Gustavo: 403 books

Book cover of Human Papillomavirus

Human Papillomavirus

A Practical Guide for Urologists

by Alberto Rosenblatt, Homero Gustavo de Campos Guidi
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2009

This book is a practical and comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and treatment of human papilloma virus (HPV)-related diseases from a urological perspective. It reviews new diagnostic methods for virus detection and typing, management of penile and urethral lesions, new treatment modalities including...
Book cover of Nociones de derecho
by Fernando Floresgómez González, Gustavo Carvajal Moreno
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 19, 2013

Book cover of We Preach a Living Word
by Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller MSpS
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2014

Archbishop García-Siller offers a meditation on the call, the joy, and the duty of Catholic preaching in our day. For him, preaching is a conversation of love that invites the hearer to respond to God in love. He considers how effective preaching invites people into that relationship, encouraging today's preachers to be bold, enthusiastic, creative, and courageous.
Book cover of Redox Biocatalysis

Redox Biocatalysis

Fundamentals and Applications

by Daniela Gamenara, Gustavo Seoane, Patricia Saenz Méndez
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2012

Paves the way for new industrial applications using redox biocatalysis Increasingly, researchers rely on the use of enzymes to perform redox processes as they search for novel industrial synthetic routes. In order to support and advance their investigations, this book provides a comprehensive...
Book cover of O caso Lula

O caso Lula

a luta pela afirmação dos direitos fundamentais no Brasil

by Rafael Valim, Cristiano Zanin Martins, Valeska Teixeira Zanin Martins
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 2, 2016

Os densos artigos que compõem a obra, de autoria de grandes juristas brasileiros, revelam um cenário estarrecedor de violação de direitos humanos e de falência do Estado de Direito brasileiro, no qual se insere, de maneira emblemática, a verdadeira caçada judicial de que é vítima o ex-Presidente...
Book cover of Contro l'etica della verità
by Gustavo Zagrebelsky
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 1, 2014

«Contro l'etica della verità significa a favore di un'etica del dubbio. Al di là delle apparenze, il dubbio non è affatto il contrario della verità. Ne è la riaffermazione, è un omaggio alla verità, ma una verità che ha sempre e di nuovo da essere esaminata e ri-scoperta.» Quando i detentori...
Book cover of Surviving Anne

Surviving Anne

A Novel

by Gustavo Dessal
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2015

'Was I born with something broken, or did it break later?'This novel is an intimate exploration of the severe psychological difficulties suffered by a woman whose parents survived a Nazi concentration camp. In it, Anne meets Dr Palmer, with whom she begins a psychotherapeutic journey that will lead...
Book cover of Il sogno del 'grande spazio'

Il sogno del 'grande spazio'

Le politiche d'occupazione nell'Europa nazista

by Gustavo Corni
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 1, 2014

Tra il 1938 e il 1945 la Germania, sotto la guida di Hitler e del regime nazionalsocialista, si rese protagonista di una politica estera di conquista di uno spazio vitale, incurante di qualsiasi diritto. Dall’Atlantico al Volga, le popolazioni coinvolte subirono una lunga scia di distruzioni e sfruttamento....
Book cover of Derecho penal de enemigo en la Violencia (1948-1966)
by Gustavo Emilio Cote Barco
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 9, 2008

El autor expone el peligro que representa la guerra para el orden jurídico; esta amenaza no solo puede estremecer el piso racional del derecho, sino también influir en las decisiones políticas de una comunidad. La guerra es fuente de derecho y, al mismo tiempo, su debilidad. En esta medida, el llamamiento al orden que representa este libro es oportuno y adecuado.
Book cover of La independencia del Perú y el fantasma de la revolución
by Gustavo Montoya
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 2, 2015

La Independencìa del Perù y el Fantasma de la Revolución es un importante texto escrito por un historiador de las nuevas generaciones y que ha sido planteado desde la vía opuesta a las modas historiográ-ficas en curso. El tema, por cierto, no es nuevo y es parte de la obsesión constada por Pierre...
Book cover of Medical Biochemistry
by Gustavo Blanco, Antonio Blanco
Language: English
Release Date: April 14, 2017

Medical Biochemistry is supported by over forty years of teaching experience, providing coverage of basic biochemical concepts, including the structure and physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbons, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides in a straightforward and easy to comprehend language. The...
Book cover of Conversations with John Searle
by Gustavo Faigenbaum
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2015

This book treats many complex topics such as the relationship between brain and consciousness, the 'Chinese Room' argument, and Searle's aesthetic and political ideas. This is NOT the typical interview book, filled with self-indulgence and old-time stories. Mr. Faigenbaum uses his deep knowledge of...
Book cover of La novela de crímenes en América Latina: un espacio de anomia social
by Gustavo Forero Quintero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 15, 2017

El autor estudia el tema de la responsabilidad penal en Los minutos negros de Martín Solares; el desengaño de la revolución y el olvido en Verano rojo, de Daniel Quirós; la literatura sobre el horror en Bioy, de Diego Trelles Paz; la revisión de las labores de la policía en Brasil en Elite de...
Book cover of La felicità della democrazia
by Ezio Mauro, Gustavo Zagrebelsky
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 18, 2012

C'è vita nella democrazia, dunque è giusto e possibile cercarvi anche la felicità. Che viene dalla nostra normale condizione di cittadini fedeli e infedeli, uomini e donne, persone liberamente associate. Proprio qui sta la possibilità vera della felicità: nella condizione di libertà personale e...
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