Galia: 47 books

Book cover of Crash memory

Crash memory

Tome 1

by Chrys Galia, L.S.Ange
Language: French
Release Date: January 9, 2019

Romance - 313 pages Un flic au passé douloureux... Une femme au présent violent... Deux âmes égarées au futur incertain... Elle n’aurait jamais dû le croiser. Lui, cruel, n’a qu’un seul objectif : la vengeance... Elle est sa proie, elle est sa cible... Quand...
Book cover of Virgin mojito
by Chrys Galia
Language: French
Release Date: September 5, 2018

Romance contemporaine - 400 pages La vie est comme un océan, parfois mer d’huile, sous un soleil radieux, parfois raz de marée, tsunami, sous la colère de la tempête. En vrai surfeur, j’ai passé des années à me mesurer à ces déferlantes implacables, j’ai tenté d’échapper...
Book cover of Max Marty
by Chrys Galia
Language: French
Release Date: October 31, 2018

Thriller Romance - 418 pages Lorsqu’on impose à Max Marty une nouvelle coéquipière, il espère bien s’en débarrasser très vite. Entre lui et Aly Parnon, la jeune profiler rebelle, va alors commencer une lutte incessante, chacun bien décidé à défendre son territoire. Plongés...
Book cover of L'Ombre du passé
by Chrys Galia
Language: French
Release Date: December 20, 2017

Amis d'enfance, leurs routes se sont séparées bien trop tôt. Lorsque Steve fait irruption, 13 ans plus tard, dans la boutique fantôme d'Allison, la jeune femme y voit un signe du destin. Loin de partager son sentiment, Steve a changé, sa rancune est tenace. Il n'est là que pour honorer une promesse,...
Book cover of Sateene
by Chrys Galia
Language: French
Release Date: June 4, 2018

Le rêve de Sateene : intégrer le ballet russe du grand Sergeï Alexeï. Mais quand le seul danseur vraiment capable de la former s'avère être l'homme le plus irrévérencieux, le plus indomptable, le plus caractériel qui lui ait été donné de rencontrer, elle craint l'échec. Jordan acceptera-t-il...
Book cover of Parier mais pas jouer 4
by Chrys Galia
Language: French
Release Date: January 10, 2018

Pour ce dernier opus de la saga PARIER… MAIS PAS JOUER !, retrouvez Liv, Stephen, Brad et Callie, que nous avions quittés à la fin du tome 3 au cours s’une scène dramatique. Ils vont devoir redoubler d’efforts pour peut-être enfin arriver à trouver le bonheur. Mais la vie a cela de cruel...
Book cover of Gender and Peacebuilding

Gender and Peacebuilding

All Hands Required

by Celia Cook-Huffman, Nancy Hansen, Anna Snyder
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2015

The twenty-­first century has brought with it a shift from the notion of human security being located in secure national borders to the need to secure the safety, freedom, and dignity of all. Despite efforts to equalize women’s status in the world evidenced by changes in many international projects...
Book cover of Organizing the World

Organizing the World

The United States and Regional Cooperation in Asia and Europe

by Galia Press-Barnathan
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2004

This book offers a conceptual framework that explains when and why a great power would choose to cooperate with smaller states via regional cooperation forums rather than in a bilateral setting.
Book cover of Church, State and Society in Kenya

Church, State and Society in Kenya

From Mediation to Opposition

by Galia Sabar
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This volume offers a debate on the role of Christianity in post-colonial Kenya, charting the role of the church, state and society in the transformation of Kenya and the relationship between the three. It shows how the church initiated health, education, and economic activities, showing it to be a major instrument of transformation.
Book cover of Israeli Peacemaking Since 1967

Israeli Peacemaking Since 1967

Factors Behind the Breakthroughs and Failures

by Galia Golan
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2014

Examining the Israeli-Arab conflict as an "intractable conflict," Israeli Peacemaking since 1967 seeks to determine just which factors, or combination of factors, impacted on Israel's position in past peace-making efforts, possibly accounting for breakthroughs or failures to reach agreement. From...
Book cover of Leyla
by Galia Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2019

Leyla is sick of her big, loud, overbearing family. They are always chatting, snuggling, and grooming each other (ew!), and—for Leyla—there’s no escape from their attention. So, she decides to run away until she can’t hear (or smell) her baboon troop anymore. In the middle of her desert habitat,...
Book cover of Firestone
by Chrys Galia
Language: French
Release Date: July 3, 2019

Romance contemporaine - 370 pages Elle pensait pouvoir l’oublier... Il l’avait exclue de sa vie... Mais lorsque deux pierres de feu s’éloignent, il suffit d’une rencontre improbable, d’un destin qui s’acharne à les réunir pour que les braises s’enflamment à nouveau. Plume...
Book cover of Choices
by Galia Ryan
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2012

Anna is broke. Really broke. Credit cards maxed out. Store cards, too. She can’t make her repayments and there’s nowhere to turn. Educated, intelligent, and—until recently—upwardly mobile, Anna is forced to make a choice. Sink or swim. And swimming means finding a part-time job to complement...
Book cover of Alice After Hours
by Galia Ryan
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2015

Alice once believed in love, but after her fiancé left her at the altar, she swore off commitment. Now she lives for work and casual flings, the less complicated the better, and she must be in charge. One evening Alice stumbles across an Internet chat room inhabited by submissives and dominants—women...
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