Jacqueline: 1933 books

Book cover of Brüder der Finsternis
by Jacqueline Mayerhofer
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2018

Macht! Unterdrückung und Rebellion. Wesen aus Fleisch und Blut neben Androiden und künstlichen Intelligenzen – eine Galaxis, zerrissen zwischen Tradition und Fortschritt. Connel, der Captain der Albenträne und eigentlich Erbe eines Großkonzerns, stellt sämtliche Regeln infrage, die in...
Book cover of Hunting Hope - Teil 2: Zerrissen

Hunting Hope - Teil 2: Zerrissen


by Jacqueline Mayerhofer, Weltenwandler
Language: German
Release Date: January 20, 2019

Aus der Serie WELTENWANDLER präsentiert der Verlag in Farbe und Bunt den zweiten Teil aus der Reihe "Hunting Hope" von Jacqueline Mayerhofer. Feynel ist frei – jedenfalls schien es gerade noch so. In welche Lage er sich mit seiner ungestümen Entscheidung tatsächlich gebracht hat, wird ihm erst...
Book cover of Mondschatten
by Jacqueline Mayerhofer
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Liebe und Hass.Freude und Verzweiflung.Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Emily McDawn lebt ein glückliches Leben, bis ein Überfall sie Jahre vergessen lässt. Auf der Suche nach den verlorenen Erinnerungen begegnet sie einem geheimnisvollen Mann, der verzweifelten Tagen neuen Sinn einhaucht. Doch...
Book cover of The Mystery of the White Revelation
by Jacqueline Vick
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2016

If only Mrs. Battencourt's diamond necklace hadn't disappeared, then she'd still be willing to make a donation to MGC Middle School. Teacher Sheila Baker only knows one person nosey enough to track down the lost gems, and crime reporter Evan Miller is happy for the chance to get back into Sheila's...
Book cover of Dead Men's Praise
by Jacqueline Osherow
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2007

With Dead Men's Praise, Jacqueline Osherow gives us her fourth and most ambitious collection yet. Her hybrid inspiration ranges from Dante's terza rima, to free verse, to biblical psalms, while always keeping the voice of casual conversation. In the book's centerpiece, "Scattered Psalms," Osherow takes...
Book cover of Les Aztèques
by Jacqueline de Durand-Forest
Language: French
Release Date: June 23, 2017

Sacrifices humains, siège de Tenochtitlan, serpent à plumes: la civilisation aztèque a ses images d'Épinal, qui tendent à masquer des réussites plus subtiles. À la tête d'un grand empire politique et économique, mais aussi héritiers des cultures antérieures à la leur dont ils ont brillamment...
Book cover of So This Is What It Feels Like

So This Is What It Feels Like

Stories of True Life Experience Stories Based on Survival, Endurance, and Inner Strength

by Jacqueline Prydie
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2008

Womens Courageous Battles These are the stories of women who valiantly fight lifes grueling challenges Life is not only made up of joys and excitement, it is also packed with odds, obstacles and obscurities. During the lowest point of life, we tend to give in to the call of retreat and submission...
Book cover of A Message to God
by Jacqueline Carl
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2013

The saga of a bald eagle, Native American Thunderbird, messenger to the gods, and national symbol of the United States, who offers comfort to a child. From the nonfiction book, Whispers from the Wild: Stories from a Wildlife Center--one of a collection of feel-good tales about animals, their...
Book cover of Environmental Burden of Disease Assessment
by Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson, Angela Brammer, Christopher Davidson
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2013

This publication characterizes the environmental burden of disease in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), measured by the excess number of deaths and illnesses in the population due to exposure to environmental hazards. The robust methods used in this risk analysis can be applied to any country or region....
Book cover of Romance sous la Régence : les coups de coeur volume 2
by Isabelle Goddard, Jacqueline Navin, Annie Burrows
Language: French
Release Date: March 15, 2016

**Venez découvrir le meilleur de la romance historique à l'époque de la Régence. Un lord pour une servante, de Isabelle Goddard** Angleterre, 1817 Aurore a pris sa décision. Pas question d’accepter le mariage que son père lui impose et de sceller à jamais son destin avec un homme qu’elle...
Book cover of Une famille pour Brendan - Serments d'amour
by Trish Wylie, Jacqueline Baird
Language: French
Release Date: May 1, 2019

Une famille pour Brenda, Trish Wylie Hasard ou signe du destin ? Brendan ne sait que penser : sa nouvelle voisine n’est autre que Teagan Delaney, son amie de jeunesse. Teagan, dont il était secrètement amoureux au lycée. Mais, quand celle-ci lui demande de l’aider à s’occuper de ses neveux,...
Book cover of Love Machine
by Jacqueline SUSANN
Language: French
Release Date: February 22, 2018

L'amour au temps du petit écran Les années 1960 battent leur plein. Les hommes fument cigarette sur cigarette. Les femmes veulent le tour de taille d'Audrey Hepburn et la poitrine de Marilyn. Dans les quartiers pavillonnaires, la middle class américaine découvre les joies de la télévision......
Book cover of L'amoureuse trahie - Un amour de toujours
by Jacqueline Baird, Margaret Way
Language: French
Release Date: November 1, 2012

L’amoureuse trahie, Jacqueline Baird Dès qu’il croise le regard de celle qui fut brièvement sa femme, six ans plus tôt, Rion Moralis se sent envahi par un désir aussi intense qu’autrefois, mais aussi par la colère et le mépris. Des sentiments si puissants et si tumultueux, qu’il...
Book cover of Locating Maldivian Women’s Mosques in Global Discourses
by Jacqueline H. Fewkes
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2019

In this ethnographic examination of women’s mosques in the Maldives, anthropologist Jacqueline H. Fewkes probes how the existence of these separate buildings—where women lead prayers for other women—intersect with larger questions about gender, space, and global Muslim communities. Bringing...
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