditatie van de berg is neergedaald...
Book cover of Le Gai Savoir
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: French
Release Date: April 30, 2019

Dans la preface de "Le Gai Savoir" Nietzsche contextualise son projet: de ses provenances toutes de soupçons et de souffrances morales, faisant explicitement référence à une certaine appréhension de la psychologie en tant que libératrice des affres de la maladie, à l'antiquité grecque...
Book cover of The Dhammapada
by Friedrich Max Müller
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2012

The Dhammapada is a versified Buddhist scripture traditionally ascribed to the Buddha himself. It is one of the best-known texts from the Theravada canon. The title, Dhammapada, is a compound term composed of dhamma and pada, each word having a number of denotations and connotations. Generally, dhamma...
Book cover of The Gospel of Hellas: The Mission of Ancient Greece and The Advent of Christ
by Friedrich Hiebel
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 1948

"To be reminded in a utilitarian, materialistic age that the ideals of the Greek mind can quicken culture, even today, is refreshing to heart and soul." R. M. QueridoThe Christian civilization of the Western would is built on two colums: the heritages of the Old Testament and that of Hellas. This has...
Book cover of Ecce homo
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: German
Release Date: December 27, 2015

In Ecce homo gibt Nietzsche rückblickend Deutungen seiner philosophischen Schriften und präsentiert sich selbst und seine Erkenntnisse als schicksalhafte Ereignisse von weltbewegender Größe. Dabei stehen die Themen seines Spätwerks, besonders die Kritik am Christentum und die angekündigte „Umwertung aller Werte“, im Vordergrund. (Auszug aus Wikipedia)
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