Ian Stewart: 83 books

Book cover of Companion to Contemporary Economic Thought
by Michael Bleaney, David Greenaway, Dr Ian Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 1992

* 41 in-depth essays cover current economic theory and applied economics in a single, comprehensive volume * Interfaces section considers economics as it relates to other disciplines * Extensive notes, bibliographies and suggestions for further reading; detailed index of Topics and People `A...
Book cover of Dio gioca a dadi?

Dio gioca a dadi?

La nuova matematica del caos

by Ian Stewart
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 2, 2017

Il gocciolamento di un rubinetto, l’evoluzione delle condizioni meteorologiche, la dinamica di una popolazione animale: sono tutti fenomeni che non obbediscono al paradigma della scienza classica, per la presenza di un elemento comune, il caos, che rende impossibile ogni previsione. La maestria...
Book cover of Welt-Formeln


17 mathematische Gleichungen, die Geschichte machten

by Ian Stewart
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2014

Sie haben die Geschichte des Menschen mindestens ebenso beeinflusst wie Kriege, Revolutionen und die Mächtigen der Welt – Gleichungen fassen in wenigen Symbolen den Fortschritt des Wissens zusammen. Vom Bau der Pyramiden bis zur Satellitennavigation bilden sie die Basis jeder Erfindung. Manche...
Book cover of Professor Stewarts mathematisches Sammelsurium
by Ian Stewart
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2011

Wie können Sie durch Ihre Finger schneiden, ohne sie abzutrennen? Wie finden Sie heraus, ob das Kaninchen schwarz oder weiß ist, ohne unter den Hut zu schauen? Und was hat das alles mit Mathematik zu tun? Der Mathe-Guru Ian Stewart, auch hierzulande längst Kult, hat seit seinem 14. Lebensjahr in...
Book cover of Professor Stewarts mathematische Schätze
by Ian Stewart
Language: German
Release Date: March 9, 2012

Was war noch mal die Catalan'sche Vermutung? Und woher kommt eigentlich das Wurzelsymbol? Was hat die Zahl Pi mit dem Sternenhimmel zu tun? Wer erfand das Gleichheitszeichen? Der britische Matheguru Ian Stewart breitet in diesem Band Schätze aus, die er in Jahrzehnten gesammelt hat: über 180 interessante...
Book cover of The Great Mathematical Problems
by Ian Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2013

There are some mathematical problems whose significance goes beyond the ordinary - like Fermat's Last Theorem or Goldbach's Conjecture - they are the enigmas which define mathematics. The Great Mathematical Problems explains why these problems exist, why they matter, what drives mathematicians to...
Book cover of Concepts of Modern Mathematics
by Ian Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2012

Some years ago, "new math" took the country's classrooms by storm. Based on the abstract, general style of mathematical exposition favored by research mathematicians, its goal was to teach students not just to manipulate numbers and formulas, but to grasp the underlying mathematical concepts. The...
Book cover of What Does a Martian Look Like?

What Does a Martian Look Like?

The Science of Extraterrestrial Life

by Jack Cohen, Ian Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2007

"A fascinating and useful handbook to both the science and science fiction of extraterrestrial life. Cohen and Stewart are amusing, opinionated, and expert guides. I found it a terrific and informative piece of work-nothing else like it!" -Greg Bear "I loved it." -Larry...
Book cover of Unglaubliche Zahlen
by Ian Stewart
Language: German
Release Date: June 24, 2016

In diesem Buch nimmt der britische Mathe-Guru seine Leser mit auf eine Reise durch das Reich der Zahlen – reelle, rationale, irrationale, komplexe; ganz, ganz kleine und unendlich große, Fraktale, Logarithmen, Hochzahlen, Primzahlen, Kusszahlen und viele mehr. Jedes Kapitel konzentriert sich auf...
Book cover of Los grandes problemas matemáticos
by Ian Stewart
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 18, 2014

Hay algunos problemas matemáticos cuya importancia va más allá de lo ordinario - como último teorema de Fermat o la conjetura de Goldbach - son los enigmas que definen las matemáticas. Los grandes problemas matemáticosexplica cuáles son estos problemas, por qué son importantes, lo que impulsa...
Book cover of Darwin's Watch

Darwin's Watch

The Science of Discworld III: A Novel

by Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2015

When Charles Darwin writes the wrong book and reverses the progress of science, Unseen University’s wizards must once again save Roundworld (Earth, that is) from an apocalyptic end. Ever since a wizardly experiment inadvertently brought about the creation of Roundworld, the wizard scholars...
Book cover of Mr Struth: The Boss
by David Mason, Ian Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2013

Bill Struth is the most celebrated Manager in the history of Rangers Football Club. In his 34 year tenure, he led the club to 30 major trophies and nurtured many of the club's greatest players. To them, he was simply 'Mr. Struth' - a father figure who guided them with the principle that, '... to be...
Book cover of ACT and RFT in Relationships

ACT and RFT in Relationships

Helping Clients Deepen Intimacy and Maintain Healthy Commitments Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Relational Frame Theory

by JoAnne Dahl, PhD, Ian Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2014

Even if you are not a couples therapist, chances are you have dealt with clients whose problems are based in relationship issues. In order to successfully treat these clients, you must first help them understand what their values are in these relationships, and how their behavior may be undermining...
Book cover of Wheelers
by Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2016

In the year 2270, with travel to the nearby planets well established, a bizarre discovery is made on Callisto, the eighth moon of Jupiter. Dozens upon dozens of strange wheeled artifacts--wheelers--are found buried beneath the icy surface. No one knows what they were used for and who left them in...
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