Geneva: 102 books

Book cover of Disturbing Statistics

Disturbing Statistics

An Awakening to the Christian Community

by Dr. Geneva Scott-King
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2014

This book arose out of a prophetic dream in the night. The voice of God commanded a report to Christians to push them further into their divine destiny and inheritance. So often, Christians undermine their position in the world. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot...
Book cover of Josephine's Pouch
by Geneva Witmer
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2018

Josephines Pouch is a story with a message for children, teens, and adults about a young kangaroo girl who experiences resistance as she struggles to be herself and to receive acceptance from others. The story starts with Josephine at the start of a school year, excited and eager to learn and be friends...
Book cover of Kindergarten Teaching: 16 Insane But True Facts About Teaching
by Geneva Keller
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2016

Sometimes we are not even aware how much we do to protect our kids when they are living at home. But when you are preparing your child to go out into the world on her own for the very first time, all of a sudden it can get very scary when you think of the many dangers out there. So one of the big...
Book cover of Small Arms Survey 2014

Small Arms Survey 2014

Women and Guns

by Small Arms Survey, Geneva
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2014

The Small Arms Survey 2014 considers the multiple roles of women in the context of armed violence, security, and the small arms agenda. The volume's thematic section comprises one chapter on violence against women and girls - with a focus on post-conflict Liberia and Nepal - and another on the recent...
Book cover of Black Linguistics

Black Linguistics

Language, Society and Politics in Africa and the Americas

by Arnetha Ball, Sinfree Makoni, Geneva Smitherman
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2005

Enslavement, forced migration, war and colonization have led to the global dispersal of Black communities and to the fragmentation of common experiences. The majority of Black language researchers explore the social and linguistic phenomena of individual Black communities, without looking at Black...
Book cover of Royal Love

Royal Love


by Geneva Lee
Language: German
Release Date: April 18, 2016

Ein Blick, ein Kuss und nichts ist mehr wie zuvor ... Clara sollte die glücklichste Frau auf der Welt sein: In wenigen Wochen wird sie den Mann heiraten, den sie liebt, dem sie verfallen ist mit Körper, Herz und Seele. Doch Alexanders Vater lehnt ihre Verbindung kategorisch ab, und Clara...
Book cover of Royal Dream

Royal Dream


by Geneva Lee
Language: German
Release Date: June 6, 2016

Follow your dream ... believe in a kiss ... love forever! Belle Stuarts Leben liegt in Trümmern. Ihr Verlobter hat sie betrogen, ihre Hochzeit ist abgeblasen, und Belle braucht dringend einen Job. Aber wer stellt schon eine Oxford-Absolventin ein, die nichts vorzuweisen hat als die Planung...
Book cover of Royal Kiss

Royal Kiss


by Geneva Lee
Language: German
Release Date: July 18, 2016

Follow your dream ... believe in a kiss ... love forever! Belle will nicht zulassen, dass Smiths dunkle Vergangenheit ihre Liebe zerstört. Doch hat er wirklich damit abgeschlossen? Als sie ihn mit einer anderen Frau in einer eindeutigen Situation beobachtet, ist sie zutiefst verletzt. Enttäuscht...
Book cover of Royal Forever
by Geneva Lee
Language: German
Release Date: September 19, 2016

Follow your dream ... believe in a kiss ... love forever! Die Geister seiner dunklen Vergangenheit überschatten das Leben von Smith und Belle wie ein Albtraum. Um ihnen zu entfliehen, verlassen sie London und suchen Ruhe auf dem Landsitz von Belles Eltern – ein Ort, der schlimme Erinnerungen...
Book cover of Secret Sins - Stärker als das Schicksal
by Geneva Lee
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2017

Jeder Mensch hütet Geheimnisse. Doch wahrhaft lieben kann man nur, wenn man vertraut ... Faith Kane hält sich und ihren kleinen Sohn Max mit einem Job als Kellnerin mühsam über Wasser. Männern hat sie seit Jahren abgeschworen – bis sie Jude Mercer begegnet, ausgerechnet bei einem Treffen...
Book cover of What If Our Father Were Not a Man

What If Our Father Were Not a Man

Change the Outcome of Your Children's Lives and Change How Your Story Ends

by Geneva Turner Ph.D. RN
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2012

MAKE A CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME TO MAKE A DIFFERENCEFOR YOUR CHILDREN! Youve remodeled your home and landscaped your yard, you like your new hairdo and fabulous clothes. However, your family is a different story. Interested in transformation tips? Dr. Turner shows you how...
Book cover of Inspired by God

Inspired by God

My Life Filled with His Spirit in His Hands

by Geneva Arnette
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2011

Her love was found upon her knees. In her distress, she was searching and seeking out ways to find love and comfort that was missing in her life. From an early age as far back as she could remember she was searching, day after day, trying to fill that need of hurt and emptiness in her life, trying...
Book cover of Royal Destiny
by Geneva Lee
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Packen Sie Ihren besten Hofknicks aus: Die Royals sind zurück! Im britischen Königshaus läuten wieder die Hochzeitsglocken. Doch wer ist das glückliche Paar, dessen Verbindung die Monarchie in ihren Grundfesten erschüttern könnte? Die internationale Klatschpresse stürzt sich begierig...
Book cover of Game of Passion
by Geneva Lee
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2018

Viva Las Vegas! Verbotene Küsse, gefährliche Liebe und gestohlene Herzen – in der sündigsten Stadt der Welt ... Nach den erschütternden Ereignissen der letzten Zeit erholt sich Emma Southerly vorübergehend bei ihrer Mutter in Palm Springs. Doch ihre Ruhe hat ein schnelles Ende, als plötzlich...
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