J Alves: 15 books

Book cover of As mais belas preces de Nossa Senhora
by J. Alves
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 24, 2014

Nossa Senhora deve fazer parte de todos os momentos da nossa vida. Seja na adversidade ou na graça, a Mãe de Jesus e da humanidade, tem que ser sempre lembrada. Por meio desta linda obra, o autor J. Alves apresenta uma seleção de preces, como: preces diárias do cristãos; preces em louvor a Nossa...
Book cover of Enigmas of the English Alphabet

Enigmas of the English Alphabet

And the Art of the Scribe

by Alvaro J. Alves-Milho
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2016

English is the international language of the modern world. In fact, there are more people learning it as a second language than there are native speakers. For a non-English speaker, learning English can open the door to new horizons and many opportunities. However, learning Englishin particular, its...
Book cover of Head Injury Simulation in Road Traffic Accidents
by Fábio A. O. Fernandes, Ricardo J. Alves de Sousa, Mariusz Ptak
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2018

In this work the development of a new geometrically detailed finite element head model is presented. Special attention is given to sulci and gyri modelling, making this model more geometrically accurate than others currently available. The model was validated against experimental data from impact...
Book cover of Os cinco minutos dos Santos
by J. Alves
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 28, 2013

Apresenta todos os santos, solenidades, festas e memórias obrigatórias na liturgia católica a pessoas que desejam alimentar o coração com uma palavra de alento. Em cada oração, há breves pensamentos de confiança em Deus, de otimismo, de libertação interior, de louvor e de esperança cristã....
Book cover of Bards and Sages Quarterly (July 2016)
by Milo James Fowler, Simon Kewin, Carl Alves
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2016

Since 2009, the Bards and Sages Quarterly has brought fans of speculative fiction an amazing variety of short stories from both new and established authors. Each issue sets out to introduce readers to the wealth of talent found in the horror, fantasy, and science fiction genres. In this issue: Carl...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of cocoa
by Dr Ranjana Bhattacharjee, Dr Brigitte Laliberté, Dr Chris Turnbull
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2018

There is a growing demand for cocoa. However, cultivation is dependent on ageing trees with low yields and increasing vulnerability to disease. There is growing concern about the environmental impact of cultivation in areas soil health and biodiversity. There is therefore an urgent need to make cocoa...
Book cover of Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Non-traditional Terrestrial Models

by P R Alves, Grazyna Wilczek, Frank Martin
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2017

The potential impact of anthropogenic pollutants such as agrochemicals on the environment is of global concern. Increasing use of certain compounds can result in contamination of food, water and atmospheric systems and in order to combat this pollution it is important to be able to accurately monitor...
Book cover of Raça - trajetórias de um conceito

Raça - trajetórias de um conceito

Histórias do discurso racial na América Latina

by Monica Grin, Regiane Gouveia, Alessandra Gonzalez de Carvalho Seixlack
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 20, 2016

Há em todo o material que compõe Raça: trajetórias de um conceito – histórias do discurso racial na América Latina o interesse comum de se pensar o discurso racial tal como ele foi elaborado por diversos grupos da intelectualidade latino-americana. Esta é, portanto, uma coletânea de artigos...
Book cover of Relato Financeiro: Interpretação e Análise

Relato Financeiro: Interpretação e Análise

3ª edição revista e atualizada

by Sant´Ana Fernandes, J. Rodrigo, Cristina Gonçalves
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 16, 2016

Um livro que apresenta de uma forma acessível e pragmática as noções indispensáveis à interpretação e análise da informação contida nas demonstrações financeiras (Balanço, Demonstrações dos Resultados e dos Fluxos de Caixa) apresentadas pelas entidades para prestação de contas. Destinatários:...
Book cover of Dual-Feasible Functions for Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
by Francois Clautiaux, Cláudio Alves, José Valério de Carvalho
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2016

This book provides a postgraduate audience the keys they need to understand and further develop a set of tools for the efficient computation of lower bounds and valid inequalities in integer programs and combinatorial optimization problems. After discussing the classical approaches described in the...
Book cover of Getting Started with Oracle Event Processing 11g
by Alexandre Alves, Robin J. Smith, Lloyd Williams
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2013

This getting started book will use practical chapters which follow logical and progressively more complex tasks and examples, which will impart the skills of how to use Oracle Complex Event Processing to the reader. This book is aimed at both those with some knowledge of java and SQL database experience,...
Book cover of Ethnobotany for Beginners
by Patrícia Muniz de Medeiros, Marcelo Alves Ramos, Washington Soares Ferreira Júnior
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2017

Designed for new scholars, this book features a quick and easy-to-read discussion of ethnobotany along with its major developments. The language is clear and concise, objective and straightforward, and structured to lead the reader from the beginning of this science to the most recent developments....
Book cover of O Outro Leviatã e a Corrida ao Fundo do Poço
by Onofre Alves Batista Júnior
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 15, 2019

O capitalismo gera desigualdades que podem destruir os valores meritocráticos sobre os quais as sociedades democráticas são edificadas. Com a mundialização do capital, o outro Leviatã (que voa) vem dando ensejo a guerras fiscais, bem como ao desemprego estrutural e a formação de um precariado,...
Book cover of Aparecida


Por un nuevo tiempo de alegría y esperanza en la vida eclesial

by Emilia Robles Bohorquez, Ana María Schlüter Rodés, José Oscar Beozzo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 15, 2014

Si queremos entender qué piensa el papa Francisco y cuál es su visión para la Iglesia del futuro, debemos conocer el documento de Aparecida, que él mismo redactó para la Iglesia Latinoamericana en 2007. El Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano y del Caribe (CELAM), que agrupa a los obispos católicos...
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