Garth: 367 books

Book cover of The Boys - Gnadenlos-Edition, Band 3
by Garth Ennis
Language: German
Release Date: August 28, 2018

Garth Ennis schonungslose Superhelden-Satire THE BOYS, die als TV-Serie adaptiert wird, in fetten Hardcover-Sammelbänden! Diesmal kriegen Crossover und Krisen ihr Fett weg, während Butcher, Hughie und der Rest der Boys sich furchtlos den perversen Ausschweifungen der Cape-Träger entgegenstellen.
Book cover of Punisher - Frank ist zurück
by Garth Ennis
Language: German
Release Date: January 2, 2018

Frank Castle ist der skrupellose, knallharte Verbrecherjäger Punisher. Er nimmt Ma Gnuccis Mafia-Familie, unaufhaltsame Superkiller, Daredevil und verrückte Vigilanten ins Visier. Enthält Frank ist zurück! - eine der besten, berühmtesten und brutalsten Punisher-Storys aller Zeiten komplett in einem Sammelband, inszeniert von den PREACHER-Schöpfern Garth Ennis und Steve Dillon.
Book cover of Punisher: Plattoon - Kampf ums Überleben
by Garth Ennis
Language: German
Release Date: June 19, 2018

In dieser brandneuen Miniserie kehrt PUNISHER-Legende Garth Ennis an den Anfang von Frank Castles Weg in die Finsternis zurück. Im Vietnamkrieg verdient Castle sich als unerfahrener Offizier den Respekt der Soldaten unter seinem Kommando. Doch Castles blutigen Triumphen als Anführer stehen die Qualen einer rachehungrigen Vietcong-Scharfschützin gegenüber ...
Book cover of Punisher - Witwenmacher
by Garth Ennis
Language: German
Release Date: August 14, 2018

Kaum ein anderer Autor hat die Welt des Punisher so nachhaltig geprägt, wie Comic-Superstar Garth Ennis. Dieser Sammelband bietet eine der härtesten und besten Storys mit Frank Castle, der bereits vielen Bösewichten und Verbrechern das Licht ausgeknipst hat. Doch jetzt setzen fünf skrupellose Gangster-Witwen der Mafia ihren brutalen Racheplan in die Tat um.
Book cover of The Boys Vol. 1: The Name of the Game
by Garth Ennis
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Collecting the first 6 issues of the controversial series from PREACHER writer Garth Ennis and artist Darick Robertson (TRANSMETROPOLITAN)! Don't miss this dark, twisted look at SUPERPOWERS, super - people, and the men and women who make sure the world's "heroes" never go too far. Also features an introduction...
Book cover of The Boys Vol. 10: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker
by Garth Ennis
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Out of Dynamite Entertainment's critically acclaimed title, The Boys, comes a special story featuring everyone's favorite pint-sized Scotsman, Hughie, with The Boys: Highland Laddie, written by Garth Ennis, with covers by Darick Robertson and art by Herogasm artist John McCrea. Mind reeling from recent...
Book cover of The Boys Vol. 8: Highland Laddie
by Garth Ennis
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Out of Dynamite Entertainment's critically acclaimed title, The Boys, comes a special story featuring everyone's favorite pint-sized Scotsman, Hughie, with The Boys: Highland Laddie, written by Garth Ennis, with covers by Darick Robertson and art by Herogasm artist John McCrea. Mind reeling from recent...
Book cover of The Boys Vol 8

The Boys Vol 8

Highland Laddie

by Garth Ennis
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2012

Collects THE BOYS: HIGHLAND LADDIE 1-6!Out of Dynamite Entertainment's critically acclaimed title, The Boys, comes a special story featuring everyone's favorite pint-sized Scotsman, Hughie, with The Boys: Highland Laddie, written by Garth Ennis, with covers by Darick Robertson and art by Herogasm...
Book cover of Battlefields Vol 1

Battlefields Vol 1

The Night Witches

by Garth Ennis
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2012

DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT is proud to be the new home for the next series of Garth Ennis' "war" books, all under the "Battlefields" header! Late summer, 1942. As the German army smashes deep into Soviet Russia and the defenders of the Motherland retreat in disarray, a new bomber squadron...
Book cover of Battlefields Vol 3

Battlefields Vol 3

The Tankies

by Garth Ennis
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2012

After D-Day came the battle for Normandy, when largely untried Allied soldiers met the seasoned veterans of the German army. As Panzer units and SS troops turn the French countryside into a killing ground, a lone British tank crew struggle to rejoin their squadron. Cut off behind enemy lines, their...
Book cover of The Boys Vol. 1

The Boys Vol. 1

The Name of the Game

by Garth Ennis
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2012

Dynamite Entertainment is proud to welcome Gath Ennis and Darick Robertson's The Boys as they present the first trade paperback collection of the comic book series everyone is talking about!! Collecting the first 6 issues of the controversial new series from PREACHER writer Garth Ennis and artist...
Book cover of Battlefields Vol 4

Battlefields Vol 4

Happy Valley

by Garth Ennis
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2012

Dynamite Entertainment is proud to present the return of the acclaimed BATTLEFIELDS series by writer Garth Ennis! England, January 1942: young Australian Ken Harding arrives at his first operational squadron, keen to play his part in the aerial attack on Germany as the commander of a bomber crew....
Book cover of Tutto quello che il tuo sporco cuoricino desidera#1
by Garth Morris
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 20, 2015

Il testo è da considerarsi diretto a chi apprezza l'erotismo a tinte forti, che spesso sfocia nella pornografia. Di seguito un breve estratto. "Quando una donna chiede a un uomo un parere “sincero” su faccende che riguardano l’aspetto fisico, mente sapendo di mentire. L’unico giudizio...
Book cover of Troia's cronicles. piccole porcate tra amici.
by Garth Morris
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 8, 2013

"Lo avrebbe blandito e strizzato, fino a quando non si sarebbe più potuta evitare l’ultima spinta, quella che gli avrebbe permesso di svuotarsi i coglioni fino all’ultima goccia di sborra bollente. Intuiva la scarsa esperienza di Laura in materia di cazzi, e non sbagliava. Lei era la classica...
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