Harris: 3642 books

Book cover of Le parole di luce
by Joanne Harris
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 14, 2013

Maddy e Maggie hanno la stessa età, ma non potrebbero essere più diverse. Maddy, la coraggiosa protagonista delle Parole segrete, ha un animo ribelle; Maggie, invece, ama le regole e la disciplina. La sua passione sono i libri antichi. È solo immersa tra quelle pagine che riesce a non sentirsi sola....
Book cover of Il giardino delle pesche e delle rose

Il giardino delle pesche e delle rose

La trilogia di Chocolat

by Joanne Harris
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 8, 2012

Il vento ha ricominciato a soffiare. Vianne Rocher lo sa: è un segnale, qualcosa sta per succedere. Quando riceve una lettera inaspettata e misteriosa, capisce che ormai niente può opporsi a quel richiamo. Vianne non ha altra scelta che seguirlo e tornare a Lansquenet, là dove tutto è cominciato,...
Book cover of Le scarpe rosse

Le scarpe rosse

La trilogia di Chocolat

by Joanne Harris
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 24, 2012

Sono passati quattro anni da quando Vianne Rocher - l'eroina di Chocolat - ha lasciato Lansquenet con la figlia Anouk. Lo scandalo e le chiacchiere le hanno seguite, perseguitate, minacciate di villaggio in villaggio, ancora di più quando Vianne ha dato alla luce la piccola Rosette. Alla fine hanno...
Book cover of Le parole segrete
by Joanne Harris
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 24, 2012

Nel villaggio di Malbry non è facile essere giovani e coltivare i propri sogni. Le regole e la disciplina la fanno da padroni; i giochi e gli incantesimi sono stati proibiti. Eppure Maddy non ha mai smesso di credere nel potere dei sogni e della magia. Lei è diversa da tutti: è ribelle, curiosa, testarda,...
Book cover of Cinque quarti d'arancia
by Joanne Harris
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 24, 2012

Framboise Dartigen aveva solo nove anni quando gli occupanti nazisti arrivarono a Les Laveuses, il paesino sulle rive della Loira dove viveva con la mamma e i fratelli maggiori Cassis e Reinette. In quei giorni sospesi tra la fiaba crudele dell'infanzia e la tragedia della storia accadde qualcosa di...
Book cover of Doctor Who: Zeitreisen
by Cecilia Ahern, Stella Duffy, Jake Arnott
Language: German
Release Date: February 26, 2018

Eine Zeitreise kreuz und quer durch die Galaxis. Vom alten Alexandria bis hin zu namenlosen Planeten in der fernen Zukunft entführen diese Geschichten aus dem beliebten Science-Fiction-Universum den Leser. Die Highlights dieser Kurzgeschichtensammlung stammen von keinen Geringeren als Trudi Canavan...
Book cover of Christopher's Christmas
by Adella J. Harris
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2017

Valet Chris MacCullan knows better than to fall in love with someone at a Christmas house party, but there’s nothing wrong with a bit of fun. Even with the shy, sweet son of the housekeeper, as long as he’s careful not to do anything that will hurt the fellow later. But as he gets to know his...
Book cover of Fall of Centuria Volume 2 Rise of Centuria
by James Harris
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2018

The demons have the upper hand in their fight against the humans on Palatovia. LORD EMALF, the demon lord, has destroyed the city of Centuria, leaving no survivors save NYDRAIA, a leader of the nes kaliba, a water people. Through his dark arts, Emalf now commands all of the demons and other vulgar...
Book cover of Lord Edwin Falls
by Adella J Harris
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2017

Three traitor lords plotted to kill the king; now their sons must deal with the aftermath. Alan Brideson has almost everything his father wanted for him: a prosperous business he enjoys selling objets d’arts imported from the Far East, a good address in town, and if everything goes according...
Book cover of Adam: My Literary Alter Ego
by L. David Harris
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2015

This is the story of “Adam: My Literary Alter Ego.” If you have read any of my secular books, you have seen repeated reference to this mystery character. Adam is a principle, more that an individual person. I am Adam. You will see various aspects of my life in the story. Adam is a confluence of...
Book cover of Mollie's Tailpiece
by Christine M. Harris
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2017

Every Sunday, Mollie - a miniature dachshund - would attend Mass at Holy Trinity Church in Gosport with her owner, Christine Harris. Mollie had her own kneeler, received the blessing of St Francis from the priest and regarded it as her special duty to welcome newcomers to the church. She was also known...
Book cover of La fleur d'Orient - Le serment du prince
by Susan Mallery, Lynn Raye Harris
Language: French
Release Date: July 1, 2019

La fleur d'Orient, Susan Mallery Victoria est effondrée. Comment son propre père a-t-il pu la vendre à un homme, comme si elle n’était qu’une vulgaire marchandise ? Hélas, c’est pourtant bien la vérité : afin d’échapper à la prison, son père l’a offerte au prince Kateb d’El-Deharia....
Book cover of Angst
by Robert Harris
Language: German
Release Date: November 9, 2011

Der beklemmend aktuelle Thriller von Bestsellergarant Robert Harris Für die Öffentlichkeit ist er ein Unbekannter, aber in den geheimen inneren Zirkeln der Superreichen ist Alex Hoffmann eine lebende Legende – ein visionärer Wissenschaftler, der eine Software entwickelt hat, die an den...
Book cover of Intrige
by Robert Harris
Language: German
Release Date: October 28, 2013

Die größte Verschwörung der Moderne – der neue große Politthriller des Bestsellerautors Am 22. Dezember 1894 wird der französische Hauptmann Alfred Dreyfus wegen Landesverrat zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt und verbannt. Ein Justizirrtum, wie er beteuert und wovon auch der neue Geheimdienstchef...
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