Glen Cook: 64 books

Book cover of A Path to Coldness of Heart
by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2012

At long last, the conclusion to Glen Cook's Dread Empire saga has arrived! King Bragi Ragnarson is a prisoner, shamed, nameless, and held captive by Lord Shih-kaa and the Empress Mist at the heart of the Dread Empire. Far away in Kavelin, Bragia's queen and what remains of his army seek to...
Book cover of An Ill Fate Marshalling
by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2011

King Bragi Ragnorson decides to join Chatelain Mist’s coup against the Dread Empire. Varhlokkur — the King’s wizard — tries to dissuade Ragnorson from this chosen path, but only the drum-beat of war is heard. The King’s Spymaster Michael Trebilcock joins with the wizard to stave off The...
Book cover of Dreams of Steel
by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 1990

Dreams of Steel is Book 5 in Glen Cook's fantasy masterpiece, The Chronicles of the Black Company. Croaker has fallen and, following the Company's disastrous defeat at Dejagore, Lady is one of the few survivors—determined to avenge the Company and herself against the Shadowmasters, no matter...
Book cover of The Books of the South: Tales of the Black Company
by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2008

Marching south after the ghastly battle at the Tower of Charm, the Black Company is hounded by shadowy figures every inch of the way. The game is on: the Company versus the Shadowmasters, deadly creatures that deal in darkness and sorrow. When hope dies, there's still survival. And there's...
Book cover of Darkwar
by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2010

The world grows colder with each passing year, the longer winters and ever-deepening snows awaking ancient fears within the Dengan Packstead, fears of invasion by armed and desperate nomads, attack by the witchlike and mysterious Silth, able to kill with their minds alone, and of the Grauken, that...
Book cover of Doomstalker


Book One of The Darkwar Trilogy

by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2013

The world grows colder with each passing year, the longer winters and ever-deepening snows awaking ancient fears within the Dengan Packstead, fears of invasion by armed and desperate nomads, attack by the witchlike and mysterious Silth, able to kill with their minds alone, and of the Grauken, that...
Book cover of Warlock


Book Two of The Dark War Trilogy

by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2013

The world grows colder with each passing year, the longer winters and ever-deepening snows awaking ancient fears within the Dengan Packstead, fears of invasion by armed and desperate nomads, attack by the witchlike and mysterious Silth, able to kill with their minds alone, and of the Grauken, that...
Book cover of Ceremony


Book Three of The Dark War Trilogy

by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2013

The world grows colder with each passing year, the longer winters and ever-deepening snows awaking ancient fears within the Dengan Packstead, fears of invasion by armed and desperate nomads, attack by the witchlike and mysterious Silth, able to kill with their minds alone, and of the Grauken, that...
Book cover of An Empire Unacquainted with Defeat
by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2008

The Dread Empire, a gritty world of larger-than-life plots, nation-shattering conflict, maddening magic, strange creatures, and raw, flawed heroes, all shown through the filter of Cook's inimitable war-correspondent prose. The Dread Empire, spanning from the highest peaks of the Dragon's Teeth to...
Book cover of A Passage at Arms
by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2007

The ongoing war between Humanity and the Ulat is a battle of attrition that humanity is unfortunately losing. However, humans have the advantage of trans-hyperdrive technology, which allows their climber fleet, under very narrow and strenuous conditions, to pass through space almost undetectable....
Book cover of Deadly Quicksilver Lies

Deadly Quicksilver Lies

A Garrett, P.I. Novel

by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 1994

A damsel in a dress was Garrett’s weakness, especially when she had equipment in all the right places. Still, Garrett wasn’t sure it was worth his life to take on Maggie Jenn, the ex-king’s ex-mistress, as his client. Not in a kingdom where the biggest con artists weren’t human, magic could...
Book cover of Petty Pewter Gods

Petty Pewter Gods

A Garrett, P.I. Novel

by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 1995

Garet , P. I., is on the case There are some new gods in the town of TunFaire, but temple real estate on the Street of Dreams is at a premium. So the big gods on the block issued a challenge-find the "key" to the one temple still available. When two rival pantheons try to hire Garrett, he knows he is in for it...
Book cover of 暢銷奇幻大師的英雄寫作指導課
by 布蘭登.山德森、歐森.史考特.卡德、葛蘭.庫克等人(Brandon Sanderson, Orson Scott Card, Glen Cook & 12 more)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 27, 2017

◆台灣書市第一本千萬暢銷大師奇幻文學指導書 ◆美國亞馬遜五星評價,讀者拍案驚嘆創作寶典 由布蘭登.山德森領軍的十五位暢銷大師和資深金獎編輯,累積全球銷售千萬冊實力,首次敞開奇幻文學寫作殿堂之門,恍如在旁親自指導,帶你領略箇中創作巧妙! 由《迷霧之子》布蘭登.山德森,《戰爭遊戲》歐森.史考特.卡德,《黑色傭兵團》葛蘭.庫克......等十五位重量級奇幻大師和資深金獎編輯,聯手貢獻獨家寫作祕密,告訴你如何打造獨一無二,風靡書市的奇幻英雄,擄獲萬千讀者的心! 你的英雄在哪裡?他們是否被困在你的頭腦裡,渴望著自由和爆發呢?你是否準備好向讀者分享他們,吹噓他們,告訴所有人他們的魅力舉止和英勇行動,以及他們如何對抗和犧牲?你是一個準備寫下屬於你自己的英雄的說書人嗎? 當代傑出的文壇前輩們,到底如何天馬行空創造這些英雄人物,讓他們在書頁之間虎虎生風?本書集結了當代最暢銷的奇幻文學作家們在創作過程當中嘔心瀝血的壓箱寶結晶,毫不藏私地透露自己如何創造出有血有肉的傳奇英雄,如何在情節中創造高潮起伏,贏得讀者的深深青睞。 如果你是懷有文壇夢的新手作家,本書絕對是無比實用的參考書籍,提供來自當代重量級作者的寫作建議與視角觀點;如果你只是單純的奇幻文學大師粉絲,更能享受本書中所揭露的奇幻英雄誕生創作過程。 【本書特色】 1.台灣書市首見奇幻文學英雄創作實例指南 2.集結作品暢銷全球千萬冊之當代知名作者寫作精要 3.加入金獎編輯的角度,提供更全方位的分析和導引 【好評推薦】 新銳小說家 何敬堯 國立東華大學數位遊戲與敘事設計研究中心主任暨幻奇文學研究室主持人...
Book cover of Sweet Silver Blues
by Glen Cook
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 1990

It should have been a simple job. But for Garrett, a human detective in a world of gnomes, tracking down the woman to whom his dead pal Danny left a fortune in silver is no slight task. Even with the aid of Morley, the toughest half-elf around, Garrett isn't sure he'll make it out alive from a land...
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