James Bill: 112 books

Book cover of Take
by Bill James
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2012

The sixth title in the popular Harpur and Iles series. 'Planner' Preston, a lifetime of successful robberies behind him, is organising a heist against a wages van, ill-guarded and with a predictable route. After hiring the necessary manpower and allowing for every contingency, Planner sets...
Book cover of Panicking Ralph
by Bill James
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2013

Ralph Ember, owner of a shady drinking club, is playing a dangerous game. Someone knows of his plans to set up his own drugs syndicate. And that someone is not keen on the competition. But who are Ralph's trade rivals? The ambitious Keith Vine? Cultured villain Mansel Shale? Perhaps even Detective...
Book cover of Hotbed
by Bill James
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2014

Drug barons Ralph Ember and Mansel Shale have co-existed peaceably for years, tolerated by Assistant Chief Constable Desmond Iles as a way of keeping violence off the streets. But times are changing. In a downward spiral of paranoia and panic, Ember fears Shale has a plan to kill him and take...
Book cover of Gospel
by Bill James
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2013

'One of British crime writing's hidden jewels' Time Out At 19 years old Denise Prior knew little about criminals and even less about the law. In hindsight only her innocence was to blame for her affair with Detective Inspector Colin Harpur. That same innocence led to a friendship with ballet...
Book cover of Kill Me
by Bill James
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2014

Naomi Anstruther's undercover operation among the drug gangs - planned carefully by Detective Chief Superintendent Colin Harpur - has ended in a bloody shoot-out. Naomi has escaped harm, but her lovers Donald McWater and Lyndon Evans are dead. Now the biggest danger to Naomi is a young woman...
Book cover of Eton Crop
by Bill James
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2013

Pursued from the shadows, Simon Pilgrim fled in terror from the floating restaurant Eton Boating Song. In the bar of the Eton, he'd had the choice spot, discreetly purveying high-stakes drugs to the restaurant's well-to-do patrons. Now he's dead, his throat cut, and the police know that the drug syndicates...
Book cover of Roses, Roses
by Bill James
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2013

'One of British crime writing's hidden jewels' Time Out Megan Harpur had taken the train back from London to tell her husband she was leaving him for another man. By the time Detective Chief Superintendent Colin Harpur discovered her in the station car park in the early hours of the morning,...
Book cover of Trapped in Poverty?

Trapped in Poverty?

Labour-Market Decisions in Low-Income Households

by Bill Jordan, Helen Kay, Marcus Redley
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2013

How do people on low incomes make decisions about employment and benefit claims? Interview material and economic analysis combine with new theories of the relationship between moral and economic reasoning.
Book cover of Protezione
by Bill James
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 28, 2011

La zona grigia tra legge e crimine: informatori, infiltrati, poliziotti disposti a farsi corrompere, delitti insabbiati e inchieste «aggiustate». Il primo romanzo di una serie poliziesca ambientata nell’Inghilterra sud occidentale.
Book cover of Confessione
by Bill James
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 30, 2012

Sarah Iles, moglie del dirigente di polizia Desmond Iles, e il suo amante si ritrovano ad essere scomodi testimoni di un omicidio. Come cercare di far luce senza tradirsi con il marito? Intanto quell'omicidio si rivela il preludio di una carneficina tra le bande malavitose che stendono le mani sulla città.
Book cover of Club
by Bill James
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 30, 2012

Desmond Iles e Colin Harpur, poliziotti angelici e satanici, sono questa volta alle prese con il misterioso omicidio di Ian Aston, uomo di raccordo della malavita e amante dell’inquieta Sarah, moglie del tirannico Iles. E mentre su di lui si concentrano i sospetti dei colleghi, si fa strada nell’organizzazione criminale il proprietario del club Monty, Ralph Ember.
Book cover of Rose, rose
by Bill James
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Indagine clandestina per il Soprintendente di Polizia Colin Harpur: la moglie Megan viene uccisa da tre coltellate al torace nel parcheggio di una stazione ferroviaria e proprio mentre stava tornando a casa ad ufficializzare la relazione con un altro uomo. L’ineffabile Desmond Iles segue la pista...
Book cover of Il detective è morto
by Bill James
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Il «detective è morto» perché il vecchio modo di fare giustizia non funziona più. È morto Knapp, il re del traffico di droga nell’immaginaria città inglese dove si svolge la serie investigativa. Immediatamente si accende la lotta barbarica per la sua eredità e spuntano i primi cadaveri di...
Book cover of Scrivere Lettere d'amore
by Bill James
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 25, 2014

Come scrivere una bella e toccante lettera d'amore, la chiave è nelle tue mani. Seguire questi semplici lettere d'amore scritte. "Il miglior amore è il tipo che risveglia l' anima, che ci fa raggiungere di più, che pianta il fuoco nel nostro cuore e porta la pace alle nostre menti Questo...
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