Jack Thorne: 32 books

Book cover of Harry Potter e la Maledizione dell'Erede parte uno e due

Harry Potter e la Maledizione dell'Erede parte uno e due

Script ufficiale della produzione originale del West End

by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 29, 2019

Script ufficiale della produzione originale del West End. È sempre stato difficile essere Harry Potter e non è molto più facile ora, da impiegato al Ministero della Magia, oberato di lavoro, marito e padre di tre figli in età scolare. Mentre Harry Potter fa i conti con un passato...
Book cover of Harry Potter ja kirottu lapsi Osat yksi ja kaksi (Vain harjoituskäyttöön)
by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne
Language: Finnish
Release Date: November 8, 2016

Harry Potter ja kirottu lapsi on J.K. Rowlingin, John Tiffanyn ja Jack Thornen luoma uusi tarina, jonka on näytelmäksi kirjoittanut Jack Thorne. Se on kahdeksas Harry Potter -tarina ja virallisesti ensimmäinen, josta on tehty näytelmäversio. Näytelmän ensi-ilta oli Lontoon West Endissä 30.7.2016.Harry...
Book cover of Let the Right One In (stage version) (NHB Modern Plays)
by Jack Thorne
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2013

A dark and visceral coming-of-age vampire love story, based on the acclaimed novel and film. Oskar is a bullied, lonely, teenage boy living with his mother on a housing estate at the edge of town, when a spate of sinister killings rocks the neighbourhood. Eli is the young girl who has...
Book cover of Mydidae
by Jack Thorne
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2013

One bathroom. Two people. One day. A relationship witnessed in minute, devastating detail. A story of intimacy, fragility and the darker side of love, Jack Thorne's Mydidae exposes the private and disturbing moments a couple share, and explores what becomes of a relationship when it is held...
Book cover of Harry Potter och Det fördömda barnet Del ett och två

Harry Potter och Det fördömda barnet Del ett och två

Det officiella manuskriptet till West Enduppsättningen

by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne
Language: Swedish
Release Date: June 14, 2018

Det har alltid varit svårt att vara Harry Potter, och det är inte mycket enklare nu när han är en överarbetad anställd på trolldomsministeriet, make och pappa till tre skolbarn. Medan Harry brottas med ett förflutet som ständigt gör sig påmint, måste hans son Albus slåss mot ett...
Book cover of Junkyard (NHB Modern Plays)
by Jack Thorne
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2017

'Who'd want to join in building a fucking playground.' It's 1979, rubbish is on the streets of Bristol, and it's tricky being Fiz. She's thirteen, she's got no money, her sister's pregnant and her mum thinks she's a waste of space... Rick remembers what it's like to be a teenager. So...
Book cover of The Solid Life of Sugar Water (NHB Modern Plays)
by Jack Thorne
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2015

Phil and Alice are in love - familiar, flawed, ordinary love. They are on a journey, but this journey doesn’t have an A to Z. Jack Thorne's The Solid Life of Sugar Water is an intimate, tender play about loss, hurt and rediscovery. It previewed at The Drum, Theatre Royal Plymouth, and premiered...
Book cover of Harry Potter a prokleté dítě, část první a druhá (Zvláštní vydání pracovního scénáře)
by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne
Language: Czech
Release Date: September 24, 2016

Divadelní hru Harry Potter a prokleté dítě na námět J.K. Rowlingové, Johna Tiffanyho a Jacka Thornea napsal Jack Thorne. Je osmým příběhem ze série o Harrym Potterovi a zároveň prvním, který se oficiálně dočkal divadelního zpracování. Toto zvláštní vydání pracovního scénáře...
Book cover of Harry Potter i Przeklęte Dziecko Część pierwsza i druga (Pierwsze wydanie scenariusza)
by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne
Language: Polish
Release Date: October 22, 2016

Harry Potter i Przeklęte Dziecko, nowa opowieść autorstwa J.K. Rowling, Jacka Thorne’a i Johna Tiffany’ego i nowa sztuka Jacka Thorne’a, to ósma historia w serii i pierwszy autoryzowany spektakl teatralny ze świata Harry’ego Pottera. Światowa premiera spektaklu odbyła się na londyńskim...
Book cover of Greenland
by Moira Buffini, Matt Charman, Penelope Skinner
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2011

What on earth is happening to our planet? And who knows what to do? Certainties are few: every living thing is related to every other living thing; our actions have consequences; change is continual and inevitable. The National Theatre asked four of the country's most exciting writers to investigate....
Book cover of ハリー・ポッターと呪いの子 第一部・第二部
by Jack Thorne, John Tiffany, J.K. Rowling
Language: Japanese
Release Date: December 1, 2017

 ロンドン、ウェストエンドで初演された『ハリー・ポッターと呪いの子』の公式脚本。ハリー・ポッターとして生きる宿命を負った少年は、おとなになったいまでも、魔法省で忙しく働きながら、夫として、そして学校へ通う三人の子どもの父親として、悩み多き日々を送っています。ハリーが、事あるごとに甦る過去の記憶に悩むいっぽう、末の息子のアルバスもまた、ポッター家に生まれた重圧に、反発しながら苦しんでいました。過去と現在が不吉に混ざりあうなか、父と息子は忌まわしい真実を知ることになります――時として、闇は思わぬところからしのび寄ってくるのです。『ハリー・ポッターと呪いの子 特別リハーサル版』は、2016年の夏、ジャック・ソーンが脚本を手掛けた同作の舞台がウェストエンドでワールドプレミアを迎えた日に刊行されました。J.K.ローリング、ジョン・ティファニー、ジャック・ソーンが執筆した物語から生まれたこの芝居は、演劇ファンや批評家たちの称賛を浴び、公式脚本はたちまち世界的ベストセラーになりました。今回刊行される愛蔵版は、特別リハーサル版の増補改訂版です。リハーサル版とは少し異なる本番の台詞や、演出のジョン・ティファニーと脚本のジャック・ソーンの二人による、戯曲を読むことをテーマにした対談を収めました。ポッター家の家系図や、『ハリー・ポッターと呪いの子』の物語が幕を開けるまでの魔法界での歴史など、役に立つ予備知識もまとめられています。...
Book cover of Ο Χάρι Πότερ και το καταραμένο παιδί - μέρη ένα και δύο (Ειδική έκδοση του σεναρίου της πρόβας)
by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne
Language: Greek
Release Date: September 26, 2016

Βασισμένο σε μια πρωτότυπη νέα ιστορία από την Τζ. Κ. Ρόουλινγκ, τον Τζον Τίφανι και τον Τζακ Θορν, Ο Χάρι Πότερ και το καταραμένο παιδί είναι η πρώτη επίσημη ιστορία...
Book cover of Bunny
by Jack Thorne
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2012

An exhilarating coming-of-age drama for a solo performer. Fringe First Award, Edinburgh 2010 Scorching heat. A fight. A car chase. A siege. When her boyfriend is attacked on the street, feisty eighteen-year-old Katie is thrust on a white-knuckle ride through one extraordinary evening....
Book cover of Burying Your Brother in the Pavement (NHB Modern Plays)
by Jack Thorne
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2014

A play about grief and looking at someone that little bit more closely. Tom's brother Luke is dead. This has upset a lot of people but it hasn't upset Tom. Or, rather, it has upset him, but in ways he can't explain and other people can't understand. You see, Tom and Luke were never friends....
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