Hannu: 43 books

Book cover of Robust Correlation

Robust Correlation

Theory and Applications

by Georgy L. Shevlyakov, Hannu Oja
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2016

This bookpresents material on both the analysis of the classical concepts of correlation and on the development of their robust versions, as well as discussing the related concepts of correlation matrices, partial correlation, canonical correlation, rank correlations, with the corresponding robust...
Book cover of Alkuajatus - The Original Thought

Alkuajatus - The Original Thought

The Little Manual of Life

by Hannu
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2012

Alkuajatus helps the reader to open his inner reality, his original own will and the purpose of life to himself. Alkuajatus gives the words spirituality and religion a new meaning, and lifts up the understanding of them to a new dimension. "Alkuajatus - The Little Manual of Life" is a solid book of knowledge,...
Book cover of Comparing Voting Systems
by Hannu Nurmi
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

In many contexts of everyday life we find ourselves faced with the problem of reconciling the views of several persons. These problems are usually solved by resorting to some opinion aggre­ gating procedure, like voting. Very often the problem is thought of as being solved after the decision to take...
Book cover of Entanglement Between Noncomplementary Parts of Many-Body Systems
by Hannu Christian Wichterich
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2011

This thesis investigates the structure and behaviour of entanglement, the purely quantum mechanical part of correlations, in many-body systems, employing both numerical and analytical techniques at the interface of condensed matter theory and quantum information theory. Entanglement can be seen as...
Book cover of Living In A Learning Society

Living In A Learning Society

Life-Histories, Identities And Education

by Ari Antikainen, Jarmo Houtsonen, Juha Kauppila
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2012

This text discusses the meaning of education through an examination of life paths, identities and significant learning experiences. Looking at education over three generations of war and scant education; of structural change and increasing educational opportunities; and of social well-being and wide...
Book cover of Love: Nearness and Broken Hearts?
by Hannu
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2015

Alkuajatus "Love: Nearness and Broken Hearts" focuses on genuine love in such way that the reader can grow his understanding of love, spiritual nearness and the real reasons to broken hearts, and to grow his inner freedom regarding love. This grows the understanding of future, present and past relationships....
Book cover of Hans Hartvik

Hans Hartvik

The List

by Hannu Mänty
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2017

The List is the first instalment of the HANS HARTVIK series. Hans Hartvik is an international headhunter. He is a successful headhunter for an international company and leads an almost perfect life. But, Hans Hartvik is also a contract killer who goes by the name Hans Kiefer. Hans Kiefer is an operative...
Book cover of PostgreSQL 9 Administration Cookbook - Second Edition
by Simon Riggs, Gianni Ciolli, Hannu Krosing
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2015

Through example-driven recipes, with plenty of code, focused on the most vital features of the latest PostgreSQL version (9.4), both administrators and developers will follow short, specific guides to understand and leverage useful Postgre functionalities to create better and more efficient databases.
Book cover of Protected Metal Clusters: From Fundamentals to Applications
by Tatsuya Tsukuda, Hannu Häkkinen
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2015

Protected Metal Clusters: From Fundamentals to Applications surveys the fundamental concepts and potential applications of atomically precise metal clusters protected by organic ligands. As this class of materials is now emerging as a result of breakthroughs in synthesis and characterization...
Book cover of Smart Electronic Systems

Smart Electronic Systems

Heterogeneous Integration of Silicon and Printed Electronics

by Li-Rong Zheng, Hannu Tenhunen, Zhuo Zou
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2018

Unique in focusing on both organic and inorganic materials from a system point of view, this text offers a complete overview of printed electronics integrated with classical silicon electronics. Following an introduction to the topic, the book discusses the materials and processes required for printed...
Book cover of Organisierter Kinderschutz in Deutschland

Organisierter Kinderschutz in Deutschland

Strukturdynamiken und Modernisierungsparadoxien

by Ingo Bode, Hannu Turba
Language: German
Release Date: August 21, 2014

Kinderschutz ist seit Längerem ein „heißes“ Thema in Politik und Gesellschaft. Die zahlreichen Medienberichte über kritische Ereignisse in Familien und das (angebliche) Versagen zuständiger Instanzen erregen regelmäßig die Gemüter derer, die sich urteilsfähig fühlen – und dies ist im...
Book cover of Angle Mort numéro 4
by Hannu Rajaniemi, Hélène Marchetto, Jean-Claude Dunyach
Language: French
Release Date: August 4, 2011

Le collectif Angle Mort est composé d’éditeurs, d’écrivains, de traducteurs et de scientifiques partageant une même conception de la science-fiction ; celle d’une méthode d’exploration de soi et de notre environnement. La revue numérique Angle Mort publie des nouvelles contemporaines,...
Book cover of Canal Grande

Canal Grande


by Hannu Raittila
Language: German
Release Date: July 17, 2013

Fünf Finnen und ein Sanierungsfall. Was geschieht, wenn fünf Finnen im Auftrag der UNESCO nach Venedig reisen, um die Stadt vor dem Versinken zu retten? Nun, es geschieht eine ganze Menge Unsinn. Urkomisch, intelligent, voller Anspielungen auf Literatur, Kunst und Kultur: „Canal Grande“...
Book cover of Atlantis



by Hannu Raittila
Language: German
Release Date: July 17, 2013

Die spinnen, die Finnen! Ein finnisches Dorf, das in zehn Meter Tiefe des Saimaa-Sees liegt. Ein größenwahnsinniger Geschäftsmann, der dort Unterwasser-Tourismus entwickeln will. Eine Volkskundlerin, die auf ihren Tauchgängen der finnischen Geschichte nachspürt: Nach „Canal Grande“...
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