Giacomo: 612 books

Book cover of Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degl'Italiani
by Giacomo Leopardi
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 14, 2017

Il "Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degl'italiani", composto a Recanati tra la primavera e l’estate del 1824 e rimasto inedito fino al 1906, è un breve trattato filosofico dove Leopardi analizza le peculiarità che contraddistinguono la società italiana, e le compara con...
Book cover of Paolina mia

Paolina mia

Lettere alla sorella

by Giacomo Leopardi
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 15, 2013

Il profondo legame affettivo tra Giacomo e la colta e intelligente Paolina; la complicità intellettuale che li vede dialogare con pari dignità; il toccante ruolo di precettore a distanza che il Poeta si ritaglia nei riguardi della sorella, costretta alla clausura recanatese, per arginare i sogni...
Book cover of Leopardiana


22 capolavori poetici

by Giacomo Leopardi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 21, 2017

Da L’infinito a Il passero solitario, da A Silvia a Il sabato del villaggio, da Alla luna a La sera del dì di festa. E inoltre: La quiete dopo la tempesta, Ultimo canto di Saffo, Il tramonto della luna, Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell’asia, Il primo amore, La vita solitaria, Le rimembranze,...
Book cover of Paralipomeni della Batracomiomachia
by Giacomo Leopardi
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 29, 2018

I Paralipomeni della Batracomiomachia sono un poemetto satirico in ottave scritto da Giacomo Leopardi, a Napoli, a partire dal 1831circa**. Si presenta come continuazione (paralipomeni) alla** Batracomiomachia (Battaglia dei topi e delle rane), un poemetto ellenistico attribuito a Omero **(erroneamente)...
Book cover of Amor là nel profondo
by Giacomo Leopardi
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 8, 2018

«Straziato nel corpo, deriso tanto a Recanati quanto a Napoli, rovinato nell’infanzia da un padre fanatico e una madre spettralmente devota, isolato dagli intellettuali che aveva frequentato[…], Leopardi gonfia il petto e parla alla luna, parla all’infinito, parla a quelli di casa sua. Insegna...
Book cover of Biscotti Saves Punch, Life on the Farm for Kids, V
by Giacomo Giammatteo
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2018

Biscotti is the sweetest dog on the sanctuary, but Punch, the pig, doesn’t think so. According to Punch, Biscotti is mean and bites. Then one day, something happens to make Punch change his mind. Read on to find out how Biscotti saved Punch.
Book cover of Squeak Gets a Home, Life on the Farm for Kids, IV
by Giacomo Giammatteo
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2018

The sanctuary’s doors were always open, so when a couple called to say they could no longer keep their potbelly pig and asked if we would take it, we said sure. We weren’t prepared, though, for what she brought with her.
Book cover of Adalina and the Five Tiny Bears
by Giacomo Giammatteo
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2018

There is nothing more magnificent than the imagination of a child. The Adventures of Adalina consists of stories of one such child—Adalina. From tiny bears, to underwater bears, to foxes that haunt the night, Adalina challenges them all. Read on and take your kids to a new and wonderful world.
Book cover of La musica salvifica
by Giacomo Lucchesi
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 18, 2017

Incontrarmi seduto sopra ad un treno, quando avevo all’incirca 40 anni meno, è come entrare in un buco che dà nel tempo. Erano gli anni di Happy Days e di Ralph Malph ma io stavo in un letto sudato d' un grande ospedale e non sapevo che, per più di un anno, i miei progetti non sarebbero cambiati....
Book cover of The Gun in Central Africa

The Gun in Central Africa

A History of Technology and Politics

by Giacomo Macola
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2016

Why did some central African peoples embrace gun technology in the nineteenth century, and others turn their backs on it? In answering this question, The Gun in Central Africa offers a thorough reassessment of the history of firearms in central Africa. Marrying the insights of Africanist historiography...
Book cover of eBook Distribution
by Giacomo Giammatteo
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2017

Publishing a book is easy. Learning how to do it right is a little more difficult. Publishing is easiest when you use the right distributors, not only do you save yourself time, but you can easily make more money in the process. Read eBook Distribution and find out who to use and why you should...
Book cover of How to Format an eBook
by Giacomo Giammatteo
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2017

Beautiful eBook formatting is not expensive; in fact, it's more reasonable than you think. For years, I paid handsomely for someone to format my eBooks, not to mention I had to wait a week or two to get it done; now, I do it myself. I save money and I get it done in one night. Aren't your readers...
Book cover of Mirrors in the Brain: How our minds share actions and emotions
by Giacomo Rizzolatti, Corrado Sinigaglia
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2007

Emotions and actions are powerfully contagious; when we see someone laugh, cry, show disgust, or experience pain, in some sense, we share that emotion. When we see someone in distress, we share that distress. When we see a great actor, musician or sportsperson perform at the peak of their abilities,...
Book cover of Casanova


Spanish Passions

by Giacomo Casanova
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2016

It is indeed a new experience to read this history of a man who, refraining from nothing, has concealed nothing; of one who stood in the courts of Louis the Magnificent before Madame de Pompadour and the nobles of the Ancien Regime, and had an affair with an adventuress of Denmark Street, Soho; who was...
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