Hegel: 78 books

Book cover of Phänomenologie des Geistes
by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Language: German
Release Date: January 3, 2015

Die Phänomenologie des Geistes ist das 1807 veröffentlichte erste Hauptwerk des Philosophen Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Es stellt den Ersten Theil seines Systems der Wissenschaft dar. Der "Phänomenologie" sollte sich die Darstellung der "Realen Wissenschaften" anschließen...
Book cover of Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics
by Georg Hegel
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2004

No philosopher has held a higher opinion of art than Hegel, yet nor was any so profoundly pessimistic about its prospects - despite living in the German golden age of Goethe, Mozart and Schiller. For if the artists of classical Greece could find the perfect fusion of content and form, modernity faced...
Book cover of The Philosophy Of History [Christmas Summary Classics]
by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2012

Christmas Summary Classics This series contains summary of Classic books such as Emma, Arne, Arabian Nights, Pride and prejudice, Tower of London, Wealth of Nations etc. Each book is specially crafted after reading complete book in less than 30 pages. One who wants to get joy of book reading especially...
Book cover of Natural Law

Natural Law

The Scientific Ways of Treating Natural Law, Its Place in Moral Philosophy, and Its Relation to the Positive Sciences of Law

by G. W. F. Hegel
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2011

One of the central problems in the history of moral and political philosophy since antiquity has been to explain how human society and its civil institutions came into being. In attempting to solve this problem philosophers developed the idea of natural law, which for many centuries was used to describe...
Book cover of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature
by G.W.F. Hegel
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2014

First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of The Philosophy of Fine Art: Hegel's Aesthetik (Complete)
by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

For a subject-matter such as this the term "Aesthetic" is no doubt not entirely appropriate, for "Aesthetic" denotes more accurately the science of the senses or emotion. It came by its origins as a science, or rather as something that to start with purported to be a branch of...
Book cover of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature

Hegel's Philosophy of Nature

Volume II Edited by M J Petry

by Hegel, G W F
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2014

First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of Philosophy of History (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)
by G. W. F. Hegel
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2009

Hegel's philosophical history of the world is a work that grows out of a genre in philosophy that looks at history as the development of human abilities and charts the progress of humankind through a series of epochs. For Hegel, history is centered largely on political developments, on the deeds of...
Book cover of Phänomenologie des Geistes
by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2012

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Werke. Auf der Grundlage der Werke von 1832-1845 neu edierte Ausgabe. Redaktion Eva Moldenhauer und Karl Markus Michel, Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp, 1979 (Theorie-Werkausgabe). Erstdruck: Bamberg und Würzburg (Goebhardt) 1807. Der Text folgt bis S. 35 der von Hegel kurz vor seinem Tod begonnenen Revision.
Book cover of Introduzione all'Enciclopedia
by Gianluca Riccadonna, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 12, 2017

Hegel è un pensatore audace, oltre che originale. La sua visione della realtà, tesa a ricostituire l’armonia perduta fra l’uomo, la natura e Dio, è radicalmente alternativa a quella impostasi in età moderna. E la nozione dinamica di concetto (Begriff) che la caratterizza ne è come il centro...
Book cover of Propedeutica Filosofica

Propedeutica Filosofica

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 4, 2017

Propedeutica filosofica è il titolo sotto cui sono raccolti i materiali delle lezioni tenute da Hegel al ginnasio di Norimberga tra il 1809 e il 1816, che proponiamo in una nuova traduzione italiana basata sull’edizione critica del 1971. Si tratta di un passaggio di grande importanza nello sviluppo...
Book cover of Aufsätze aus dem kritischen Journal der Philosophie
by Georg Wilhelm Hegel
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Zusammen mit Schelling gab Hegel 1802-1803 das Kritische Journal der Philosophie heraus. Die Artikel, die Hegel in dieser Zeitschrift schrieb, umfassen so wichtige wie "Glauben und Wissen" (Juli 1802, eine Kritik von Kant, Jacobi und Fichte) oder "Über die wissenschaftliche Behandlungsarten des Naturrechtes" (November 1802). (aus wikipedia.de)
Book cover of Creer y saber

Creer y saber

Nueva edición revisada

by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Jorge Aurelio Díaz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 28, 2017

En este texto que marca el paso entre las obras de juventud y los escritos de madurez, Hegel pasa revista a tres filósofos de su tiempo con los que llega a su plenitud el pensamiento moderno: Kant, Jacobi y Fichte. Son "filosofías de la reflexión", producto del llamado "giro a la subjetividad"...
Book cover of La raison dans l'Histoire
by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HEGEL
Language: French
Release Date: May 24, 2012

La raison dans l'Histoire est un écrit central de la pensée de Hegel et le plus accessible de ses livres. Un ouvrage qui a eu une influence décisive sur l'ensemble de la philosophie moderne. Ici, le monde des Anciens et le Siècle des Lumières prennent fin. Dans une puissante vision synthétique,...
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