J C: 3086 books

Book cover of Interstitial, Endocavitary and Perfusional Hyperthermia
by J.M. Cosset, K.-H. Bichler, W.L. Strohmaier
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

"Internal" hyperthermia is a type of thermotherapy by which heat is sup­ plied to tumor tissue in situ. There are three different techniques for pro­ viding internal hyperthermia: (1) interstitial hyperthermia using implanted needle probes, (2) intracavitary hyperthermia using probes introduced...
Book cover of Historie romanie
by Tite-Live (59 av.J.-C. – 17 av.J.-C.), Désiré Nisard
Language: French
Release Date: March 25, 2014

 C'est d'abord un fait assez constant, qu'après la prise de Troie la vengeance des Grecs, s'étant exercée sur le reste du peuple troyen, ne respecta qu'Énée et Anténor, soit que le droit d'une ancienne hospitalité les protégeât, soit...
Book cover of Radiology of The Sella Turcica
by J. Metzger, J. C. Demandre, A. Wackenheim
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

With a Historical Review
Book cover of Coleridge's Dejection Ode
by J.C.C. Mays
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2019

Coleridge's Dejection Ode completes J.C.C. Mays’ analysis of Coleridge’s poetry, following Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner (Palgrave 2016) and Coleridge’s Experimental Poetics (Palgrave 2013). "Dejection: An Ode" stands alone in Coleridge's oeuvre: written at a time of personal...
Book cover of The Concept of Intrinsic Evil and Catholic Theological Ethics
by Stephan Herzberg, Sigrid Müller, Nenad Polgar
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2019

One of the most sweeping, categorical, and absolute phrases that has ever been employed by the hierarchical teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Church refers to a concept called ‘intrinsic evil’. In short, intrinsic evil is invoked to describe certain kinds of human acts that can never be...
Book cover of AIDS up to the Year 2000

AIDS up to the Year 2000

Epidemiological, Sociocultural and Economic Scenario Analysis, Scenario Report Commissioned by the Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios

by C.E.S. Albers, M.J. Postma, Scenario Committee on AIDS
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

In March 1983 the Secretary of State for Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs appointed the Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios (STG). The task of the STG is to advise the Minister on the future of public health and health care in the long term in the Netherlands with a view to increasing...
Book cover of That First Kiss

That First Kiss

Night Calls, #2

by J.C. Valentine
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2017

*Warning: Crank up the A/C! Reading this book may result in premature heat flashes, outbursts of laughter, and ruined undergarments. Proceed with caution.* Mercurial and charming, Tate Larson is a rising author and playboy who has a different woman on his arm every night of the week. Focused...
Book cover of Getting Gold
by J. C. F. Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2013

Getting Gold By J. C. F. Johnson
Book cover of British Plant Communities: Volume 5, Maritime Communities and Vegetation of Open Habitats
by C. D. Pigott, D. A. Ratcliffe, A. J. C. Malloch
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2000

British Plant Communities is the first systematic and comprehensive account of the vegetation types of this country. It covers all natural, semi-natural and major artificial habitats in Great Britain (but not Northern Ireland), representing the fruits of fifteen years of research by leading plant...
Book cover of Jouez de nouveau 212 parties d'échecs de 26 coups ou moins; Logiciels d'échecs de très haut niveau 0, Humain 212
by J.C. Grenon
Language: French
Release Date: September 20, 2015

Comment gagner 212 parties d'échecs rapides (26 coups ou moins) contre les logiciels d'échecs de très haut niveau. Description complète de ces 212 parties avec les figures des pièces, un guide d'utilisation et toutes les règles du jeu d'échecs et beaucoup plus encore sont inclus dans ce livre...
Book cover of Devinez 100 tests d'échec et mat (max 5 coups) contre les logiciels d'échecs de très haut niveau

Devinez 100 tests d'échec et mat (max 5 coups) contre les logiciels d'échecs de très haut niveau

Plus toutes les règles du jeu d'échecs et beaucoup plus encore

by J.C. Grenon
Language: French
Release Date: September 20, 2015

Devinez 100 tests d'échecs et mat de 5 coups ou moins, avec plein de diagrammes et la solution de ces tests à la fin du livre électronoque (epub) d'échecs contre les logiciels d'échecs de très haut niveau. Description complète de ces 100 tests d'échecs et mat avec les figures des pièces  et...
Book cover of Jouez de nouveau 809 parties d'échecs gagnées dont 381 avec les pièces noires; Logiciels d'échecs de très haut niveau 0, Humain 809
by J.C. Grenon
Language: French
Release Date: September 20, 2015

Comment gagner 809 parties d'échecs contre les logiciels d'échecs de très haut niveau. Pleine description de ces 809 parties d'échecs avec les figures des pièces, un guide d'utilisation et toutes les règles du jeu d'échecs et beaucoup plus encore sont  inclus dans ce livre d'échecs. Parmi...
Book cover of The Mediterranean And Middle East: Volume II The Germans Come To The Help Of Their Ally (1941) [Illustrated Edition]
by Major-General I.S.O. Playfair C.B. D.S.O. M.C., Brigadier C. J. C. Molony, Air Vice-Marshal S.E. Toomer C.B. C.B.E. D.F.C.
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2014

Illustrated with 29 maps/diagrams and 44 photographs “The second of the eight volumes dealing with the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern theatres in the 18-volume official British History of the Second World War, this book is largely concerned with the consequences of Germany's decision to prop up...
Book cover of The Mediterranean and Middle East: Volume I The Early Successes Against Italy (To May 1941) [Illustrated Edition]
by Major-General I.S.O. Playfair C.B. D.S.O. M.C., Commander G.M.S. Stitt R.N., Brigadier C. J. C. Molony
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2014

Illustrated with 30 maps and 40 photos. “Britain defeats Italy on land and sea in Africa and the Mediterranean in 1940. “The first of eight volumes in the 18-volume official British History of the Second World War covering the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern theatres. After setting the political...
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