Gabriel: 1749 books

Book cover of Antike und moderne Skepsis zur Einführung
by Markus Gabriel
Language: German
Release Date: June 22, 2016

Skepsis ist die Bezeichnung für eine philosophische Haltung, die grundsätzlich infrage stellt, dass wir überhaupt irgendetwas wissen können. Trotz der Erfolge der modernen Naturwissenschaften kehrt diese Frage in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie wieder. Denn es ist gerade die Wissenschaft, die uns...
Book cover of Summer Again

Summer Again

St. Caroline Series, #1

by Julia Gabriel
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2017

Dive into this sweet (and slightly steamy) enemies-to-lovers office romance and fall in love with the town of St. Caroline ... For years, Lucy Wyndham wondered whether she'd ever catch another glimpse of the boy she crushed on as a teenager at the Chesapeake Inn's summer camp for disadvantaged...
Book cover of MR Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis
by Bernd Hamm, Gabriel Paul Krestin
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2011

The quality of the images provided is exemplary!...The book can be used as a learning tool for residents and as a great reference for fellows and practicing radiologists The Bookshelf February 2011, Vipul Sharma, MDPresented by a team of experts in the specialty, this book provides a comprehensive...
Book cover of Praxis
by Gabriel Etzel, Ben Gutiérrez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 1, 2013

Los autores de Praxis: teología práctica creen que la enseñanza de teología es incompleta a menos que también se enseñe cómo puede el estudiante cambiar su propia vida. Su obra tiene el propósito de que los estudiantes puedan poner en práctica sus creencias teológicas, lo cual afectará...
Book cover of The Hunt For The Shalimar Stones
by John David Gabriel King
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2011

20) As part of a wicked plot, an evil ambassador has stolen the queen`s jewels. They are the power behind her throne, and her planet stands on the verge of civil war. Without these royal stones the queen cannot save her planet from dreadful war. Her daughter Princess Diana, calls upon and old friend,...
Book cover of El templo
by Howard P. Lovecraft, Javier Guerrero, Juan Gabriel López Guix
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 12, 2014

Escrito en 1920 y publicado cinco años más tarde, El templo contiene un manuscrito arrastrado por la corriente del Golfo hasta las costas del Yucatán y arrojado dentro de una botella en medio del Atlántico, entre Cabo Verde y las Antillas, por el capitán de corbeta de un U-Boot alemán....
Book cover of Queens & Courtesans
by Jessica Corra (editor), Tina LeCount Meyers, J. Lynn Baker
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2018

Women have long wielded power in various ways. This collection explores two prominent archetypes, the Queen and the Courtesan, in memorable stories that cross speculative genres. Whether finding love or finding themselves, coming into their magic or other strengths, these complex women rise above the roles that confine them to ask: who will you be?
Book cover of Caminando En El Paseo De Memorias Walking the Walk of Memories
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 14, 2012

El autor nos presenta un emotivo libro, un recorrido de vivencia especialmente de su niez en poemas y artculos escritos en prosa de manera jocosa y muy especial. Son experiencias de la vida misma, proyectando nuestras memorias que al pasar mucho tiempo las retocamos y revivimos una y otra vez. Podemos...
Book cover of Carol


A deniable novel

by Gabriel Szeitz
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2012

Carol is something. Something else. I cannot tell much more because I do not understand much either. Carol is my wife-to-be but I don't know what she is. Here is our story. Partly love story, partly mystery. All changes for us. I don't now if this thing is real or not.
Book cover of Firmament 2050 Ad
by Michael Gabriel
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2013

Denver Jenkins is a fifteen-year-old computer-hacking Californian. Big Louis, Turnip, and Dandelion are three accidental-prone aliens who have managed to end up at the wrong end of the galaxy. When Denver encounters the aliens, he discovers that an impending cosmic catastrophe threatens all life on...
Book cover of Sex friends - Mon boss et moi, intégrale
by Gabriel Simon
Language: French
Release Date: October 20, 2017

Sex friends pour le meilleur et pour le pire ! *** Vous n’êtes pas encore mon employée, glisse Jonas avec une pointe de culpabilité. Donc c’est ça la limite ? Je pense qu’on peut se mettre d’accord là-dessus, répond-il d’une voix sérieuse tout en s’asseyant. C’est-à-dire ? Que...
Book cover of Gleich, Liebes, gleich ist das Essen fertig
by Jannis Plastargias, Andrea Bienek, Nino Delia
Language: German
Release Date: July 4, 2014

Kennst du das? "Liebe geht durch den Magen" sagt man, und du zerbrichst dir schon seit Tagen den Kopf darüber, was du an Leckerem kochen sollst! Du hast ein Ziel: sie/ihn zu verführen, und schon das Essen soll deine erotischen Absichten enthüllen. Bald ist sie/er da. Sorgfältig den Salat...
Book cover of Romanian Parliamentary Elections 19902012
by Cosmin Gabriel Marian
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2014

This is a book about parliamentary elections in Romania in the two decades that followed the collapse of the one-party rule. It charts how the electoral rules developed, it looks at how people voted, and takes stock of the long term effects of the electoral system. Despite commotion and experimentation...
Book cover of Comment sortir avec un super héros
by Alex Gabriel
Language: French
Release Date: October 10, 2018

Super Héros. Sbires démoniaques. Et un sacré conflit d’intérêt. Appartenir à la famille d’un super méchant n’est pas très important aux yeux de Pat West. Peu importe que sa mère essaie occasionnellement de prendre le contrôle du monde. Tout ce que Pat veut, c’est terminer...
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