J M Cohen: 22 books

Book cover of Lesben-Liebe


21 scharfe Storys

by Andreas Jäger, Andreas Müller, Jane Hewer
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2016

Zärtlich und wild, sanft und voller Sex-Power und leidenschaftlicher Lust: Erleben Sie in diesen 21 Storys Lesben-Liebe hautnah! Egal ob im Bett, im Fitness-Studio, unter der Dusche, im Auto oder anderswo - der Sex unter Frauen ist atemberaubend. Da ist die ältere, erfahrene Schwester der besten...
Book cover of Magic Sex 1

Magic Sex 1

30 x Lust pur!

by Dave Vandenberg, Andreas Müller, Gerd B. Weiss
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Achtung, dieses Buch ist brandheiß! Auf 336 prall gefüllten Seiten bieten Ihnen über 30 Storys aufregenden Power-Sex, der keine Wünsche offen lässt. Es geht um wilden Sex mit der Nachbarin, erotische Urlaubs-Abenteuer, lustvolle Erlebnisse am Arbeitsplatz, schmutziges Sex-Spielzeug und um sexuellen...
Book cover of Theology and the Soul of the Liberal State
by Ann Althouse, Charles Cohen, John D. Dunne
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2009

Rising calls in both the United States and abroad for theologizing national agendas have renewed examinations about whether liberal states can accommodate such programs without either endangering citizens' rights or trivializing religious concerns. Conventional wisdom suggests that theology is necessarily...
Book cover of Das Fetischlabyrinth

Das Fetischlabyrinth

16 bizarre S/M-Storys

by Andreas J, Vanessa Valentin, Valerie Morell
Language: German
Release Date: September 9, 2016

Die süße Qual der strengen Erziehung, das lustvolle Prickeln der peitsche - diese 16 Storys lassen den Leser hautnah dabei sein: "Meine Arme werden zusammengeschnürt und über meinem Kopf an einem rostigen Haken mit Leder fixiert. Meine Beine werden gespreizt und ebenfalls an Haken festgebunden....
Book cover of New Ways of Doing Business
by John P. Bartkowski, Gary C. Bryner, John J. Callahan
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2003

In their introduction, the editors of New Ways of Doing Business assert that in retrospect, it will be apparent that today's government, that of the early years of the 21st century, "was undergoing its most significant transformation since the decade of the 1930's when direct government-delivered...
Book cover of Friends, Lovers, Co-Workers, and Community

Friends, Lovers, Co-Workers, and Community

Everything I Know about Relationships I Learned from Television

by Lauren Bratslavsky, Elizabeth L. Cohen, Mary Erickson
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2016

Friends, Lovers, Co-Workers, and Community analyzes how television narratives form the first decade of the twenty-first century are powerful socializing agents which both define and limit the types of acceptable interpersonal relationships between co-workers, friends, romantic partners, family members,...
Book cover of Metropolitanization and Public Services
by Charles M. Haar, John G. Wofford, David L. Kirp
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2015

Metropolitanization and Public Services is third in a series on the governance of metropolitan regions which aims to explore the welfare and development of Metropolitan America. Originally published in 1972, this study discusses who decides which essential public services need to be provided within...
Book cover of Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Disease
by Jeffrey A. Cohen, MD, Justin J. Mowchun
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2016

Part of the "What Do I Do Now?" series, Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Disease uses a case-based approach to cover common and important topics in the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. Each chapter provides an overview of the approach to the problem in question followed by a discussion...
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