Guillermo Maldonado: 27 books

Book cover of How to Walk In the Supernatural Power of God
by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2011

Experience Signs, Wonders, and Miracles Today. The supernatural power and authority of God are available for today's believers; just as they were during ancient biblical times; for healings, miracles, and deliverances. To help you grasp the full revelation of God's supernatural power, Apostle Maldonado...
Book cover of Supernatural Transformation

Supernatural Transformation

Change Your Heart into God's Heart

by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2014

The central organ of the human body is the heart.It circulates the blood throughout the whole bodily system, pumping oxygen and nutrients to the other organs and pulling toxins away from them. Yet we human beings have another “heart”—a spiritual one—that is the true center of our...
Book cover of How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God Study Guide
by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2011

**Experience Signs, Wonders & Miracles Today  ** This study guide companion to How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God will help you to grasp the full revelation of God’s miraculous power and authority. These incredible gifts are available for today’s believers—just as they were during...
Book cover of The Kingdom Of Power (Spirit-Led Bible Study)

The Kingdom Of Power (Spirit-Led Bible Study)

How to Demonstrate It Here and Now

by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

Simple. Practical. Powerful. That's the gospel of the kingdom! God did not authorize the church to preach a gospel of mere words. He empowered us to proclaim the good news with supernatural evidence. "For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power" (1 Corinthians 4:20). The kingdom of...
Book cover of Why Believe in Jesus?

Why Believe in Jesus?

A Life Worth Investigating

by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2015

Jesus Christ is the most famous person who ever lived. Most people know His name, but they don’t really know who He was or what was He like. If He truly was a Savior, as some say, in what way does that reality affect us today? And why should we believe in Him? As Jesus lived and ministered...
Book cover of The Kingdom at War: Using Intercessory Prayer to Dispel the Darkness
by Alan Vincent, Guillermo Maldonado
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2011

From India to England and across the United States, The Kingdom at War takes an exciting, comprehensive, and prophetic view of the structure and power of today’s church. In this expertly crafted teaching, you learn how the church—and you—have been given authority to overcome the enemy and see the establishment of the Kingdom of God in these last days.
Book cover of The Glory of God

The Glory of God

Experience a Supernatural Encounter with His Presence

by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2012

You Were Made for Glory Many believers ask, “Does God speak to us today?” “Is Jesus just a historical figure, or is He really the living Christ?” “Can the Lord still do the same miracles the Bible talks about?” God has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His...
Book cover of Breakthrough Fast

Breakthrough Fast

Accessing the Power of God

by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2018

If today’s believers only knew the spiritual power for breakthrough that comes through fasting, they would practice it more! A breakthrough is a sudden spiritual burst that pushes us beyond our limitations and into deliverance and freedom. Many Christians are struggling with a need for guidance,...
Book cover of La gloria de Dios
by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2013

**Usted fue creado para la gloria ** Muchos creyentes se preguntan, “¿Dios nos habla hoy?”. “¿Es Jesús sólo un personaje histórico o es realmente el Cristo vivo?”. “¿Puede el Señor todavía hacer los mismos milagros que menciona la Biblia?”. Dios no ha cambiado. Él...
Book cover of El reino de poder

El reino de poder

Cómo demostrarlo aquí y ahora

by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 19, 2013

**Experimente el cielo en la tierra de forma tangible ** El reino de Dios es… un reino sobrenatural. un reino de poder, no sólo de palabras. un reino cuya realidad se puede experimentar aquí y ahora.   Jesús dijo, “El reino de Dios está entre vosotros” (Lucas 17:21). El...
Book cover of ¿Por qué creer en Jesús?

¿Por qué creer en Jesús?

Una vida que vale la pena investigar

by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 1, 2015

Una vida que vale la pena investigar Jesucristo es la persona más famosa que ha existido. La mayoría de la gente conoce Su nombre, aunque realmente no sabe quién o cómo era Él. Si en verdad Él fue un Salvador, como algunos dicen, ¿de qué forma realmente eso nos afecta hoy? ¿Y por qué...
Book cover of Ayuno de rompimiento

Ayuno de rompimiento

Accediendo al poder de Dios

by Guillermo Maldonado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 18, 2018

Si los creyentes de hoy conocieran el poder espiritual del rompimiento que viene cuando ayunamos, ¡lo practicarán más! El rompimiento es un estallido espiritual repentino que nos empuja más allá de nuestras limitaciones y nos introduce en la liberación y la libertad.   Muchos cristianos están...
Book cover of Problemas, decisiones y soluciones

Problemas, decisiones y soluciones

Enfoques de política pública

by Mauricio Merino, Guillermo M. Cejudo, David Arellano Gault
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 24, 2019

El libro aborda las características y los postulados básicos de los enfoques utilizados en las políticas públicas y su estudio, además de describir cómo pueden emplearse éstas en el análisis de las decisiones que toma el Estado. Esta obra, preparada por un grupo de investigadores de la División...
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