Herman Melville: 398 books

Book cover of Typee (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2011

Melville's first novel was based on his experiences in French Polynesia. Tommo and Toby, tired of an abusive life on the whaling ship, decide to hide on an island. They soon discover the Typees, who bring them into their village with kindness, despite being cannibals. Contrasting the idyllic life of...
Book cover of Moby Dick (Los mejores clásicos)
by Herman Melville
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 2, 2015

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. A través de este clásico, Melville logra convertir la historia de la caza de un cachalote en toda una metáfora sobre la condición humana y sus conflictos. Moby Dick, la novela que William Faulkner hubiera querido escribir, va siempre acompañada...
Book cover of Billy Budd
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2016

Written during the last years of Melville's life, a quarter of a century after his main work, by which his reputation was established, had been completed; and it was not published until 1924, when it was included in the limited Standard Edition. In the opinion of many critics it is Melville's most significant work after Moby Dick, and one of the most remarkable short novels ever written.
Book cover of Moby-Dick
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2012

A masterpiece of storytelling, this epic saga pits Ahab, a brooding and fantastical sea captain, against the great white whale that crippled him. In telling the tale of Ahab's passion for revenge and the fateful voyage that ensued, Melville produced far more than the narrative of a hair-raising journey;...
Book cover of Cuentos completos
by Herman Melville, Miguel Temprano García
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 25, 2012

Muchos de los héroes melvilleanos temen y sufren «la deriva universal de la masa de la humanidad hacia el más completo de los olvidos» de la misma angustiosa manera que tratan de oponerse a ella. La propia deriva de Melville en su tiempo, incomprendido y escasamente valorado por el público y...
Book cover of Bartleby, el escribiente

Bartleby, el escribiente

Una historia de Wall Street

by Herman Melville
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 20, 2019

Conmemoramos el bicentenario del nacimiento de Melville con la edición de una de sus obras más célebres que incluye, además, una introducción de Enrique Vila-Matas. «Preferiría no hacerlo -repetí yo como si fuera su eco, levantándome muy alterado y cruzando la habitación de una zancada-....
Book cover of Mardi, and a Voyage Thither (Complete)
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2014

Mardi is Melville's first pure fiction work (while featuring fictional narrators, his previous novels were heavily autobiographical). It details (much like Typee and Omoo) the travelings of an American sailor who abandons his whaling vessel to explore the South Pacific. Unlike the first two, however,...
Book cover of Io e il mio camino
by Herman Melville
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 13, 2015

Una delle opere più gustose del grande letterato americano, che si ispira a un evento avvenuto nel 1850: Melville quell'anno si trasferisce in una grande fattoria a Pittsfield, Massachussets. È proprio lì che comincerà a scrivere il suo capolavoro più grande, 'Moby Dick'. In quella fattoria,...
Book cover of Moby Dick

Moby Dick

la balena bianca

by Herman Melville
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 9, 2018

... Melville si basa sulla sua esperienza personale per scrivere Moby Dick. Un capolavoro letterario per ogni età. Il Capitano Achab fa subito capire che sarà una spedizione insolita, tesa alla vendetta contro Moby Dick, la grande balena bianca che gli aveva divorato la gamba. Al primo avvistamento...
Book cover of Typee
by Herman Melville
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 8, 2016

Melville abandonó el barco Acushnet en las Islas Marquesas en julio de 1842. Por tres semanas vivió entre los naturales de Typee, que considerados caníbales por los dos otros grupos tribales de la isla, aunque trataron a Melville muy bien. Su libro Typee describe un breve asunto del amor con una muchacha nativa hermosa, Fayaway
Book cover of Benito Cereno
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2014

In developing the novella, Melville drew almost exclusively on the memoir of the real Captain Amasa Delano, whom Melville depicts as the main protagonist and focal character. Delano recounts how in 1805, his vessel Perseverance encountered the Spanish Tryal (not to be confused with the 17th-century...
Book cover of Bartleby, el escribiente
by Herman Melville
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 19, 2013

Bartleby, el escribiente es una de las narraciones más originales y conmovedoras de la historia de la literatura. Melville escribió este relato a mediados del siglo xix, pero por él no parece haber pasado el tiempo. Nos cuenta la historia de un peculiar copista que trabaja en una oficina de Wall...
Book cover of Bartleby, l'escrivent
by Herman Melville
Language: Catalan
Release Date: April 1, 2008

Bartleby [Bartleby, l'escrivent] és una de les narracions més originals i commovedores de la història de la literatura. Melville va escriure aquest relat a mitjan segle XIX, però no sembla pas que els anys hagin passat per damunt seu. Ens conta la història d'un peculiar copista que treballa en...
Book cover of Omoo


con alcuni scritti e documenti inediti

by Herman Melville
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 1, 2019

Omoo, da tempo introvabile e tradotto qui integralmente, è il secondo romanzo di Melville. Racconta di una baleniera sconquassata comandata da un capitano inetto, di una ciurma di personaggi squinternati, di ammutinamenti, imprigionamenti, incontri, amicizie e baruffe con isolani e missionari di...
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