Gracian: 13 books

Book cover of The Art of Worldly Wisdom
by Balthasar Gracian
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2018

My attention was first drawn to the Oráculo Manual by Mr. (now Sir Mountstuart) Grant Duff's admirable article on Balthasar Gracian in the Fortnightly Review of March 1877. I soon after obtained a copy of Schopenhauer's excellent version, and during a journey in Spain I procured with some difficulty...
Book cover of A Pocket Mirror for Heroes
by Baltasar Gracian
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2011

A Pocket Mirror for Heroes is a mirror because it reflects "the person you are or the one you ought to be." It is a pocket mirror because its author took the time to be brief. And it is a mirror for heroes because it provides a vivid image of ethical and moral perfection to which all can...
Book cover of The Art of Worldly Wisdom
by Baltasar Gracian
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2006

This perenially popular book of advice on how to achieve personal and professional success is valued for its timeless insights on how to make one's way in the world. Written in the seventeenth century by a Spanish Jesuit scholar, the teachings are strikingly modern in tone and address universal concerns...
Book cover of L'homme de cour
by Baltasar Gracian
Language: French
Release Date: November 30, 2012

Texte intégral révisé suivi d'une biographie de Baltasar Gracian. L'oeuvre de Baltasar Gracian, écrivain jésuite, que l'on peut rattacher à celles de Machiavel et de Castiglione, est l'une des plus représentatives du baroque espagnol du Siècle d'Or. Aujourd'hui classée sous l'étiquette du...
Book cover of The Art of Worldly Wisdom
by Baltasar Gracian
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2013

In the Art of Worldly Wisdom Baltasar Gracian gives us pertinent and pithy advice on friendship, leadership, and success. Think of it as Machiavelli with a soul. This book is for those who wish to have an ambitious plan for success without compromising their integrity or losing their way. Audacious and captivating!
Book cover of Orakel der Weltklugheit : Handbuch der Lebensklugheit
by Baltasar Gracian
Language: German
Release Date: December 23, 2015

300 Aphorismen / übersetzt von Arthur Schopenhauer Dem Gerechten keine Gesetze, und dem Weisen keine Rathschläge. Und doch hat noch Keiner so viel gewußt, als er für sich brauchte. Eines hast du mir zu verzeihen, ein Andres zu danken: daß ich nämlich dieses Handbuch der Lebensklugheit...
Book cover of The Art of Worldly Wisdom
by Balthasar Gracian
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

Dear Mrs. Lewis, This little book were not worthy of being associated with your name, did it not offer an ideal of life at once refined and practical, cultured yet wisely energetic. Gracian points to noble aims, and proposes, on the whole, no ignoble means of attaining to them. The Spanish Jesuit sees clear, but he looks upward.
Book cover of The Art of Worldly Wisdom
by Balthasar Gracian
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

Balthasar Gracian was a Jesuit priest and philosopher. The Art of Worldly Wisdom is perhaps his most famous work, and contains 300 aphorisms accompanied with commentary. A table of contents is included to allow easy navigation to each maxim.
Book cover of L'HOMME DE COUR
by Baltasar GRACIAN
Language: French
Release Date: June 18, 2015

Il faut aujourd’hui plus de conditions pour faire un sage, qu’il n’en fallut anciennement pour en faire sept ; et il faut en ce temps-ci plus d’habileté pour traiter avec un seul homme, qu’il n’en fallait autrefois pour traiter avec tout un peuple.
Book cover of L’Homme de cour
by Baltasar Gracian
Language: French
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Tout est maintenant au point de sa perfection, et l’habile homme au plus haut. Il faut aujourd’hui plus de conditions pour faire un sage, qu’il n’en fallut anciennement pour en faire sept ; et il faut en ce temps-ci plus d’habileté pour traiter avec un seul homme, qu’il n’en fallait autrefois pour traiter avec tout un peuple.
Book cover of The Art of Worldly Wisdom

The Art of Worldly Wisdom

A Pocket Oracle

by Baltasar Gracian
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2010

The remarkable best-seller -- a long-lost, 300-year-old book of wisdom on how to live successfully yet responsibly in a society governed by self-interest -- as acute as Machiavelli yet as humanistic and scrupulously moral as Marcus Aurelius.
Book cover of The Art of Worldly Wisdom (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)
by Baltasar Gracian
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2009

Baltasar Gracián’s Art of Worldly Wisdom offers practical advice on how to make your way in a chaotic world, and how to make it well. The three hundred aphorisms contained here, first published as Oraculo Manual y Arte de Prudencia in 1647, remain remarkably relevant today.  The political and...
Book cover of A arte da sabedoria

A arte da sabedoria

300 máximas para entender a natureza humana

by Baltasar Gracian
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 4, 2015

Edição integral com 300 máximas originais Este livro tem impressionado e inspirado filósofos, escritores e pensadores ao longo de mais de 350 anos. O autor Baltasar Gracián, jesuíta espanhol, era um arguto observador da natureza humana e das artimanhas do poder, que expôs com impressionante...
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