Gabrielle: 611 books

Book cover of Het Universum staat achter je

Het Universum staat achter je

Van Angst naar Vertrouwen

by Gabrielle Bernstein
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 10, 2018

met gratis meditaties (download) Door middel van acceptatie, overgave en toewijding aan haar zich voortdurend ontwikkelende spirituele pad, heeft bestsellerauteur en internationaal spreekster Gabrielle Bernstein haar angst getransformeerd tot geloof. Haar verhalen en universele lessen bieden een raamwerk...
Book cover of A Labour Of Love: A Guide To Natural Childbirth Without Fear
by Gabrielle Targett
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2005

This book presents information in an empowering, confident, open and honest way. It is written from the eclectic experiences of Gabrielle Targett who has worked as a doula and independent childbirth educator for over ten years. As mother of three children all naturally birthed in the water, Gabrielle...
Book cover of Gabrielle Goldsby Romances Volume 1
by Gabrielle Goldsby
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2011

Paybacks —Cameron Howard wants to avoid her old nemesis Mackenzie Brandt but their high school reunion brings up more than just memories.Remember Tomorrow —Cees Bannigan and Arieanna Simon find that a successful relationship rests in remembering the mistakes of the past.Such a Pretty Face —A...
Book cover of Juger les multinationales

Juger les multinationales

Droits humains bafoués, ressources naturelles pillées, impunité organisée

by Eric David, Gabrielle Lefèvre, Jean Ziegler
Language: French
Release Date: December 4, 2015

La dénonciation des pratiques des multinationales dans le cadre du débat sur le Traité transatlantique. Coca-Cola, Monsanto, Shell, Nestlé, Bayer, Texaco… : certaines marques sont associées à des scandales retentissants. Hydropiraterie en Inde, pesticides aux effets dévastateurs,...
Book cover of La donna celata
by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 15, 2015

«L’aveva strappata a un altro, quella bionda alta e magnifica. L’altro, lo sconfitto, per loro cessò di esistere. Il vincitore non ci pensò granché, perché Elsie lo amava e a lui premeva solo dimostrare il proprio amore organizzando quella prigionia che viene chiamata vita a due. E lei lo...
Book cover of Seelen berühren
by Gabrielle Harris
Language: German
Release Date: November 27, 2017

Schon seit Jahrhunderten is die Menschheit vom Verhalten de Tiere genauso fasziniert wie irritiert. Unzählige wissenschaftliche Studien spiegeln die Anziehungskraft dieses Themas wider und die moisten Menschen hegen wohl den Wunsch, Tiere richtig zu verstehen. Auch für Gabrielle Harris spielen Tiere...
Book cover of Das Universum steht hinter dir

Das Universum steht hinter dir

Wie wir Angst in Vertrauen verwandeln

by Gabrielle Bernstein
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2017

Erfrischend ehrlich erzählt Gabrielle Bernstein, wie sie vor knapp zwei Jahren völlig aus dem Nichts Panik und heftige körperliche Schmerzen überfielen, obwohl sie sich nach langjähriger spiritueller Praxis sicher war, ihr Leben völlig im Griff zu haben. In der Meditation erkannte sie, dass...
Book cover of False Memories: Adventures of the Living Dali

False Memories: Adventures of the Living Dali

The Surreal Biography of <Br>Anton Brzezinski

by Gabrielle Mallarme
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2005

Praise for False Memories: "It was rich. Like eating a large slice of cheese cake with blueberry topping. I finished reading it today-did what it was suppose to do-kept my interest, created a deeper mystery surrounding the artist, brought up controversy, cleared a few questions, and much,...
Book cover of Franco


A Concise Biography

by Gabrielle Ashford Hodges
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2013

General Francisco Franco came to prominence during the days of David Lloyd George and Woodrow Wilson and was able to cling to absolute political power until his death in 1975. Over his fifty-year career, he became one of the four dictators who changed the face of Europe during the twentieth century. Franco...
Book cover of An Ocean of Air

An Ocean of Air

Why the Wind Blows and Other Mysteries of the Atmosphere

by Gabrielle Walker
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2008

We don’t just live in the air; we live because of it. It’s the most miraculous substance on earth, responsible for our food, our weather, our water, and our ability to hear. In this exuberant book, gifted science writer Gabrielle Walker peels back the layers of our atmosphere with the stories...
Book cover of L'Alliance de la brebis

L'Alliance de la brebis

Rescapée de la secte de Moïse, édition revue et augmentée

by Gabrielle Lavallée
Language: French
Release Date: April 4, 2013

Les victimes des sectes ne parlent pas, c'est bien connu. On ne sait pas toutefois si c'est la peur de la damnation éternelle, la honte ou quelque chantage des plus humains qui les en empêchent. Au Québec, en 1993, aucun livre n'avait encore été publié à ce sujet. Voici l'histoire complète...
Book cover of Hooked


How Leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling

by Gabrielle Dolan, Yamini Naidu
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2013

How to use storytelling to move people to action In today's hyper-competitive business environment, leaders who can engage and inspire their teams and organisations have a distinct advantage. Using the art of effective storytelling, leaders can defeat information overload to inspire the emotion...
Book cover of The Big Feminist But

The Big Feminist But

Comics about Women, Men and the IFs, ANDs & BUTs of Feminism

by Gabrielle Bell, Ulli Lust, Jeffrey Brown
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

The Big Feminist BUT: Comics about Women, Men and the IFs, ANDs & BUTs of Feminism is a comics anthology that asks: What do we really mean when we say, “I’m not a feminist, BUT…” or “I am 100% a feminist, BUT…” What do our great big “BUTs” say about where things stand between the sexes in...
Book cover of Seven Brides for Seven Texas Rangers Romance Collection

Seven Brides for Seven Texas Rangers Romance Collection

7 Rangers Find Love and Justice on the Texas Frontier

by Amanda Barratt, Susan Page Davis, Vickie McDonough
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2018

No One Is Too Tough to be Loved *Join seven Texas Rangers on the hunt for a menacing gang, who run straight into romances with women who foil their plans for both the job and their futures. The Ranger's Reward* by Gabrielle Meyer Texas Ranger, Griffin Sommer stops to check on the young widow,...
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