Grimaldi: 72 books

Book cover of Teoxi, Mayan Prince: Ii. Montezuma’S Rage
by Antonio Grimaldi
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2012

Dr. Antonio Grimaldi holds a doctorate degree and 2 post-doctoral specializations from the State University of Naples, Italy. For eight years, Dr. Grimaldi resided in Latin America where he served for four years as Professor of Economics at the National University of Panama. Residing in the United...
Book cover of À la lisière du réel
by Anne-Claire Désesquelles, Nicolas Grimaldi
Language: French
Release Date: March 29, 2013

Dialogue avec Anne-Claire Désesquelles Le sens commun tient généralement pour réel ce qui est immédiatement donné. Aussi penset-il qu’il n’y a de réel que le présent. Nicolas Grimaldi, ancien Professeur d’histoire de la philosophie moderne puis de métaphysique à la Sorbonne,...
Book cover of Le parfum du bonheur est plus fort sous la pluie
by Virginie Grimaldi
Language: French
Release Date: May 3, 2017

« Je ne t’aime plus. » Il aura suffi de cinq mots pour que l’univers de Pauline bascule. Installée avec son fils de quatre ans chez ses parents, elle laisse les jours s’écouler en attendant que la douleur s’estompe. Jusqu’au moment où elle décide de reprendre sa vie en main. Si les...
Book cover of Unfrosted
by Raven Grimaldi
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2012

Americans have made processed food - from TV dinners to McDonald’s – the mainstay of their diets, with horrific results to their waistlines, medical conditions, and even their psyches. We’re seeing muffintop and it’s not pretty. Unfrosted shows you how to stop being a victim of the food and...
Book cover of Frammenti di un nuovo Insegnamento
by Fabio Grimaldi
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 23, 2017

È fondamentale sapere chi siamo: finché restiamo nel torpor, in balia delle influenze esterne, possiamo essere spinti ovunque dal Sistema di addormentamento planetario – la cosiddetta Matrix invisibile – che ci preclude la possibilità di vedere il Mondo Reale. Dopo anni di ricerca, errori,...
Book cover of L’arte di usare bene la voce

L’arte di usare bene la voce

15 consigli pratici per parlare in pubblico

by Franca Grimaldi
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 13, 2016

Acquisire autorevolezza quando si parla in pubblico, correggere la dizione, l'emissione del fiato, controllare l'emozione, la respirazione, esprimersi meglio. Questi sono solo alcuni dei preziosi consigli presenti nell’eBook di Franca Grimaldi. Necessario, soprattutto per tutte le persone che vogliono...
Book cover of Descartes et ses fables
by Nicolas Grimaldi
Language: French
Release Date: October 2, 2006

Le propos de N. Grimaldi est de montrer qu'il existe une imagination philosophique comme il existe une imagination romanesque. Pour lui la philosophie de Descartes est le meilleur exemple pour examiner la part que l'imagination prend sur la raison. Ce livre montre comment Descartes a construit sa...
Book cover of Tu comprendras quand tu seras plus grande
by Virginie Grimaldi
Language: French
Release Date: May 4, 2016

Quand Julia débarque comme psychologue à la maison de retraite Les Tamaris, elle ne croit pas plus au bonheur qu’à la petite souris. Pire, une fois sur place, elle se souvient qu’elle ne déborde pas d’affection pour les personnes âgées. Et dire qu’elle a tout plaqué pour se sauver,...
Book cover of Quand nos souvenirs viendront danser
by Virginie Grimaldi
Language: French
Release Date: May 2, 2019

« Lorsque nous avons emménagé impasse des Colibris, nous avions vingt ans, ça sentait la peinture fraîche et les projets, nous nous prêtions main-forte entre voisins en traversant les jardins non clôturés. Soixante-trois ans plus tard, les haies ont poussé, nos souvenirs sont accrochés aux...
Book cover of Il est grand temps de rallumer les étoiles
by Virginie Grimaldi
Language: French
Release Date: May 2, 2018

Anna, 37 ans, croule sous le travail et les relances des huissiers. Ses filles, elle ne fait que les croiser au petit déjeuner. Sa vie défile, et elle l’observe depuis la bulle dans laquelle elle s’est enfermée. À 17 ans, Chloé a des rêves plein la tête mais a choisi d’y renoncer pour...
Book cover of Former Fat Girl Tells All.

Former Fat Girl Tells All.

How I Lost Over 100 Pounds Without Ever Dieting or Hiring a Personal Trainer

by Kelly Ann Grimaldi
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2014

First time author Kelly Ann Grimaldi shares with the world just how she conquered the mountain of extreme weight loss after losing more than 100lbs and keeping it off. For those of you who hate diets and hate the gym but want to live a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight, this is the book for you....
Book cover of Life’S Glorious Song
by Kathleen Galvin Grimaldi
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2015

Kathleen Galvin Grimaldi's new volume of poetry asks us to Trust in the nothingness, but remain seated at life's table. This is a fitting invitation to a collection that asks the big questions and resolves time and again into moments of clarity, acceptance, comfort and inspiration. Every poem is a...
Book cover of A Guide to Life: a Book of Wisdom and Truths

A Guide to Life: a Book of Wisdom and Truths

A Book of Wisdom and Truths

by Aniello Grimaldi
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2012

This book was written to give individuals an overview of the truths of life from various religions and traditions, as well as common sense, view of the author. No one is expected to accept the various truths in these proverbs. However, a reading of these proverbs may bring you to a deeper perspective...
Book cover of The Candidate
by Antonio Grimaldi
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2013

For decades, businesses have been happy to lose millions of dollars in order to protect hiring methods that have proven ineffective. Somehow businesses have persistently allowed untrained or corrupt managers select candidates based on their own bias and personal preference. This practice is so engrained...
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