Guerrero: 180 books

Book cover of Gloria Victis - Tome 3 - 3. Nemesis
by Juanra Fernandez, Guerrero
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2017

As Aelio heads north, the shadow of his nemesis hangs over him. Up there, far from the land of his childhood, he'll have to compete in the most dangerous race of his life. This is the only way for him to truly bring glory to his name... and to carry out his revenge...
Book cover of Dragonseed #1 : When Dragons Cry
by Kurt McClung, Jimenez, Mateo Guerrero
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2018

Half-man, half-dragon, Adam Serre Shadow is on an urgent mission to find the “tear of the dragon” to preserve the kingdom’s peace... PUBLICATION IN 3 VOLUMES - COMPLETED WORK. For centuries the men and creatures of Krath have prepared for a conflict that many hoped would never happen. A half-blood,...
Book cover of Nina. Diario de una adolescente
by Agustina Guerrero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 11, 2013

Una novela gráfica desbordante de sinceridad y de humor, y con una protagonista que llegará al corazón de las lectoras. Nina es ingenua; Nina es inconformista; Nina es un torbellino... Y a sus 16 años, tiene un montón de dudas revoloteando por su cabeza... ¿Es normal sentirse un bicho...
Book cover of Máxima (Edición Actualizada)

Máxima (Edición Actualizada)

Una historia real

by Gonzalo Alvarez Guerrero, Soledad Ferrari
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 1, 2013

La edición actualizada del libro que cuenta la verdadera historia de la argentina que llegó a ser reina de Holanda. Máxima, la flamante reina de Holanda, es la moderna protagonista de una increíble historia de amor e intrigas palaciegas en la cual no faltan internas políticas, traiciones,...
Book cover of The Universe Greatest Quotes - Quick, Short, Medium Or Long Quotes. Find The Perfect The Universe Quotations For All Occasions - Spicing Up Letters, Speeches, And Everyday Conversations.
by Savannah Guerrero
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2016

This book is the outcome of an idea, and the idea is very simple. It is that the best way to understand the dramatic transformation any idea can bring and to successfully bring ideas across, is to think of them as profound insights and moments of clarity often disguised as wit, captured in one single...
Book cover of Cuando la memoria era un río…

Cuando la memoria era un río…

Cantares de Osvaldo Torres

by Bernardo Guerrero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

El Norte Grande de Chile, ha contribuido a otorgarle a este país una nueva y rica sonoridad: la andina. La Nueva Canción Chilena usó estos recursos. El sonido de la quena, zampoña y charango ayudó a saber algo más de este desconocido territorio para el resto de los chilenos. La obra de Osvaldo...
Book cover of Our Lady of Guadalupe
by Guerrero, Jose Luis
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2008

The appearances of Our Lady of Guadalupe coincide with the birth of Hispanic culture in America and the evangelization of the continent. Written by one of the most recognized experts on themes associated with Guadalupe, this book carefully explains the symbols and signs contained in the Aztec narrative...
Book cover of Whispers from the Soul

Whispers from the Soul

Echoes from the Wind

by Antonia Guerrero
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2011

A book of poetry collected from family memories as a child. Every poem in the collection pertains to a family member in my life, or special moments. Also writing was a moment when I could speak from the soul and ended being wonderful therapy. I found out I could put my feelings away in a box, and...
Book cover of Excel Data Analysis

Excel Data Analysis

Modeling and Simulation

by Hector Guerrero
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2010

Why does the World Need—Excel Data Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation? When spreadsheets ?rst became widely available in the early 1980s, it spawned a revolution in teaching. What previously could only be done with arcane software and large scale computing was now available to the common-man, on...
Book cover of Mourinho versus Guardiola

Mourinho versus Guardiola

Dos métodos para un mismo objetivo

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro Villar, Leonor Gallardo Guerrero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 23, 2010

Mourinho y Guardiola representan dos modelos de liderazgo bien distintos. Tienen maneras diferentes de conducir a un equipo, características y tácticas opuestas y dos personalidades antagónicas. Pero ambos comparten lo más importante: el afán de victoria y los éxitos de sus equipos. Este...
Book cover of Liderazgo Guardiola

Liderazgo Guardiola

Descubre los secretos de su éxito

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro Villar, Leonor Gallardo Guerrero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 27, 2010

Vivimos en un mundo que critica mucho, desprecia casi siempre y admira poco. Guardiola ha logrado construir un equipo que despierta el elogio unánime, lo mismo que busca toda empresa. Sólo desde ese respeto y admiración es posible atraer el talento, tener éxito, vender mejor y tener un buen clima...
Book cover of Los mosqueteros de Guardiola

Los mosqueteros de Guardiola

Claves prácticas del mejor equipo de la historia

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro Villar, Leonor Gallardo Guerrero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 5, 2011

Conseguir el mejor equipo de la historia no es fácil. Además de un líder eficaz, hacen falta cualidades dentro del equipo que lo hagan excepcional. Valentía, autoconfianza, disciplina y, como si de los mismos Mosqueteros se tratara, el “todos para uno y uno para todos”. Los expertos...
Book cover of Understanding, Dismantling, and Disrupting the Prison-to-School Pipeline
by Sheree N. Alexander, Mariella I. Arredondo, Tabetha Bernstein-Danis
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2016

This volume examines the school-to-prison pipeline, a concept that has received growing attention over the past 10–15 years in the United States. The “pipeline” refers to a number of interrelated concepts and activities that most often include the criminalization of students and student behavior,...
Book cover of Dirección de empresas
by Ana María Castillo Clavero, Isabel María Abad Guerrero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 24, 2013

En un contexto de profunda crisis como el actual, no sólo del mundo económico sino también del universo de ideas que sustenta nuestra sociedad, es necesario volver la mirada a lo elemental. La economía se nutre de la infinidad de pequeñas decisiones de producción y consumo que los agentes económicos...
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