Hoppe: 130 books

Book cover of Hart's Heart
by Michelle Hoppe
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2016

Lords and Ladies, Masters and submissives! Like King Arthur before him, loyal and brave knights protect Lord Hart, his subjects, and the castle. This hidden world is steeped in mystery, old ways are honored, and men control all things. Existing in complete separation and secrecy; Sir...
Book cover of Das Sizilien-Kochbuch

Das Sizilien-Kochbuch

Mit Rezepten & Fotos von Cettina Vicenzino

by Andreas Hoppe, Cettina Vicenzino
Language: German
Release Date: September 11, 2017

Eine kulinarische Entdeckungsreise durch Sizilien Schauspieler Andreas Hoppe, seit über 20 Jahren als Mario Kopper im „Tatort“ Ludwigshafen zu sehen, hat eines mit seiner Serienfigur mit sizilianischen Wurzeln gemeinsam: die Liebe zur einfachen, mediterranen, sizilianischen Küche. Mehr...
Book cover of Because I Said So
by Michelle Hoppe
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2016

Do the words "What's for dinner?" make you cringe? Are you tired of one-word answers from the teenager in the house? These hilarious stories are a laugh-out-loud look at everyday life. From "A construction company…what were we thinking?" to "My Big, Fat Tongue," you...
Book cover of Isaiah


Volume 13

by Leslie J. Hoppe OFM
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

The book of Isaiah uses both prose and poetry to engage readers in a drama of great emotion and intensity. Although the circumstances under which this book took its present form remain in scholarly dispute, this commentary highlights its larger purpose-to provide the people of Judah and Jerusalem...
Book cover of Live Your Divinity: Inspirations for New Consciousness
by Saint-Germain, Adamus; Hoppe, Geoffrey and Linda
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2012

Well-known channelers Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe share the spiritual messages of Adamus Saint-Germain, the ascended master and teacher from the angelic Crimson Council, in Live Your Divinity. Saint-Germain has manifested in many lifetimes, expressing various identities in many adventures on Earth: from...
Book cover of Healthy Sex Drive, Healthy You: What Your Libido Reveals About Your Life
by Diana Hoppe
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2010

Women's lives are fuller and richer than ever, but often at the expense of sexual intimacy. Dr. Diana Hoppe demonstrates that a woman's libido is a reflection of her overall health, and that a healthy sex drive not only indicates a well-balanced life, but sexual intimacy has significant health benefits....
Book cover of Am I Normal? A Woman's Guide to Female Sexuality
by Jennifer Gunsaullus, PhD & Diana Hoppe, MD
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2012

A fun and informative book for young women to learn about their bodies and female sexuality. Topics include female sexual anatomy, body image and self-esteem, gender messages, and self exploration. Worksheets are included in each chapter. This female sexuality ebook is written by board certified Ob/Gyn, Diana Hoppe, M.D., and Sociologist/Sex Therapist, Jennifer Gunsaullus, Ph.D.
Book cover of Atto di coscienza - Come reciti la tua realtà e come puoi reinterpretarla
by Geoffrey Hoppe, Linda Hoppe, Adamus Saint Germain
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 4, 2016

Chi ha detto che l'illuminazione sia qualcosa che trascende il corpo e la materia? Chi ha stabilito che il processo di realizzazione spirituale sia difficile e complesso? Chi ha instillato l'idea che l'illuminazione porti con sé la risoluzione di tutti i problemi, la conoscenza assoluta del tutto...
Book cover of Forever Caspia
by Michelle Hoppe
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2016

A traitor king. A family in turmoil. He was born a Merman but raised as human, and now...his life is about to change again! Forever Caspia by paranormal erotic romance author Michelle Hoppe is an exciting tale of subterfuge and evil lurking beneath the waves of the Caspian Sea. A curse will...
Book cover of Club Belle Tori
by Michelle Hoppe
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2016

Rich, intelligent, sexy, they have it all . . . except someone to love. Step into the sensuous world of Club Belle Tori by erotic romance author Michelle Hoppe, where the pages burn as passion flares between two people bent on fulfilling their wildest fantasies. This is the story of...
Book cover of Palau


Ein Tauch- & Reiseführer

by Christoph Hoppe, Judith Hoppe
Language: German
Release Date: January 28, 2016

Palau ist wegen seiner Artenvielfalt für Taucher eine der Tauchdestinationen der Welt. Im Jahre 2009 deklarierte die ehemalige, deutsche Kolonie ihre Gewässer zum ersten Haischutzgebiet der Erde. Es folgte die Aufnahme der im Süden gelegenen Rock Islands in die Liste der UNSCO- Welt- und -Naturerbestätten....
Book cover of Adamus Saint-Germain - Entdecke den Meister in dir

Adamus Saint-Germain - Entdecke den Meister in dir

20 entscheidende Impulse für die Gestaltung der eigenen Realität

by Geoffrey Hoppe, Linda Hoppe
Language: German
Release Date: May 22, 2017

Neue Botschaften des beliebtesten Aufgestiegenen Meisters Was ist Realität wirklich, und wie kann sie verändert werden? Wie können wir selbstauferlegte Beschränkungen überwinden und unser Bewusstsein öffnen? Wie können wir die spirituellen Energien der Neuen Zeit nutzen? Die Botschaften...
Book cover of Ökonomik als Wissenschaft und die Methode der Österreichischen Schule
by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Language: German
Release Date: September 2, 2015

Erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung liegt hiermit die frühe Schrift "Economic Science and the Austrian Method" des Ökonomen und Philosophen Hans Hermann Hoppe vor. Aufbauend auf den Werken von Ludwig von Mises entwickelt Hoppe ein Verständnis der Ökonomik als einer apriorischen Wissenschaft...
Book cover of Picnic of the Virtues
by Felicitas Hoppe
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2014

These five darkly comic vignettes are absurd modern fairy-tales, full of Chaplinesque slapstick and ominous imagery. Their tragicomic heroes must navigate adolescence and family life, poverty and humiliation, love and ambition - and perhaps even emerge with their dignity. From her break-out debut collection,...
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